import abc from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Value from typing import Set, Tuple, Optional, Callable, Any, Union from numpy import isin class Universe(set): pass class FreeVars(dict): def __setitem__(self, key, val): if key in self: print("Warning: resetting alread-set free variable binding: {}={}".format( key, str(val) ) ) super().__setitem__(key, Term(val)) class SATAssign(dict): def __bool__(self): return True class Term(): def __init__(self, name: str): assert type(name) is str, type(name) = name if name and self not in universe: universe.add(self) if __debug__: print("Added {} to the universe".format(name)) def __hash__(self): return if else id(self) # @abc.abstractmethod def __eq__(self, t): name = t if type(t) is str else return == name if else self is t def __lt__(self, t): # used for sorting return < def __and__(self, _): raise ValueError("And is not defined for terms") def __or__(self, _): raise ValueError("Or is not defined for terms") def __not__(self, _): raise ValueError("Not is not defined for terms") def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return class App(tuple): def __str__(self): fn = self[0] if isinstance(fn, Predicate): args = ",".join(list(self[1])) return "{}({})".format(fn, args) elif isinstance(fn, Quantifier): return "{}{}({})".format(self[0].name, self[1], self[2]) elif type(fn).__name__ == 'function': args = [str(arg) for arg in self[1:]] if len(self) > 1 else [] return "{}({})".format(fn.__name__, ",".join(args)) assert False def interpret(self, bindings=SATAssign()) -> Union[Tuple[bool, SATAssign], Tuple[Term, SATAssign]]: fn = self[0] args = self[1:] if isinstance(fn, Predicate): return fn.interpret(args=args, bindings=bindings) elif isinstance(fn, Function): raise ValueError("Not yet implemented") else: raise ValueError("Unknown callable: " + str(fn)) def __and__(self, other): return _And(self, other) def __or__(self, other): return _Or(self, other) def __invert__(self): return _Not(self) def __cmp__(self, other): return _Implies(self, other) class Function(Term): def __init__(self, name:str, arity:int, interpret: Callable[..., Term]): self.arity = arity self.interpret = interpret = name # DO NOT CALL SUPER. this will add functions to the universe, which we don't want # super().__init__(name=name) def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __call__(self, *args): assert len(args) == self.arity # any argument that isn't in the universe is a variable # return this predicate without evaluating it for arg in args: if arg not in universe: return App((self, args)) return self.interpret(*args) class Formula(abc.ABC): @abc.abstractmethod def interpret(self, args=[], bindings={}) -> Tuple[bool, SATAssign]: assert False def __and__(self, other): return _And(self, other) def __or__(self, other): return _Or(self, other) def __invert__(self): return _Not(self) def __cmp__(self, other): return _Implies(self, other) def __gt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) def __lt__(self, other): raise ValueError("< not defined; > means implication.") def __bool__(self): return self.interpret() class Top(Formula): def __str__(self): return "⊤" def interpret(self, args=[], bindings=SATAssign()) -> Tuple[bool, SATAssign]: return (True, bindings) def __bool__(self): return True class Bot(Formula): def __str__(self): return "⊥" def interpret(self, args=[], bindings=SATAssign()) -> Tuple[bool, SATAssign]: return (False, bindings) def __bool__(self): return False class BinConn(Formula): def __init__(self, left, right): assert issubclass(type(left), Formula) or isinstance(left, App), \ "{}\t{}".format(type(left), left) assert issubclass(type(right), Formula) or isinstance(right, App), \ "{}\t{}".format(type(right), right) self.left = left self.right = right class _And(BinConn): def interpret(self, bindings=SATAssign()): (b1, m1) = self.left.interpret(bindings=bindings) (b2, m2) = self.right.interpret(bindings=m1) return (b1 and b2, m2) def __str__(self): return "{} ∧ {}".format(str(self.left), str(self.right)) class _Or(BinConn): def