Fall '98 Chinese Talent Show    98年秋季学期汉语才艺表演

The following are a few photos we took during the Chinese Talent Show.  We aresorry that  because of the weak lighting, some photos are too dark to be displayed probably on the web.   However,  everyone of us had a good time during the show, and we hope the following pictures will help you recall some of the interesting scenes during the show.

A1.  What is he doing?  他在作什么?   A2. Is he a good person?  他是好人吗?

A3.  He said he was a friend of Professor Yin's.  No way!

B1.  What would you like to drink?    B2.  Look! This is my boy-friend.
    您喝什么?                                               看!这是我男朋友。

B3.  What?  Don't you dare to say that he is your boy-friend!  Remeber he is mine.

C.  They are on the bus to a department store.            D.  They are in a restaurant.
    他们坐公共汽车去百货商店。                                   他们在饭馆儿里。

E.  They are talking about studying.                F.  They are talking about eaching.
他们在谈学习。                                      她们在谈吃。

G.  What about him?  Is he driving?  他呢?他在开车吗?

H.  He gets a French-speaking panda from his girl-friend.     I.  She has the most supportive roommates.
他女朋友给他一只说法语的大熊猫。                                                 她的同屋最支持她。

J.  This is a group picture.  Where are you ?

The Chinese Talent Show is held every semester.
Keep tuned!
December 2, 1998