How to Translate Tenses and Forms of the Latin Verb

For the verb cano, canere, cecini, cantus -a -um (to sing) [third conjugation], here are the tenses, infinitives, and participles, with correct translation of them, in third person singular (except for the imperative):

Description of Form

Latin Form

Translation(s) in English Idiom

present imperative active cane! canite! sing! (one of you) sing! (you all)
present indicative active canit s/he sings, is singing, does sing
future indicative active canet s/he will sing
imperfect indicative active canebat s/he was singing, sang, used to sing, kept singing
perfect indicative active cecinit s/he sang, has sung, did sing
pluperfect indicative active cecinerat s/he had sung
future perfect indicative active cecinerit s/he will have sung
present indicative passive canitur it is sung, is being sung
future indicative passive canetur it will be sung
imperfect indicative passive canebatur it was being sung, used to be sung, kept being sung, was sung
perfect indicative passive cantum est it was sung, has been sung
pluperfect indicative passive cantum erat it had been sung
future perfect indicative passive cantum erit it will have been sung
future passive periphrastic canendum est it is to be sung, must be sung
future active periphrastic cantura est, canturus est she is about to sing, he is about to sing
present infinitive active canere to sing
present infinitive passive cani to be sung
perfect infinitive active cecinisse to have sung
perfect infinitive passive cantum -am -um -os -as -a esse to have been sung
future infinitive active canturum -am -um -os -as -a esse to be about to sing
future infinitive passive cantum iri to be about to be sung
present participle active canens (-entis) singing
future participle active canturus -a -um being about to sing
perfect participle passive cantus -a -um sung, having been sung
future participle passive canendus -a -um about to be sung, must be sung, having to be sung