Thesis Writing

Completing an undergraduate Honors Thesis may seem daunting, but you are not alone. There are many resources at UVM and beyond to help you succeed!


  • Take advantage of the Undergraduate Writing Center and schedule an appointment as needed at any stage in your thesis project.  Or request a writing partner—an experienced writing tutor with whom you can meet once a week to help you stay on track.
  • Schedule an appointment with HCOL librarian Laurie Kutner for research support. Find other subject librarians by department or program.
  • Reading other people's theses can help you decide how to approach your own. Read previous UVM honors theses here.
  • Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab offers strategies for setting goals and staying motivated, holding yourself accountable, and revising a thesis writing project. Though geared towards graduate students, their advice may still be helpful to you! Click through the options on the left-hand menu to read different sections.
  • Try using this writing log, developed by the Hume Writing Center at Stanford University, to track of your goals and accomplishments. Being able to look back at your effort and progress can also help motivate you to the finish line!

Tips to Be Kind to Yourself


Take breaks—Make sure you plan breaks whenever you're writing. It is very important to keep yourself from getting burnt out, and to ensure that you prioritize your mental health throughout the process. Walk away from your screen and eat a snack, or take a quick walk outside or around the building you're in.

Reward yourself after certain checkpoints—When you reach certain stages in your process, reward yourself! This makes the whole process more enjoyable and motivates you to want to get the work done.

Remember that the first draft won’t be perfect—Don't pressure yourself to get everything right the first time. It's important to remember that your project will naturally evolve over time. Give yourself time to revise what you wrote previously (and ask for feedback)!