interpret(self, bindings=SATAssign()): (b1, m1) = self.left.interpret(bindings=bindings) (b2, m2) = self.right.interpret(bindings=m1) return (b1 or b2, m2) def __str__(self): return "{} ∨ {}",format(str(self.left), str(self.right)) class _Implies(BinConn): def interpret(self, bindings=SATAssign()): (b, bindings) = self.left.interpret(bindings=bindings) if b: return self.right.interpret(bindings=bindings) return (True, bindings) def __str__(self): return "({}) → {}".format(str(self.left), str(self.right)) class _Not(Formula): def __init__(self, expr): assert issubclass(type(expr), Formula) or isinstance(expr, App), "{}\t{}".format(type(expr), expr) self.expr = expr def interpret(self, bindings=SATAssign()): (tv, bindings) = self.expr.interpret(bindings=bindings) return (not tv, bindings) def __str__(self): return "¬{}".format(str(self.expr)) class Quantifier(Formula): def __init__(self, name, binder, expr): = name self.binder = binder self.scope = expr def __str__(self): return "{}{}({})".format(, self.binder, str(self.scope) ) @staticmethod def fact(binder, expr): pass class Forall(Quantifier): def __init__(self, binder, expr): super().__init__("∀", binder, expr) def interpret(self, args=[], bindings=SATAssign()) -> Tuple[bool, SATAssign]: for element in universe: bindings[self.binder] = element (tv, m) = self.scope.interpret(bindings=bindings) if not tv: return (False, m) return (True, bindings) @staticmethod def fact(binder, expr, name=None): F = Forall(binder, expr) (tv, e) = F.interpret(bindings=SATAssign(free)) if not tv: raise ValueError("{} is inconsistent with the current interpretation\n\tEvidence: {}".format(F, e)) knowledge_base.add((F, name)) class Exists(Quantifier): def __init__(self, binder, expr): super().__init__("∃", binder, expr) def interpret(self, args=[], bindings=SATAssign()) -> Tuple[bool, SATAssign]: for element in universe: bindings[self.binder] = element (tv, bindings) = self.scope.interpret(bindings=bindings) if tv: return (True, bindings) return (False, bindings) def fact(self, *args): raise ValueError("Not allowing existential facts.") class Predicate(Formula): def __init__(self, arity: int, name=""): assert arity < 3, "Only allowing up to binary arguments." self.arity = arity = name # a set of args-tuples that make this predicate true self._truths : Set = set() predicates.add(self) def __hash__(self): return id(self) def fact(self, *args): assert len(args) == self.arity termified = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Term): termified.append(arg) elif type(arg) is str: termified.append(Term(arg)) else: raise ValueError("Arguments to predicates must be terms: {} has type {}".format( arg, type(arg) )) truth = tuple(termified) self._truths.add(truth) def get_satisfying(self): """Returns a copy of all of the inputs pairs that make this predicate true.""" return [t for t in self._truths] def __call__(self, *args): assert len(args) == self.arity # any argument that isn't in the universe is a variable # return this predicate without evaluating it for arg in args: if arg not in universe: return App((self, args)) # We return top/bot because we want to evaluate constants immediately, # but want to use bitwise ops as logical ops on formulas. termify = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Term): termify.append(arg) elif type(arg) is str: termify.append(Term(arg)) else: raise ValueError("Type unsuitable for terms: {}, ({})".format( str(arg), type(arg))) return Top() if tuple(termify) in self._truths else Bot() def __eq__(self, _): raise ValueError("Direct equality testing for predicates not supported") def __lt__(self, _): raise ValueError("Predicates should not be compared") def __gt__(self, _): raise ValueError("Predicates should not be compared") def __str__(self): return if hasattr(self, "name") else self.__class__.