Hebrew 52 -                 lesson 60

In the lesson, future tense of verbs of the complete group Paal structure are introduced.

As with the A"V group of verbs, people use 8 conjugated forms in the future:I, You, You, He, She, We, -- and than same form for both genders of You plural and (similar to them H.Y.H) same form for both gender of Them plural. Writing the future form of most of the A"V verbs is a relatively easy task:As a group, the 8 conjugated form are composed of three components:

1. Prefix (Etty T. Nty)

2. The complete form of the root - P.A.L and

3. The letter Vav between Ayin and Lamed Hapoal.

4. (only in three of the eight forms) the letter Vav is not inserted between Ayin and Lamed Hapoal and a different ending - "ee" for You(f/s) and oo for the Plural form of You and They. Paal structure in the future tense splits to Efal and Efol. Roots that are conjugated as Efal have a throaty letter in either Ayin or Lamed Hapoal. Unfortunately for students, there are many verbs that don't behave according to this rule.

Lesson 60 also shows the combination of At- with a pronoun. As in previous situation of such combination the preposition is conjugated as


I will

solve (do) a crossword puzzle

return home slowly

dance all night.

finish reading all of the Saturday (weekend) papers

work until noon

meet the "folks"

get up late


Literal translation of text at the top of page 187 I have good friends in Jerusalem, and I like visiting at "theirs". It is always possible to eat good food at "theirs". Always there is at "theirs" a place to sleep, and if there is a need, it is possible to live at
their place even a week or two weeks. Always there are at "theirs" more (other) nice friends, that it is possible to speak with them. It is always possible to listen at theirs to good music. It is always possible to find at theirs a new book to read. They are really special people.