Graphic of a rainbow.OUTspoken


Graphic of word "OUTspoken" with a mouth and rainbow sound lines coming out of the "o".


UVM comes alive during October in celebration of National Coming Out Day (yearly on October 11th) and LGBTQ History Month. Free2Be's annual event is the OUTspoken open mic night as part of L/L's Rhythm & Brews program. Come OUT and join us for some slam poetry, laughs, cries, and hot cocoa.

Where: L/L Fireplace Lounge

When: Thursday, October 13 @ 9PM

This is an open mic night we invite members of the UVM community are invited to share their stories of coming out, stories of advocacy around LGBTQ issues or other issues dear to their heart. Anyone is invited and able to come and speak, just show up! We will also have a PostSecret station set up near the open mic.

And, of course, don’t forget to get your free NCOW t-shirt at this event only!

Whether you chose to perform or not it is an exhilirating and uplifting experience.