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Since the Mid-Term:
National Community Forestry Center -- Northern Forest Region.  2001.  What is Community Forestry and Why Does It Matter?

Vermont Family Forest 2001 Annual Report

Slavery in Brazil's  Forests. April 2002.  New York Times.  E-mail version and commentary.

Press release on CIFOR study.March 7, 2002.  "News Release:  New report finds that conserving the World's Forests Depends on Support for Community-based Forest Enterprises."  <>

"Vermont wood workers go against the grain."  The Associated Press in Press Herald, Portland ME.  December 29, 2001.

Carlton, Jim.  2000.  How Home Depot and Activists Joined to Cut Logging Abuse.  Wall Street Journal.  September 26, 2000.

Ford Foundation.  1998.  Forestry for Sustainable Rural Development.  New York: Ford Foundation.

Danks, Cecilia.  2002.  International Experiences:  Learning from Innovations in Community-based Forestry.  Planting Seeds:  An Update from the Community-Based Forestry Demonstration Program. Newsletter.

For Tues., Feb 26:  Critiques of Community forestry:
                            1.  Decentralizing responsibility without devolving power, and
                            2.  Can community-based approaches conserve biodiversity?

Fischer, R. J.  1999.  Devolution and decentralization of forest management in Asia and the Pacific. Unasylva 199 50:3-5.

Enters, T. and J. Anderson.  1999.  Rethinking the decentralization and devolution of biodiversity conservation. Unasylva 199 50:6-11.

For Thurs., Feb 21:  Analyzing legislation using concepts from class (These readings were handed out in class.)

Reading guide -- questions to consider while reading

Community-based Forestry and Public Lands Restoration DRAFT bill. (originally assigned for 2/19)

Durning, Alan Thein.  1999.  Haida Gwaii: uniting the community.  Green-Collar Jobs: Working in the New Northwest.  Seattle:  Northwest Environment Watch.

For Tues., Feb. 19:  Drawing National Legislation from Real Cases  (These readings were handed out in class.)

Reading guide -- why these articles were selected and questions to consider while reading

Why Hayfork?  -- The list of activities covered in class that contribute to making Hayfork & theWatershed Center a national model for community forestry in the US.

P.L. 106-390 Title VI.  Community Forest Restoration Act of 2000

Community-based Forestry and Public Lands Restoration DRAFT bill.

Danks, C.  2000.  Community forestry initiatives for the creation of sustainable rural livelihoods: a case from North America.  Unasylva 202 (51): 53-63

Economic Action Plan memo

For Thurs., Feb. 14:  Applying theory to real cases:  New Mexico and Honduras
            (These readings were handed out in class.)

Reading guide -- why these articles were selected and questions to consider while reading
Enzer, Maia and Ann Moote.  2001.  Community Forest Restoration Act.  Newsletter manuscript.

Stanley, Denise.  1991.  Demystifying the tragedy of the commons:  the resin tappers of Honduras.  Grassroots Development.  15(3):27-35.

Pardo, Richard. 1995.  Community Forestry Comes of Age.  Journal of Forestry November:20-24.

For Tues., Feb. 12:  Social Capital:  Bridging the Great Divide (These readings were handed out in class.)

Evans, Peter.  1996a.  Introduction:  Development strategies across the public-private divide.  World Development.  24 (6): 1033-1037.

Evans, Peter.  1996b.  Government action, social capital and development: Reviewing the evidence on synergy. World Development.  24 (6): 1119-1132.

Weber, Max. n.d.  ("after 1914").  Excerpt on Bureaucracy.  In H.H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills.  1946. From Max Weber:  Essays in Sociology.  New York:  Oxford University Press.

Enzer, Maia, and Ann Moote.  2001.  Community Forest Restoration Act.

For Tues., Feb. 5:  Intro to Forest Management Bureaucracies (These readings were handed out in class.)

1.  Kaufman, Herbert.  1960. The Forest Ranger.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.  Excerpts. Read this thoughtfully.  Look at table of contents.  Transferring personnel is just one example.
2.  Peluso, Nancy, Mark Poffenberger and Frances Seymour.  1990.  Reorienting forest management on Java.  In Mark Poffenberger (ed.) Keepers of the Forest:  Land Management Alternatives in Southeast Asia.  West Hartford, CN: Kumarian Press.
For Thurs., Jan 31:   Poetry of Place.  Short reading and short written assignment (in place of quiz).

For Tues., Jan 29 and Thurs. Jan 31: Goods and Property:  Public, Private and Common
   Click here for McKean  in PDF version
(3 MB but easier to read)
McKean is also on now electronic reserve

McKean, Margaret.  1998.  Common property:  what is it, what is it good for, and what makes it work?   In Clark Gibson, Margaret McKean and Elinor Ostrom (eds.) Forest Resources and Institutions.  Forest Trees and People Programme, Working Paper No. 3.  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Link to Electronic reserve  Note:  Our common property readings are on electronic reserve.  I encourage you to check out Garrett Hardin, the guy who coined the term "Tragedy of the Commons." It was and is a very influential article worldwide.  (Despite its importance, it is an optional reading for this class.)

For Thurs., Jan. 24:  Meanings of Community.   Click here for MS-doc copy of:

"Community" in Danks, Cecilia.  2000.  Community Participation in National Forest Management:  The Role of Social Capital and Organizational Capacity in Collaborative Efforts in Trinity County, California.  Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Berkeley. pp. 35-48

If you are an NR 254 student, please also peruse : Wilkinson, Kenneth.  1986.  In search of the community in the changing countryside. Rural Sociology 51(1):1-17.
This article was handed out in class.  There should also be one more copy in my box outside of Aiken 347.  You do not have to read it thoroughly (unless of course you want to) but do try to find at least 2 points of interest to you and relate them to the main reading.

No quiz, but be ready to talk about these readings in class.

For Thurs., Jan 17, 2002:  Promise and Pitfalls of CF  (Click here for overhead notes on these 2 readings.)

1.  Lurie, Theadora.  1999.  Saving Forests, Healing Towns.  Ford Foundation Report (Fall): 12-15.
2.  Shiva, Vandana, H.C. Sharatchandra, and J. Bandyopadhyay.  1986.  Social Forestry for Whom?  In David Korten (ed.) Community Management: Asian Experience and Perspectives.  West Hartford, CN: Kumarian Press. pp. 238-246.