Hebrew 51 - Lesson 41
By David Fischer

Lesson 41. 2. Exercise # 4 3. First, find main verb. Second, identify subject of sentence and write it. If there is a name replace it with a pronoun. Have in mind that some of those sentences are dialogues and the subject at the second person is the person that is addressed at the first sentence. 4. Read the paragraph and answer questions

Today Hebrew is a living language. People in Israel speak Hebrew at home, at the street and every where. Each baby in Israel hears Hebrew at home, and the new immigrants learn the language at the Hebrew language schools. But not always it was like this. About 2000 years the Jews did not speak Hebrew. They knew how to read Hebrew and to pray in Hebrew but did not know the language of the "every day". They did not teach in Hebrew, they did not speak in Hebrew, not on the street and not at home and did not write letters in Hebrew. Eliezer Ben Yehudah came to the land of Israel from Russia in 1880. He said to the Jews:" we have country and we have a language. We have to live in the country of ours and to speak in our language". Eliezer Ben Yehudah asked the Jews to speak Hebrew, but they said that the Hebrew is a sacred tongue and in Hebrew they want only to pray. Many people said that Ben Yehudah is nuts. The Hebrew is a dead language. There isn't in Hebrew enough words and there isn't a Hebrew of "every day". But Eliezer Ben Yehuda spoke always Hebrew, also in the street, also with friends and also at home with the wife and the kids. He searched teachers for Hebrew all over the country and found a number of 'nuts'. They taught 'Hebrew in Hebrew' in the schools in the country/land and spoke in the classes only in Hebrew. Ben Yehuda also wrote a big and important historical dictionary to Hebrew. There are in his dictionary words from the Hebrew of the Bible an up to the Hebrew of the Ben Yehuda days. In the dictionary there are many new words of Ben Yehuda. For example: Ice cream, soldier, dictionary, newspaper. He wrote also a number of zionist newspapers in Hebrew.

Exercise 6 page 123: Please mark the right sentence according to the text.