Latin 1

457 Waterman
12:20-1:10 MWF, 1:25-2:15 W


Wheelock and LaFleur, Wheelock's Latin 6th edition


Read the new chapter(s) before coming to class on the day when the new material is introduced.
Assignments listed on any date are to be completed by the next class meeting.
Always memorize new forms and vocabulary in each new chapter before doing the exercises.
    Rationale: you will need to memorize forms and vocabulary anyway, sooner rather than later, and it is more efficient to do the exercises if you don't waste time looking up every word.
Note also: P&R = Practice & Review; S.A. = Sententiae Antiquae
Prepare = prepare for class.

The first line (or two) opposite each date is the agenda for class; the next lines are assignments to be completed by the next class meeting.


28  Ch. 1: first and second conjugation verbs, forms and syntax

Write out to hand in Sententiae 1.16-20; explain choice of forms for 17 & 18
Prepare Sententiae 1.1-15

30  Ch. 2: first declension nouns and adjectives, forms and syntax

Write out to hand in S.A. 2.16-20; explain choice of forms for 17 & 19
Prepare S.A. 2.1, 3-9, 11, 13-15


QUIZ on Ch. 1-2

4  Labor Day holiday

6  Ch. 3-5: second declension nouns and adjectives

Write out to hand in P&R 3.8-11; explain choice of forms for 10 & 11
Prepare (for 9/11) P&R 3.1, 2, 5, 6; S.A. 3.1, 2, 4-11, 'The Grass is Always Greener'

8  Introduction to Language Resource Facility

11  Ch. 4: agreement of noun & adjective, predicates, adjectives as nouns, sum

Write out to hand in P&R 4.9-12; explain choice of forms for 11
Prepare P&R 4.1, 2, 5, 8; S.A. 4.1-8, 10, 12-14 Vocabulary 1-4

13  Ch. 5: first and second conjugation verbs, future & imperfect

Write out to hand in P&R 5.12-15; explain choice of forms for 12
Prepare P&R 5.4ö10; S.A. 5.1, 3-10, 12, 13

15  QUIZ on Ch. 3-4 including adjective forms in Ch. 5

Prepare 'His Only Guest ...' and 'Thermopylae'

18  Ch. 6: sum  (future & imperfect) & possum; complementary infinitives

Write out to hand in P&R 6.11ö14; explain choice of forms for 13 & 14
Prepare P&R 6.1, 2, 4-7, 9; S.A. 6.1, 3ö7, 9, 10, 'The Historian Livy'

20  Ch. 7: third declension nouns

22  No class: field trip to Amherst College

Take-home QUIZ due Monday 25 September

25  Review

27  TEST on Ch. 1-6

Prepare 7 'The Rape of Lucretia', 'Catullus Dedicates His Poetry Book'

29  Ch. 8: third conjugation verbs

Write out to hand in P&R 7.11-14; explain choice of forms for 12
Prepare P&R 7.4-10; S.A. 7.1, 2, 4, 5, 7-13


2  Ch. 9: demonstrative pronouns; special adjectives

Write out to hand in P&R 8.9-12; explain choice of forms for 9
Prepare P&R 8.1-4, 6, 7; S.A. 8.1-16; 'Cicero on the Ethics of Waging War' Vocabulary 5-8

4  Ch. 10: fourth conjugation verbs and -io verbs of the third conjugation

Write out to hand in P&R 9.11-14; explain choice of forms for 12
Prepare P&R 9.3, 5-9; S.A. 9.1-7, 9

QUIZ on Ch. 7-8

Write out to hand in P&R 10.13-16
Prepare 9 'When I Have ... Enough!' (2 passages); P&R 10.2-4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12; S.A. 10.2, 4-13

9  Ch. 11: personal pronouns and more demonstrative pronouns

Prepare 10 'The Incomparable Value of Friendship'
Write out to hand in P&R 11.14-17
Prepare P&R 11.3-10, 13; S.A. 11.1, 2, 4, 6-12

11  Ch. 12: perfect active indicative of all conjugations

Prepare 11 'Cicero Denounces Catiline in the Senate'
Write out to hand in P&R 12.12-15. Use the perfect, not the imperfect, in 12.
Prepare P&R 12.3-7, 9, 10; S.A. 12.1-11
Memorize (again) the principal parts of all verbs in Chapters 1-12 Vocabulary 9-12

