Hebrew 51 - Lesson 40
By David Fischer

Lesson 41. Translation of text on page 120

Until 1860 lived the Jews in Jerusalem only at the old city. The conditions in the old city were difficult: The families were big, the apartments were small and the water were not clean. In the year 1860 was erected in Jerusalem the first Jewish state out side of the old city. Moshe Montifiory, a religious Jew and Zionist from England helped to build the neighborhood. Name of the neighborhood is "MishKanot Shananim". In "MS" the apartments were big and the water were clean, but the Jews did not come to live there. At the beginning only 8 families lived in the new neighborhood. The other people came to the neighborhood in the morning and returned at the evening to the old city. They were afraid to move to the new neighborhood' cause 'MS' was a neighborhood with no wall' and was also far from the old city. But slowly slowly came more Jews and in the year 1891 was erected near 'MS' another new neighborhood: "Yemin Moshe". Today, there are at the place galleries, important center for music and many houses pretty and special. There are (over there) also a restaurant and a hotel for guests (important guests) in Jerusalem.

Please answer the questions in Exercise 6 page 120

Exercise 6 page 123: Please mark the right sentence according to the text.