Quiz for lesson 20

First name

Following are English sentences each is followed by four similar Hebrew sentences. 

One of each four is a translation of the English sentence that precedes it. Please click on the button near the

 Hebrew equivalent of the preceding English sentence.

1. At the university in Jerusalem there is a Botanical Garden.

None of the above
2. At the Botanical Garden there are many plants and special trees.

None of the above
3. To the garden come families with kids to play and stroll.

None of the above
4. The plants need special soil, heat, and much water.

None of the above
5. The people at the garden do (conduct) research, teach and study.

None of the above
6. They research plants and teach students.

None of the above
7. The students study Botany and and also reasearch.

None of the above
8. In the garden (people) search for plants for gardens and farming.

None of the above
9. Carrot, cucumber, tomato and pepper are vegetables.

None of the above
10. There are people who love to walk.

None of the above