Hebrew 51 - Lesson 43

Following there is a translation of the story on page 133

Auxiliary sentence is a sentence (or a clause maybe) that describes one of the nouns in the main sentence. If we have two sentences that referring to the same noun each of them can serve as the auxiliary sentence while the other serve as the main sentence. This rule works better with reference to the subject of the sentence, though sometimes it works on the object as well. IMPLEMENTATION: The noun that is described by an auxiliary sentence is followed by a relative pronoun (who, whom, that, which) in Hebrew SHEH. In addition, if we combine two sentences, the noun that is described by the other sentence should be omitted.

Following there is translation of text on page 131

The Israeli flag
In the year 1897..................... was the first Zionist congress. To the congress came zionists from all over the world and Herzel that was the 'congress head' talked about the Jews' state. At the congress that was in Bazel, thought the congress members about a flag for the Jewish state. Hezel thought about white flag, a symbol for new life and in the land of Israel (with 7 stars © a symbol for 7 hours of work in a day. Other people wanted flags with Jewish symbols. David Wolfson, who was the congress president and a close friend of Herzel thought that the Jewish nation has a symbol (that is) 2000 years old © the Talit. "The Jews worship with Talit" said Wolfson and the "Talit has to be the flag of the Jewish State". The congress members got the idea: a white flag with two blue stripes like in a talit, with a blue star of david in the middle. At home, please do Exercise 3 page 130 and exercise 4 page 132. 1. The man who is sitting near Rinah lives in Zfat. 1. The man who lives in Zfat is sitting near Rinah. 2. The woman who is buying at the supermarket was my teacher. 2. The woman who was my teacher is buying at the supermarket . 3. The guy who stands near the clothes store works at the Bank of Israel. 3. The guy who works at the Bank of Israel, is standing near the clothing store. 4. The students who finished work can go home. 4. The students who can go home finished work. 5. The students who are coming from overseas have to learn the language. 5. The students who have to learn the language are coming from overseas.