Hebrew 1 - Lesson 12


Lesson 12 discusses concepts of numbers. It was mentioned in lesson 7 that when quantifying items there are two rules to remember.
1) Numbers like in English precede the item that they quantify. ...... Exception to this rule is with the quantity of one; in such a case the number follows the item.
2) Numbers too have Masculine and Feminine forms, and the form has to agree with the gender of the noun it describes. Feminine form of numbers does not sound like a typical feminine form (ending with a "Kamatz" and "Hay") . In fact masculine form of numbers as discussed in lesson 16, looks more like the typical feminine form. This situation is confusing and the best way to cope with it is practice. Another point to note, - the form of the number two "ShTaYim" is conjugated when used for quantifying. In other words in addition to the simple form of the number ("ShTaYim")
there is another form for quantity ("ShTeY") .


Go- "NosIm"
Drive- "NosIm"
We are going to AmericaANachNu NosIm le America.
We are going to IsraelANachNu NosIm LaARetz.
We are going to New YorkANachNu NosIm LeNew York.
I am driving to New YorkANi NoseA/Nosat LeNew York.
Where are you going (you are in the car)?LeAn Atem NosIm?
To where is this bus going? LeAn HAutoBus Nosea?
NosIm - (When walking is not an option, While driving, While flying, relating to a bus, or a train).
Go- "NosIm"
Go- "HolChIm"
We are going to the universityANachNu HoleChIm LaUniversita.
We are going to the universityANachNu NosIm LaUniversita.
We are going to the storeANachNu HolChIm LaChanut.
We are going to the storeANachNu NosIm LaChanut.
We are going HomeANachNu HoleChIm habayta.
We are going HomeANachNu NosIm Habayta.
Both NosIm and HolChIm (When it is a general idea [like going home, or going to work] or going to a meeting, when the emphasize is not on the mean of getting to the place rather it is in the fact that one is moving from one place to another.
Go- "HolChIm"
We are not going to die,ANachNu Lo HolChIm Lamut.
We are not going to leaveANachNu Lo HolChIm Lazov.
We are not going to stopANachNu Lo HolChIm LeHafsic.
Holchim - When wlaking is emminent (while walking). Also when it is intention to do something. Like I am going to sell the care [as I will sell the car], [what are you going to do?] Mah Atem HolChim LaAsot?). Sometimes "HolChim" is the deafault. If it is not clear if pwople are driving or walkinging, the question is:
Where are you "Holchim". LeAn Atem HoIChim?

Note that "NoSIm" is not conjugated as the a regular root.
The root "NoSIm" is "Nun" "Samech" "Ayin"

Of "NoSIm" is "Ayin".
In the infinitive as well as the (M/S) form is voweled with a "Shva". Since it is difficult to pronounce "Ayin" with a "Shva", this roots is conjugated slightly differently than a regular root. This root is not a significant irregular. However, it does indeed behave differently.

The voweling pattern of the root is shared by other roots with "Ayin" as is "Ayin". One example is the root "Yod", "Dalet", "Ayin".
See the similarity and the one difference in the conjugation pattern.

The infinitive form of is different than the one of . The reason is the "Yod" that maks it an irregular verb and is dropped in the infinitive form. Though we are not going to spend time with roots of the P"Y class, they will be noted in the future as we encounter them.

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