Hebrew 51 - Lesson 47
By David Fischer


An American woman meets a Israeli man at the bus.

I started asking him something in Hebrew and he answered in Hebrew but he talked very fast.I stopped him and explained to him that I don't understand but he went on to speak fast aboutother things. I listened and did not say anything. He (at all) didn't feel that I don't understandHebrew. He talked and talked, and at the end he invited me to a movie. The movie was aboutAmerican woman who meets a Israeli man at the bus. She started asking him something inHebrew and....

Why didn't you come to the meeting?
I did not feel well. What happened?
Hanna explained how (people) work with the new computer.
Did David speak?
No, he just listened.
Moshe and Yaakov started to tell about the
plans of the office for this year but they
stopped after half an hour because we invited
Hanan from the office in Tel Aviv and he told
(about) what was going on at their office.
When did you finish the meeting?
At 12:00 at night and tomorrow we want to
continue. Tomorrow? OK. I can come. But
again until 12 at night? What (can I) do?
(We) have to work.

The Math teacher
He starts to talk only if everyone already sitting. He stops if someone wants to ask (a question).
He listens to the question, thinks and only later he answers. He explains the problem in simplewords. He invites the students to the teachers' room at the recess and helps them to solve thehard exercises.

How to give joy to old and sick people. 

On Rosh Hashana the employees at the "Shaa Ray Tzedek" hospital in Jerusalem wanted tocheer up the patients. They asked the patients what they want and what wishes they have. Thepatients asked for their wishes and the employees did all that is possible. Rachael whoimmigrated from Russia 14 years ago, asked to talk on the phone with her daughter. She had notseen her already twenty years. The employees found the telephone number of the daughter andRachael talked with her and told her again and again: "I am fine, I feel good". 

Sixty year old Jackline from France, wished to visit again in Paris. But Jackline is very sick andcannot go to Paris. The employees found a nice movie about Paris, and Jackline saw in themovie the city that she loves.

Rivka and Sarah asked for a golden piece of jewellery. Each of them received a golden ring asa present. Shlomoh who lies (in bed) in the hospital already ten years, asked to visit at theWailing Wall. Employees from the hospital rode with him in an ambulance to the Wall. Heworshiped there, wrote a note and put the note between the blocks in the wall. At the end of theday (people) did (through) at the hospital a party to all of the patients. The patients told aboutthe presents they got, and said that they gave them strength to live another some years.