Home Vista Contact Get Organized With Windows Contacts
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Get Organized With Windows Contacts

As an alternative to your tattered paper address book, Windows Contacts gives you an uncluttered view of your friends' and family members' contact information. When you add a new contact, you can include information about their home and work locations, names of their spouse and children, and their anniversary date and even upload a picture. Click Start, All Programs, and Windows Contacts to get started.

Create a contact. Click New Contact on the top menu. Fill in your contact’s name and email address and work through the Home, Work, and Family tabs to fill in other relevant information about your contact.

Create a contact group. Also known as a mailing list, a Contact Group allows you to easily send email to an entire group of people. For example, you could create a Contact Group that includes contacts for all the students in your painting class. When you want to send the same message to every student, you can simply click the Contact Group and select E-Mail from the top menu. To create a Contact Group, click the New Contact Group button on the top menu. In the Properties box, name your group and add contacts either by clicking the Add To Contact Group button, which will allow you to select people from your current address book list, or by clicking Create New Contact, which will allow you to input new contacts that aren’t already on your list. Each time you create a new contact for a group, a new contact profile will be added to your address book. If you don’t want the people in your contact group to appear in your address book, use the Contact Name and E-Mail fields at the bottom of the properties box and click the Create For Group Only button.

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