13  Fall recess

16  QUIZ on principal parts; Review

Prepare 12 'Pliny writes to Marcellinus about the death of Fundanus' daughter'; 'Diaulus still buries his clients' (page 81)

18  Ch. 13: reflexive and intensive pronouns

Write out to hand in P&R 13.13-17
Prepare P&R 13.2, 3, 5, 7, 9-11; S.A. 13.1-3, 5-8; 'Alexander the Great', 'The Authority of a Teacher's Opinion'

20  TEST on Ch. 1-12

23  Ch. 14: more third declension; more ablatives

25  Ch. 15: numerals, genitives, ablative of time

Write out to hand in P&R 14.10-13
Prepare P&R 14.3, 5, 6, 8, 9; S.A. 14.1-12
Prepare 14 'Store Teeth', and 'Cicero imagines the state of Rome ...'

27  Review

Write out to hand in P&R 15.11-14
Prepare P&R 15.2, 4, 5, 7-10; S.A.15.1-6, 8, 9

30  Ch. 16: third declension adjectives

Write out to hand in P&R 16.12-15
Prepare P&R 16.3-8, 10, 11 (put a comma after nubes in 11); S.A. 16.1-16
Prepare 'Cyrus' dying words on immortality'; 'Fabian Tactics' (page 102: turn the page!)


1  Ch. 17: relative pronouns

Prepare 16 'Juvenal explains his impulse to satire'; 'On a temperamental friend'
Prepare 17 'On the pleasures of love in old age'; 'It's all in the delivery' (both on page 114)

QUIZ on Ch. 13-15

Write out to hand in P&R 17.12-14
Prepare P&R 17.1, 3-6, 8, 10, 11; S.A. 17.2-10, 12

6  Ch. 18: passive voice (present tense, first and second conjugations) and ablative of personal agent

Write out to hand in P&R 18.12-15
Prepare P&R 18.2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11; S.A. 18.1-13

8  Ch. 19: passive voice (perfect, pluperfect, future perfect) and interrogatives

Prepare 18 'On death and metamorphosis'
Prepare 19 'The aged playwright Sophocles ...'; 'Catullus bids ...'; 'Message from a bookcase' (last 2 on page 128)

10  QUIZ on Ch. 16-17

Prepare the Latin reading which will be handed out in class

13  Review

15  TEST on Ch. 1-18

Write out to hand in P&R 19.12-15
Prepare P&R 19.1-3, 5, 8-10; S.A. 19.1-7

17  Ch. 20: fourth declension nouns; ablatives of separation and place from which

Write out to hand in P&R 20.12-15
Prepare P&R 20.1, 2, 5, 7, 9-11; S.A. 20.1-11, 13

20  Ch. 21: passive voice (present tense, third and fourth conjugations)

Write out to hand in P&R 21.14-17
Prepare P&R 21.1, 2, 4, 6-11, 13; S.A. 21.1-11; 'Virgil's messianic Eclogue'
Prepare 20 'Cicero urges Catiline's departure from Rome'

22  Thanksgiving Holiday

24  Thanksgiving Holiday

27  Ch. 22: fifth declension nouns; ablative of place where; review of ablatives

Write out to hand in P&R 22.12-16
Prepare P&R 22.1-4, 7, 8, 10, 11; S.A. 22.1-16

29  QUIZ on Ch. 19-21

Prepare 20 'Cicero urges Catiline's departure from Rome'
Prepare 21 'Virgil's messianic Eclogue'


1  Review

Prepare 22 'A visit from the young interns', 'On ambition and literature' (page 146)

4  Review

6  Review

Late homework will not be corrected and will receive a grade of zero.
No makeup examinations (= quizzes, tests) nor alternative dates for examinations. One quiz grade (the lowest) will be dropped from the average. If a student misses an hour examination, the other exams will count extra.

FINAL EXAMINATION Ch. 1-24  is Friday 15 December at noon; alternative time Tuesday 12 December at 4:00.

FINAL GRADE will be computed as follows:

3 exams (10%, 15%, 15%), final examination (15%), quizzes (20%), class performance (15%), homework (10%)

Office: 418 Main Street, room 301
Office hours: Monday and Friday 1:30-2:30, and by appointment

Telephone 6-4607 (Home [802] 453-2183)
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Last updated: 26 November 2000

Send Comments to: Barbara Rodgers,
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