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General Course Schedule

(Check here in the future for more detailed and updated schedule)

Week 1

Introduction to Course and Community forestry

Promise and Pitfalls


Week 2

Diverse meanings of community forestry 

Concepts of Community

Web Search DUE


Week 3

Property and Forests

Private, Public and Common Property

Forestry Bureaucracies and decentralization


Week 4

Social Capital

Collaborative Process

Community Capacity


Week 5

Cases of community forestry abroad

Cases of community forestry in the US

Project Proposal due - draft

Week 6

Critiques of community forestry –ecological, equity, institutional


Week 7

Review of concepts

Mid-Term Exam

Week 8

Intro to US policies of CF

Project Proposal due- final for grading

Week 9

Issues in US community forestry


Week 10

Field Trip – Community forestry New England style


Week 11

May the Ford be with you 

(transfer and growth of an idea in the US)

Second written report due (approx)

Week 12

Forest certification and communities


Week 13

Envisioning “social forestry” --more than just communities


Week 14

Class presentations


Week 15

Class presentations

Evaluation – formal and informal


Last day!

Reflection: Where does community forestry go from here?

Where do we go from here?What will you go away with?

Final Projects DUE