__name__ def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def interpret(self, args=[], bindings=SATAssign()) -> Tuple[bool, SATAssign]: assert len(args) == 1 arglist = [arg for arg in list(args[0])] # replace all bound variables in this expression for i, arg in enumerate(arglist): if arg in universe: continue if isinstance(arg, Formula) or isinstance(arg, App): (tv, bindings) = arg.interpret(bindings=bindings) arglist[i] = tv # First check to see if there is a local binding elif arg in bindings: arglist[i] = bindings[arg] # Now check to see if there is a free variable elif arg in free: arglist[i] = free[arg] else: raise ValueError("Cannot interpret expresssion {};\n\tUniverse:\t{}\n\tFree vars:\t{}".format( arg, universe, free )) # replace all free variables in this expression return self(*arglist).interpret(bindings=bindings) universe = Universe() predicates : Set[Predicate] = set() # Constants are just functions with zero arguments, so we # don't need to model them if we are modeling functions. # Mini language does not model functions. # Free variables are names bound to elements of the universe. free = FreeVars() knowledge_base : Set[Tuple[Formula, Optional[str]]] = set() def clear_all(): universe.clear() predicates.clear() free.clear() knowledge_base.clear() def _tests(): universe.clear() # Ensure we add elements to our universe on demand assert len(universe) == 0 # Keep it simple; can subtype Term later. # class Course(Term): # def __eq__(self, t): # name = t if type(t) is str else # return == name if else self is t PreReq = Predicate(2, "PreReq") PreReq.fact("MATH21", "MATH22") assert len(universe) == 2 PreReq.fact("MATH22", "MATH121") assert len(universe) == 3 assert len(PreReq._truths) == 2 # Ensure that predicate evaluation works F = PreReq("MATH22", "MATH121") print("predicates applied to constants are evaluated immediately:", F) print("operators applied to top/bot are not evaluated immediately:", ~F) F = PreReq("MATH22", "x") print("predicates with variables are not evaluated immediately:", F) print("evaluating free vars with no bindings causes an error...",) try: F.interpret() assert False except ValueError as e: print(e) # Bind a free var and then evaluate free["x"] = "MATH121" sat, assign = F.interpret() assert sat assert len(assign) == 0, "There are no bound variables in F" # Reset and make it fail free["x"] = "MATH456" # This is a nonsense course sat, assign = F.interpret() assert not sat assert len(assign) == 0 # Nothing needs binding G = Forall("x", PreReq("MATH22", "MATH121") & PreReq("MATH21", "MATH121")) print("quantified formulas are not evaluated immediately, even if their constituent predicates are:", G) sat, assign = G.interpret() assert not sat # Test basic forall evaluation G = Forall("y", PreReq("y", "MATH121")) sat, assign = G.interpret() assert not sat print("Evidence of unsat for {}: {}".format(G, assign)) # Test basic exists evaluation G = Exists("y", PreReq("y", "MATH121")) sat, assign = G.interpret() assert sat print("Found satisfying assignment for {} : {}".format(G, assign)) # Assert properties of pre-requisites # anti-reflexive Forall.fact("x", ~PreReq("x", "x"), name="anti-reflexivity") # transitivity try: Forall.fact("x", Forall("y", Forall("z", (PreReq("x", "y") & PreReq("y", "z")) > PreReq("x", "z") ))) assert False except ValueError as e: print(e) # update the interpretation of the predicate print("Adding transitivity to the knowledge base") for (x, y1) in PreReq.get_satisfying(): for (y2, z) in PreReq.get_satisfying(): if y1 == y2: PreReq.fact(x, z) G = Forall.fact("x", Forall("y", Forall("z", (PreReq("x", "y") & PreReq("y", "z")) > PreReq("x", "z") )), name="transitivity") print(knowledge_base) def next_fn(c: Union[str, Term]) -> Term: """A trivial function that returns the next course, alphanumerically""" courses = list(universe) courses.sort() for i, course in enumerate(courses): if c == course and i < len(courses): return courses[i+1] return c if isinstance(c, Term) else Term(c) next = Function("next", 1, next_fn) print(next("MATH21")) try: G = Exists("x", Exists("y", PreReq("x", next("y")))) sat, assign = G.interpret() assert sat; print(assign) except: pass G = Forall("x", Forall("y", Forall("z", Forall("w", \ (PreReq("x", "y") | ~PreReq("y", "x") | ~PreReq("z", "y")) & \ (~PreReq("x", "y") | ~PreReq("y", "x")) & \ (PreReq("y", "x") | ~PreReq("x", "w")) & \ PreReq("z", "y") & \ PreReq("y", "x") \ )))) sat, assign = G.interpret() if __debug__: _tests() clear_all()