Kevin Collins

ENSC 195

Internship Scope of Work



With Al at Common Sense Energy, this semester we will be focusing on commercial outreach in the goal of engaging the community towards greater energy efficiency. We will start by surveying businesses in the area on energy savings, then compile results and target businesses that are most likely to move forward with an energy project. We will then utilize our interns to offer a free energy survey, which will ideally lead to an audit and eventually energy upgrades. Our most likely candidates for surveys will be convenience stores, restaurants, retail, government buildings, multifamily structures, and warehouses and service buildings. Ideally, we will also engage property management companies. Other goals will be to develop an energy maintenance program on surveyed businesses, reach out to construction firms to offer weatherization services, and market residential projects for summer work. We would also like to work with the town of Burlington to initiate minimum energy standards, as well as develop criteria to rate and assign labels to energy performance on structures surveyed, similar to a LEED standard but with more of a focus on energy performance and initatie.


            This semester with Al we worked on energy outreach as discussed above. We were able to perform surveys with several businesses in Burlington and target them for efficiency programs. I was also able to work on multiple energy audits with Al, as well as work on many retrofit projects in the greater Burlington area.