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About Cristina Mazzoni

Cristina Mazzoni holds a B.A. in General Literature from the University of California, San Diego (1985), and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Yale University (1991).

She is currently Professor of Romance Languages at the University of Vermont, where she has been teaching Italian language, literature, and culture since 1993.

In addition to numerous articles on mystical writing and Italian literature, she is the editor of Angela of Foligno's Memorial (1999) and author of Saint Hysteria: Neurosis, Mysticism, and Gender in European Culture (1996), Maternal Impressions: Pregnancy and Childbirth in Literature and Theory (2002), Italian Made Simple (2003) and, with Rudolph Bell, The Voices of Gemma Galgani: The Life and Afterlife of a Modern Saint (2003).

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