Hebrew 51 - Lesson 37
By David Fischer

With whom:
MiChal: I want to go to a movie.
David: With whom?
MiChal: With someone (anyone).
David:Perhaps you would like to go to a movie with me?
MiChal: With you? Always!

1) Rina do you have time? I want to talk with you.
2) Yosi, I love you. With you I can talk about anything.
3) David to Moshe: We are studying together to the exam. Would you like to study with us?
Moshe: Yes, but I can study with you only in the evening.
4) I have a wonderful wife. I live with he already 40 years and each day is a holiday.
5)Professor Cohen teaches History with Professor Levy. He is also writing with him a book.
6) My aunt is coming to Israel and I am (going to be) traveling with her throughout the country. 

Yakov: Leah, what's with you?
Leah: You asking what's with me? I don't know what's with you! You don't study with me. youdon't go with me to the Cafeteria. You don't go for a walk with me at the afternoon. In theparties you don't dance with me and don't come back home with me. You almost don't talk withme. Say, are we friends or not?
Yakov: I don't understand you. Every day I study with you. I walk...........
and I talk only.........
Leah, I love you. Don't you understand?Ô   ( 0*0*0*°° ÔŒ™