Job description:

VEIC is working on a potential study for NYSERDA. VEIC is doing the residential and renewable energy portions of the work. The goal is to quantify the potential for using renewable energy in NY State over a period of time between five and 20 years out. We are still working out the details on the scope of work and the methodology with Optimal Energy, the prime contractor, and NYSERDA. We could use an intern to help do research to find existing materials that will help to inform our study. The intern would look for documents and studies regarding: wind energy, biomass, solar thermal and photovoltaic energy, hydro, wave and kinetic energy, and geothermal energy.


The task that I am currently involved in with VEIC, is:

In general:

Help do research to find existing materials that will help to inform our study. The intern would look for documents and studies regarding: wind energy, biomass, solar thermal and photovoltaic energy, hydro, wave and kinetic energy, and geothermal energy.

In Specific:

In support of the VEIC contract with NYSERDA, there have been 2 tasks assigned thus far, both with a focus, ultimately, on understanding the challenges of integrating utility scale renewables into the New York state electric grid.

Task 1:

Read/Understand the Optimal/VEIC/ACEEE proposal to NYSERDA- Complete Read/Understand the Optimal/VEIC/ACEEE methodology memo – Complete Find the New York State Renewable Portfolio Standards on-line - Complete

Task 2:

On an ongoing basis, search for studies or documents discuss the challenges of integrating large scale renewable energy with the existing grid. The challenges may include: grid availability, infrastructure issues, voltage compatibility issues and intermittency issues.

-Report back to VEIC weekly and summarize the results of these findings.

Jack Morrish



George Lawrence (
Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
(800) 639-6069 x 7782 Toll Free
(802) 540-7782 Direct Line
(802) 324-8817 Cell