Doug Bagwill

Internship description


         I have spent this semester as a part-time Intern at Alteris Renewables in Montpelier, Vermont. The primary area of my work has been working with the sales team creating leads and developing sales proposals. My first major project involved using mapping and satellite imagery to develop a list of potential commercial clients who would be eligible for federal and state solar tax incentives. This involved analyzing the roofs for possible obstructions, determining the orientation of the roof, and determining the possible power capacity based upon usable roof area, shading, and pitch.

         In addition I have gone out on sight visits to analyze potential sights. On the visits we examine the orientation of the roof, any possible obstructions on the roof, the material and general condition of the roof, shading caused by nearby structures and trees, the building electrical panel, and speak with the owner about there electrical usage and what their needs are.

         In addition to working on sales leads I have also been doing general permitting work to help projects get approved. This includes cross-referencing sight view shed analysis with national and state historic registers, and filling out the application for a certificate of public good.