Some Bibliography relating to Heraclius

Alexander, Suzanne Spain. Heraclius, Byzantine Imperial Ideology, and the David Plates. Speculum 52 (1977) 217-237.

Baynes, Norman H. The First Campaign of Heraclius against Persia. EHR 19 (1904) 694-702.

Baynes, Norman H. The Restoration of the Cross at Jerusalem. EHR 27 (1912) 287-299.

Baynes, N.H. The Emperor Heraclius and the Military Theme System. EHR 67 (1952) 380-381.

Bíró, M. Georgian Sources on the Caucasian Campaign of Heracleios. AOrientHung 35 (1981) 121-132. [53-10543

Chrysos, Evangelos K. The Title ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ in Early Byzantine International Relations. DOP 32 (1978) 29-75.

El-Cheikh, Nadia Maria. Muhammad and Heraclius: A Study in Legitimacy. Studia Islamica 89 (1999) 5-21.

Foss, Clive. The Persians in Asia Minor and the End of Antiquity. EHR 90 (1975) 721-747.

Frendo, Joseph D.C. History and Panegyric in the Age of Heraclius: The Literary Background to the Composition of the Histories of Theophylact Simocatta. DOP 42 (1988) 143-156.

Frolow, A. La vraie Croix et les expéditions d'Héraclius en Perse. REByz 11 (1953) 88-105. [25-06612

Kaegi, W. E. New Evidence on the Early Reign of Heraclius. ByzZ 66 (1973) 308-330.

Kaegi, W. E. Two Notes on Heraclius. REByz 37 (1979) 221-227. [50-09720

Kaegi, W. E. Two Studies in the Continuity of Late Roman and Byzantine Military Institutions. ByzF 8 (1982) 87-113. [54-12964

Kaegi, W. M. Late Roman Continuity in the Financing of Heraclius' Army. JŒByz 32 (1982) 53-61. [53-11892

Kaegi, W.E. Heraclius: Emperor of Byzantium. DF574 .K34 2003

Lemerle, P. Invasions et migrations dans les Balkans depuis la fin de l'époque romaine jusqu'au VIIIe siècle. RH 211 (1954) 265-308. (request from LRA)

Mango, C. Deux Études sur Byzance et la Perse sassanide. T&MByz 9 (1985) 91-118. [56-11019

Ostrogorsky, George. The Byzantine Empire in the World of the Seventh Century. DOP 13 (1959) 1-21.

Parker, S. Thomas. The Defense of Palestine and Transjordan from Diocletian to Heraclius, in The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond: Essays in Honor of James A. Sauer, ed. Lawrence E. Stager et al. (Winona Lake (Ind.): Eisenbrauns, 2000) 367-388.

Shahîd, Irfan. Heraclius ΠΙΣΤΟΣ ΕΝ ΧΡΙΣΤΩ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ. DOP 34 (1980-1981) 225-237.

Shahîd, Irfan. Heraclius and the Theme System: New Light from the Arabic. Byzantion 57 (1987) 391-406.

Shahîd, Irfan. Heraclius and the Theme System: Further Observations. Byzantion 59 (1989) 208-243.

Shahîd, Irfan. Heraclius and the Unfinished Themes of Oriens: Some Final Observations. Byzantion 64 (1994) 352-376.

Shahîd, Irfan. The Iranian Factor in Byzantium during the Reign of Heraclius. DOP 26 (1972) 293-320.

Sharf, A. Heraclius and Mahomet. P&P 9 (1956) 1-16.

Stratos, A. N. La première campagne de l'empereur Héraclius contre les Perses. JŒByz 28 (1979) 63-74. [50-09729

Trilling, James. The Soul of the Empire: Style and Meaning in the Mosaic Pavement of the Byzantine Imperial Palace in Constantinople. DOP 43 (1989) 27-72

Whitby, Mary. The Devil in Disguise: The End of George of Pisidia's Hexaemeron Reconsidered. JHS 115 (1995) 115-129.