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Helpful High Tunnel Management Resources

Conferences | Presentations | Collaborative Projects

IPM for High Tunnel Vegetables: Practical Pathways for Organic Crop Production Focusing on Insect and Mite Pest Issues
Presented by Margaret Skinner at the MOFGA Farmer to Farmer Conference November 2019

Expand Your Tunnel Vision: High Tunnel Production Conference Resources, Manchester, NH - December 3-4, 2018
Identifying the Good, the Bad & the Ugly - Insect Id Session
Lessons Learned - Scouting - Cheryl Frank Sullivan Lightning Round
Margaret Skinner Lightning Round

Mid-Atlantic Fruit & Vegetable Convention 2016 Presentations by Margaret Skinner
, Univ. of VT Entomology Research Laboratory

Identifying Common Natural Enemies in High Tunnels
Thrips Galore, And We Don't Want More
Using Biocontrols for Insect Pests in High Tunnels

Check out the webpage for a  recent multi-state collaborative project we are involved with funded by Northeast SARE! Improving Nutrient & Pest Management in High Tunnel Tomato Production

Survey of Plant Production and IPM Use in Northeastern High Tunnels. UVM 2014 Survey Results

Factsheets, Links, Publications

Pest Management & Scouting:
Common Insects Found on Sticky Cards in High Tunnels (Penn State Extension)
Critical Questions to Help Manage Pests & Habitat Plants
Guidelines & Tips for Scouting High Tunnel Crops & Habitat Plantings
High Tunnel Pests & Their Natural Enemies
A review of key pests & their associated natural enemies both purchased & wild
High Tunnel Vegetable Crops: Designing a Scouting Plan
IPM Scouting Guide for Common Problems of High Tunnel and Greenhouse Vegetable Crops in Kentucky (Univ. of Kentucky)
Scouting Insects in High Tunnnels (Penn State Extension)
Sustainable Pest Management in Greenhouses & High Tunnels (SARE, 2014)

Attracting Beneficial Insects:
High Tunnel Habitat Plantings Project (2024-2025)
Attracting & Sustaining Aphid Natural Enemeies in High Tunnels Factsheet 
Beneficial Insects in New Hampshire Farms & Gardens: By Dr. Alan T. Eaton, Extension Specialist, Entomology (Univ. of NH)
Bringing In Un-BEE-lievable Beneficials Brochure  printable version
Bringing In The Other Good Guys: A review of several wild natural enemies that provide FREE pest management services & strategies for luring  them in
Common Natural Enemies in High Tunnels (Penn State Extension)
Greenhouse & High Tunnel Tomato Resources (UMASS)
Grower's IPM Guide for Florida Tomato and Pepper Production (Univ. of Florida)
Habitat Plants to Attract Natural Enemies into High Tunnel Crops - New England Vegetable & Berry Conference, December 2017
Habitat Harbors Happiness: High Tunnel Habitat Planting Awareness Sign

Plant-Mediated IPM Systems Webinet (Short Video)

Other Links:

High Tunnels.org

Manage Insects On Your Farm A Guide to Ecological Strategies (SARE)

Minnesota High Tunnel Production Manual (Univ. of Minnesota Ext.)
New England Vegetable Management Guide: https://nevegetable.org/about-guide
OMRI Lists: http://www.omri.org/omri-lists

This work is supported by the Univ. of VT College of Agriculture; Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Reseaerch & Education Program; the Crop Protection & Pest Management and Extension IPM Program from the USDA National Institute of Food & Agriculture HATCH Multistate Projects & GreenWorks, the VT Landscape Nursery Assn. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors & do not necessarily reflect the view of any funding organizations mentioned. Events are open to everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, identity, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital or familial status. SARE       USDA NIFA

Entomology Research Laboratory, University of Vermont, 661 Spear Street, Burlington ,VT  05405,  Tel: 802.656.5440 - Fax: 802.656.5441

Last update: May 2023

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