Quiz 2 26-Jan-12 JSCBIO2710 Your Name: (Add extra space as needed to answer questions) 1) Write a command below to list the files in your home directory and count how many there are. 2) Write a command to count the number of lines in this file (the quiz you are taking right now). 3) Write a single command to list all of the files and directories, including subdirectories, in your home directory. Assume you are already in your home directory. 4) You have been given an account on an ftp server named: ftp.genomatics.org Your user ID is: student52 Your password is: genomes There is a file called results.csv in a directory /pub/results. Write the series of step by step commands you would use to log in to this server and retrieve the file results.csv. 5) You have been given an account a new UNIX machine called: lonestar.tacc.teragrid.org Your user ID is: tg901881 Write the command you would use to log in to this machine with the new user ID. 6) Write a command or series of commands to determine how many lines in this file contain the word ftp. 7) What are the two modes of the vi (or vim) editor? 8) In vi what would the command 23j do? 9) Give one reason we should organize our files and directories in some logical manner when working on projects? 10) What does XSEDE stand for?