Hebrew 51 - Lesson 44

Following there is a translation of the story on page 133

Boris Shats. who was a famous Jewish artist/artisan was born in Lita that in (was) in Russia. In the year "Elef Tesha MeH Ot and Shalosh" he met Theodore Hertzel and told him about his plan to build a school for art in the land of Israel. Hertzel heard him and asked he wants to give to the school. Shats answered:"BeZalEl", like the name of the first hebrew artist, who build a temple in the desert. Shats wanted to teach art and also to give work to people. In the year (1903.....and Shesh) came the first students to "BeZalEl". These students were youngsters who wanted to study art. However, to "BezalEl" came also people who worked there and sold their pretty "works" that they did: Yemenites that did work from silver and gold women from Iran and Curdistan that made carpets, people who rote Tora books and more. Shats searched for a Hebrew Land of Israel style. In the Hebrew style of Shatz there is a synthesis of east and west. In the works of "BeZalEl" there are many Jewish motives and (motives of the land of Israel): Star of David, Menorah, flowers and animals from the land of Israel, people from the bible and more. Many people bought the "works" that (people) did in "BeZalEl": Menorahs, carpets and drawings. Shatz build also the "BeZalEl" museum that moved later to (become part of) the Israel museum. The Israel museum of today "was born" from the little "BeZalEl" museum. Today "BeZalEl" is an academy for arts, and students study there art.