Patrick Hurley

April 25, 2012

ENSC 195

Principles and Applications of Renewable Energy

Internship Summary

            This past semester I interned at Whole Systems Design, a sustainable landscape design and site development consultant based in Moretown, VT. This firm incorporates numerous scientific fields in projects that focus on resiliency, self -sufficient food production and off-grid design based on techniques ranging from ecological design and permaculture to hydrologic systems and site regeneration. I began the internship by chopping and stacking cords of firewood that are used as home heating fuel. Later, I learned the fundamentals of planting, pruning and managing future harvests of firewood to guarantee sufficient future supplies. As spring progressed, I worked on projects of various disciplines, including permaculture development with perennial crops (sea berry, elderberry, current, plum, apple, peach, grape, etc) and building several swales and rice-paddies in attempts to manage onsite hydrologic flows while maximizing food production and site utility. Altogether, I feel my time spent at Whole Systems was one of the most educating experiences I have had the pleasure of participating in during my time at UVM. I have embraced many of the practical views that accompany this type of site development and planning and am positive I will incorporate it into my career pursuits.


Ben Falk, M.A.L.D.

Whole Systems Design, LLC

802-343-9490 (c)

802-496-3128 (w)

66 Dean's Mountain

Moretown, VT 05660