Review the lac operon
- Single promoter (Plac) controls three genes: lacZ,
lacY, lacA
- A repressor (coded by the separate gene lacI)
can bind to the operator and block
- If lactose is present, allolactose binds to the repressor,
which stops it from blocking transcription.
- A separate regulatory mechanism controls the binding of RNA
polymerase to the promoter. If glucose is present, there is
little cAMP, so the activator complex (CAP-cAMP) can not bind to
the promoter region.
Partial Diploids
We reviewed the use of partial diploids figure out the genetics
of the lac operon
- For example, what is the phenotype of a cell that
- lacI+ lacO+ lacZ- lacY+ / F' lacI- lacO+ lacZ+
- Will there be B-galactosidase activity? With lactose?
Without lactose?
- Will there be permease activity? With lactose? Without
- Are the genes inducible (is there a difference with and
without lactose)?
Here's another: What is the phenotype for:
- lacI+ lacOc lacZ- lacY+ / F' lacI+ lacO+ lacZ+
You should know the system well enough to figure out
problems like this, and other similar ones from the
Northern Blots
We talked briefly about using gels called Northern
Blots to detect mRNA.
We looked at one example showing differences in the amount of lac
mRNA when grown with glucose, lactose, or
The trp operon
- See Fig. 16.15 in the book
- trp is an example of a repressible operon
- Contains genes for the synthesis of
- If the end product (tryptophan) is abundant, the gene is
turned off.
- Two separate regulation mechanisms, repression and
- Repressor is activated by tryptophan (the effector
molecule). :
- Changes shape so it can bind to the
- The repressor protein is produced by another gene (trpR) far
away (not shown in fig)
- 70x reduction in synthesis
- The second regulatory mechanism can fine-tune production of
- Attenuation depends on an interaction between transcription
and translation in a "leader sequence" at the beginning
of the operon.
- 10x variation in transcription
- Attenuation is common in other operons that synthesize amino
Fig. 16.16 and 16.17 diagram the attenuation model
for trp
Gene Regulation in bacteriophage
- Gene regulation is important for determining developmental
- Bacteriophage Lamba is a simple place to
- Different sets of genes determine whether the phage will be
lytic or lysogenic.
- The principles are similar to bacterial gene
- It is an example of a genetic
- Also a examlple of sequential regulatory
- Balance between 2 activators (cro and cII) determines which
lifecycle prevails
- Early genes activate middle genes which activate late
- Environmental conditions in the cell can trigger a switch, by
affecting the abundance of cII
See Fig. 16.20 and 16.21. I don't expect you to
memorize every gene, but you should understand the general sequence
of events that determine which life-cycle the phage will
Chapter 16 problems
3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14