Hebrew 52 -                 lesson 59


Because it is ........

Because of the noun


The blue color is the color of Zfat, the town that sits in the Galillee mountains. In each ahouse and in each street in Zfat, it is possible to see the blue color. There are many stories that explain why the blue color is the color of Zfat. When I visited in Zfat, told me one of the old people:" Zfat is a Blue town because it is the gate to heaven". One physician told me that all of the houses in Zfat are blue because of the flies:" when the flies see blue, they fly away, and therefore the houses and the streets in Zfat are clean."

There is also a historical and romantic story about the blue color of Zfat: Shlomo Molcho was a rich and famous Jew from Portugal. He arrived in Zfat and met there a young and pretty woman. He loved her very much but had to "return to abroad" (return home). After he went (left) he sent her many love letters. In the first letter he wrote to her:" I want to return to Zfat because of  three things: the blue sky of the town, the blue houses in the town's streets and the blue eyes of yours."