Forest Canopy Research Tower at Proctor Maple Research Center in Underhill, VT

View looking up the VMC 22 m forest canopy research tower In Fall 1991 the VMC erected a 22 meter Upright aluminum walkup tower in a northern hardwood stand at the Proctor Maple Research Center in Underhill, VT. In addition to providing access to the foliage of a variety of hardwood species, the tower hosts meteorological stations at 0.5, 7.5, 17, and 24 meters above the forest floor. At each level, wind speed and direction, temperature, relative humidity and surface wetness are continuously monitored and logged as 15 minute averages to a Campbell 21X datalogger in the instrument shelter. Total solar irradiance and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) are measured at 22 meters, only, and also logged as 15 minute averages to the same datalogger.

Over the years a number of research projects have been conducted using the forest canopy research tower (tower) and surrounding facilities. Topics of research have included ozone, carbon dioxide, photosynthesis, and UVB radiation. Although, not being monitored currently, from 1993-1999 ozone was measured during summer months at the same four levels where meteorological data are currently collected.

Monitoring of soil temperatures within a northern hardwood stand began in January 1993. Two sets of paired soil temperature plots (4 plots total) were established near the forest research canopy tower. Multi-point averaging thermocouples were installed in each of the four plots at 2 cm above, and 5, 15, and 30 cm below the soil surface. Soil temperatures are continually read and measurements are averaged and recorded as a 15 minute mean to the Campbell 21X datalogger in the instrument shelter. From January 1993 until April 2001, during winter months, one treatment plot of each pair was kept free of snow while snow accumulated and melted naturally on the second plot. While plot treatments did not continue during the 2001-2002 winter, soil temperatures on all plots are still being recorded.

A prototype laser instrument for measuring carbon dioxide and water vapor was tested atop the tower during July-August 2001. This cooperative project between Physical Sciences Inc. of Andover, MA and the University of Vermont School of Natural Resources was designed to field test this instrument under real-world conditions. It is anticipated that the instrument will receive a second year of field testing at the tower during summer 2002.

In Fall 2001 a networked video camera (Mount Mansfield Cam)was mounted atop the tower by staff at PMRC to provide a continuous view of Mt. Mansfield. This project was possible because a new fiber optic cable was installed in 2001 linking the instrument shelter, at the base of the tower, with the PMRC Laboratory.

Colchester Reef
Mt. Mansfield (west)
Ranch Valley

Meteorological Instruments