Hebrew 1 - Lesson 17

Lesson 17 introduces:
  • Prepositions with pronouns.
  • More irregular roots.
  • More vocab!

    Prepositions with pronouns

    To me="Li" To you="LeCha"(m) To you="Lach"(f) To him="Lo" To her="La"
    To us="LaNu" To you="LeChem"(m) To you="Lachen"(f) To them="LaHem" To them="LaHen"

    Prepositions with pronouns. In Hebrew, preposition cannot precede a pronoun independently. A sentence such as:"I give a book (to =preposition) (you =pronoun) cannot be translated literally. What is possible however, is to combine the preposition and pronoun to one word; a hybrid that sounds indeed like a mix of the two. The prefix of such combination is the preposition while the suffix is a consonant or two and a vowel that resemble the sound of the pronoun.

    More irregular roots. Following are two more irregular roots. The roots belong to the classes P"Y and P"N . We are not going to analyze this group in this semester. In the present tense all that is changing is the infinitive form. and ( in N.T.N ) are dropped and a "Tav" is added instead at the end of the word. Also, the vowel of Lamed is changing from "Li" to "La".

    To sit
    To give

    More vocab. Vocab for lesson 17 includes a number of idioms that include the combination of preposition and pronoun.

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