Debating Resources for the World since 1994


Comprehensive survey of argumentation, persuasion, public speaking, and debating.

An educational series for students, teachers, and citizens interested in critical communication skills. The emergence of a global community of ideas and discourse requires successful individuals to develop critical advocacy skills – to develop strong ideas, to present them effectively, to defend them skillfully, and to critically analyze opposing ideas. Based on decades of international experience, this series will provide you with the ideas and training you need to succeed.

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Study & practice of debate, where to find debate, preview of major topics, reasons to gain debating skills.

Snider, Meany, Berube

48 minutes
Definition of an argument, induction, deduction, causation.
Snider, Meany, Berube
43 minutes
Role of proof in argument, expert opinion, historical fact, statistics, empirical study, testimony, analogy, comparison, popular belief, and tradition.
Snider, Meany, Berube
44 minutes
Refutation defined, refutation techniques - challenges, lack of relevance, critique, turning the tables, minimization.
Snider, Meany, Berube
54 minutes
Argument in the ideal and actual world, fallacies, personal bias in the audience and the speaker, argument and the universal audience.
Snider, Meany, Berube
44 minutes
Considerations in format design, parliamentary debating, policy debating, Lincoln-Douglas debating, public debating, media debating
Meany, Whitmore, Berube
44 Minutes
Topic analysis, brainstorming for ideas, research, briefing
Meany, Whitmore, Berube
40 Minutes
Organizational tools, building a case, organization while refuting, issue selection during the debate, summaries, weighing issues
Berube, Meany, Snider
49 Minutes
Cross examination, points of information, judging
Meany, Whitmore, Berube
38 Minutes
The role of delivery in argument and persuasion, delivery guidelines, delivery elements, nervousness and anxiety
Berube, Snider, Meany
39 Minutes
Focus in persuasion, cognitive elements; changing attitudes, beliefs, motives, behavioral intention, behavior
Meany, Snider, Berube
54 Minute
Traditional theories, information processing theories, elaboration likelihood model of persuasion
46 Minutes
Audience analysis, audience-issue relationships, applying the elaboration likelihood model to persuasion situations, persuasion and behavior.
Berube, Meany, Snider
53 Minutes


Alfred Snider, University of Vermont, USA
Over 35 years as an award winning teacher, trainer, and debate coach, special expertise in persuasion theory, expert public speaking coach, widely published, and global experience in speech communication and debate outreach. One of America’s best lecturers. Director of World Debate Institute for the last 20 years. Former USA National Debate Coach of the Year.

John Meany, Claremont Colleges, California, USA
Over 30 years as an innovative teacher, trainer and debate coach, special expertise in training teachers and judges, America’s most successful parliamentary debate coach, director of major program to bring debate into under funded high schools, and famous lecturer.

David Berube, University of South Carolina, USA
Over 25 years as an award winning teacher and debate coach, world’s most published debate theorist, expert in argumentation in popular culture. Former USA National Debate Coach of the Year. Gifted lecturer.

Marc Whitmore, English Speaking Union, London, UK
Having studied in the UK and the USA, was Director of the Centre for Speech and Debate at the ESU coordinates activities in over 30 countries. Gifted teacher and lecturer, was also the founder of the Tesco London Debate Programme to bring debate into underserved schools.