Bryan Ballif

Chair & Professor

Department of Biology

College of Arts and Sciences

Bryan Ballif


Research in the Ballif lab is primarily focused on elucidating molecular mechanisms of signal transduction with two major emphases: (A) genetically-defined signaling pathways regulating vertebrate brain development and (B) core signaling  pathways regulating cell proliferation, growth and survival. In addition to biochemical and cell biological approaches, we employ mass spectrometry-based proteomics as a primary tool to identify and quantitatively monitor proteins, their modifications and their interactions with other proteins following acute signal administration or across developmental stages. We are also using zebrafish, drawing on the expertise of our sister lab headed by Alicia Ebert, as an organismal model system to study signaling pathways regulating development, particularly neuronal positioning.

A second focus of our work involves developing and applying proteomic methodology to advance diverse lines of biological inquiry, some of which have had little to no interface with proteomics. This makes these projects both exciting and challenging. These collaborative projects range from the identification of novel human blood group antigens; to the identification of host proteins that interact with arenavirus proteins; to proteomic characterizations of pitcher plant ecosystems, and Chagas Disease vector blood meals.

Area(s) of expertise

Signal transduction, Proteomics, Neuroscience


Research in the Ballif lab is primarily focused on elucidating molecular mechanisms of signal transduction with two major emphases: (A) genetically-defined signaling pathways regulating vertebrate brain development and (B) core signaling  pathways regulating cell proliferation, growth and survival. In addition to biochemical and cell biological approaches, we employ mass spectrometry-based proteomics as a primary tool to identify and quantitatively monitor proteins, their modifications and their interactions with other proteins following acute signal administration or across developmental stages. We are also using zebrafish, drawing on the expertise of our sister lab headed by Alicia Ebert, as an organismal model system to study signaling pathways regulating development, particularly neuronal positioning.

A second focus of our work involves developing and applying proteomic methodology to advance diverse lines of biological inquiry, some of which have had little to no interface with proteomics. This makes these projects both exciting and challenging. These collaborative projects range from the identification of novel human blood group antigens; to the identification of host proteins that interact with arenavirus proteins; to proteomic characterizations of pitcher plant ecosystems, and Chagas Disease vector blood meals.

Areas of Expertise

Signal transduction, Proteomics, Neuroscience