E-Teach presents:

Online Tools for Teaching

The Anchor Tag

The anchor tag is used to create a link from a web document to any other Interent resource. You can create a link from one web page to another, from one area of a page to another area of the same page, from a web page to an e-mail address, or newsgroup, or telnet site. The item that you click on to make the link can be text or an image.

The following shows examples of the HTML tags needed to create links. The general pattern is:

<a href=URL> Text to click </a>.

To link to the University of Vermont home page, type this:
<a href=http://www.uvm.edu>University of Vermont</a>
and the result will look like this:
University of Vermont

To link to the UVM Library Catalog (LUIS), type this:
<a href=telnet://luis.uvm.edu>UVM Library Catalog</a>
and the result will look like this:
UVM Library Catalog

To create a link that allows someone to send e-mail to you or anyone you designate, type this:
<a href=mailto:judith.ramaley@uvm.edu>Tell the Pres!</a>
and the result will look like this:
Tell the Pres!

To create a link to a newsgroup, type this:
<a href=news:uvm.today>Read about it at UVM</a>
and the result will look like this:
Read about it at UVM

To use an image as the item to click on for a link, type this:
<a href=http://www.uvm.edu><img src=http://www.uvm.edu/icon/uvm/uvmseal.gif align=right alt="UVM Seal"></a><br clear=all>

and the result is this:
Note: This image is aligned to the right using the align tag and all text next to it is cleared before the next text appears by using the <br clear=all> tag.

To use an image and text together to click on for a link, that is, you can click on either the image or the text, type this:
<a href=http://www.uvm.edu><img src=http://www.uvm.edu/icon/uvm/uvmseal.gif align=right alt="UVM Seal"> University of Vermont</a><br clear=all>

and the result is:

Seal University of Vermont

Created by Hope Greenberg, Hope.Greenberg@uvm.edu. Last updated: 4 June 1997.