Dr. Cecilia Danks
Assistant Professor, Environmental Policy
Environmental Program and School of Natural Resources
University of Vermont
153 S. Prospect St.
Burlington, VT 05401
tel: 802-656-0175/  fax: 802-656-8015
email: cecilia.danks@uvm.edu
Classes taught:  Spring 2002: Community Forestry At Home and Abroad
Intermediate Environmental Studies
Fall 2002:  Introduction to Environmental Studies
Sustainable Forest Certification

Areas of interest: 

Community forestry, socioeconomic monitoring, forest stewardship, institutions for co-management, forest certification, collaborative processes, the working forest, sustainable development, wildfire management policies, nonprofit sector, and watershed organizations.
Link to C.V.
This photo is the view from South Fork Mountain, outside of Hayfork, CA. (Photographer - Roger Jaegel)
Last updated April 24, 2002