Hebrew 1 - Lesson 19

Lesson 19 introduces three vocabulary that is related to time management

(hours, minutes, etc')

This vocabulary includes a few words, plus numbers (introduced in lesson #12).

Hour is a feminine gender noun, thus quantified by a feminine form number.

Example: the hour is four o'clock: … Hashah Arba השעה ארבע

There is no equivalent to o'clock in Hebrew.

Similarly, minute is a feminine gender noun, thus also quantified by a feminine form number.

Example: the hour is four and three minutes:

Hashah Arba VeShalosh Dakot השעה ארבע ושלוש דקות

The equivalent of the English prepositions "to" and others are used in Hebrew to tell the time before and after the hour.

Example: the hour is six minutes to seven:

Hashah Shesh Dakot Leh Sheva השעה שש דקות לשבע

Example: the hour is eight minutes after nine:

Hashah Shmone Dakot Achray Tesha השעה שמונה דקות אחרי תשע

Most of the time though, the text to describe this same time will be

Hashah Tesha VeShmone Dakot השעה תשע ושמונה דקות

In addition, In Hebrew, people like to shortcut when they tell the time. Such shortcut is applied

at "round" points on the minutes scale (5, 10, 20, and 25).

When such approach is taking place, the above approach endures two changes: One - the word minutes is omitted. Two - the number is changed from feminine to masculine form. (the gender form of twenty is mutual to masculine and feminine and therefore only one change is applied for a shortcut at twenty to or twenty after the hour.

Quarter in Hebrew is ReVa: Reva Leshtayim at quarter to two and Shtayim VaReva at quarter after two.

Half in Hebrew is Chetzi: Shtayim VaChetzi at half past two. Though it is possible to vary in English ("to five" or "of five"), in Hebrew most of the time the preposition "Leh" (to) is used before the hour.

 These are all the rules to remember in time management terminology.


Also in lesson 19 the Hebrew equivalent of the verb "need" is introduced. Since students are not familiar with the way to conjugate this verb, it is given as vocab and there is a need to memorize its different forms.

The importance of the verb is within its meaning. When one needs something, being able to express such information is important to this person.

Also, in the future we will see that "need" is also a helping verb. When it is a helping verb, "need" it is followed by an infinitive form of a main verb.


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