Research Response

I have prepared a list of book chapters or articles in learned journals, all available in the UVM library either in print or online (or both). The general subjects are:

The Gracchi
Scipio Aemilianus
Mithradates VI
Marius, Sulla

Information on bibliographical references:

Journal abbreviations: On this syllabus, journals are abbreviated according to the conventions of L'Année philologique (APh), a bibliographical database. You can find that via the library website, as demonstrated in class, or just use this link (if on campus). There are many online lists of these abbreviations; here is the one from UC Berkeley

The assignment is to read one article or book chapter and write a short critical analysis of it. If you have ever done an annotated bibliography before, that is what you ought to do; rational criticism of each author's thesis and methods, rather than a rehearsal of what s/he says, will make your analysis useful (and get a better grade). Since each of the articles or book chapters deals with a source or sources that you have read, you are in a good position to judge the scholar's argument.

Each student must choose a different item to read: if you missed class on the days when the list was circulated, send me an e-mail and ask for suggestions.

Late projects lose ten percentage points each weekday. It is not only acceptable, but a good idea, to complete the project before the due date (30 April at noon).

In order to avoid being late, you may send the project as an e-mail attachment, but only provisionally: you must turn in an actual hard copy of the project to have it read. There is one very important rule if you use e-mail: you can only be sure that I have received it if I send a return e-mail saying so. If there is no return e-mail, assume that the project did not arrive.

Last updated: 6 April 2014
Copyright © 2014 Barbara Saylor Rodgers
All Rights Reserved.