BCOR 012 Draft Lecture and Exam Schedule                                 Lab



January       19             W          Darwinian Evolution                                 Chap 22               

                    21             F           Darwinian Evolution                                 Chap 22

                    24             M         Evolution of Populations                          Chap 23                Evol 1

                    26             W          Evolution of Populations                          Chap 23                (Sara)

                    28             F           Origin of species                                       Chap 24

                    31             M         Origin of species                                       Chap 24                Evol 2

February     2               W          Phylogenetics                                            Chap 26

                    4               F           History of Life                                          Chap 25


                    7               M         Bacteria/Archea                                         Chap 27                Phylogeny

                    9               W          Protists                                                     Chap 28                (Terry)

                    10             Th        EXAM 1 (chapters 22-28; 10 lectures)

                    11             F           Seedless Plants                                          Chap 29

                    14             M         Seedless Plants                                          Chap 29                Birds 1

                    16             W          Seed Plants                                                Chap 30                (Alison)

                    18             F           Seed Plants                                                Chap 30

                    21             M         Presidents Day                                         No Class               No lab

                    23             W          Intro to Animal Diversity                         Chap 32

                    25             F           Invertebrates                                             Chap 33

                    28             M         Invertebrates                                             Chap 33                Birds 2

March         2               W          Vertebrates                                                Chap 34

                    4               F           Vertebrates                                                Chap 34

                    7               M         Spring Recess                                            No Class               No lab

                    9               W          Spring Recess                                            No Class

                    11             F           Spring Recess                                            No Class

Structure and Function; Physiology

                    14             M         Plant Development and Anatomy            Chap 35                Celegans

                    16             W          Plant Transport                                        Chap 36                (Dave)

                    17             Th        EXAM 2 (chapters 29-36; 11 lectures)

                    18             F           An. Int. strxr & funct./Circ. & gas exch.   Chap 40

                    21             M         Circulation and Gas Exchange                   Chap 42                Daphnia

                    23             W          Circulation and Gas Exchange                   Chap 42                (Charles)

                    25             F           Immune system (Mammals)                     Chap 43

                    28             M         Immune system (Mammals)                     Chap 43                Oral 1

                    30             W          Immunity in Plants and Bees                    Chap 39

April           1               F           Neurons                                                    Chap 48

                    4               M         Neurons                                                    Chap 48                Oral 2

                    6               W          Nervous System/Muscles and senses       Chap 50

                    8               F           Muscles and senses                                  Chap 50

                    11             M         Sens. Percp. Pls/Circ. Rhyth. Pls. & An.. Chap 39                Param 1

                    13             W          TBA (buffer)                                                                           (Alison)

                    14             Th        EXAM 3 (chapters 40, 42, 43, 48, 50; 12 lectures)            





                    15             F           Intro to Ecology                                        Chap 52

                    18             M         Population Ecology                                  Chap 53                Param 2

                    20             W          Population Ecology                                  Chap 53

                    22             F           Community Ecology                                 Chap 54

                    25             M         Community Ecology                                 Chap 54                Plant


                    27             W          Ecosystem Ecology                                  Chap 55                (Don)

                    29             F           Ecosystem Ecology                                  Chap 55

May            2               M         Conservation Biology                               Chap 56

                    4               W          Conservation Biology                               Chap 56


                    TBA                      FINAL EXAM (chapters 52-56; 9 lectures, plus comprehensive section)






á      Under this model, 25 chapters are covered, or 24 if you donŐt count Chapter 52    

á      The midpoint of the course is two lectures into the strxr/fnctn/physiology unit.  Perhaps this is the place where the instructor change could take place.  Not perfect, but no big deal.

á      The exams donŐt correspond neatly to topic area breakpoints, but they do divide the material into more or less equal sized chunks.

á      LetŐs adjust as necessary to avoid scheduling bio exams in the same week as chemistry exams.