Class of '90

Hello from the Brandywine Valley. It’s always great to hear from UVM alums, especially those whom I knew at UVM and those whom I’ve gotten to know through this column. I had a great time in Vermont during Homecoming Weekend. Despite the cold and rainy weather, Catherine Dimitruk, John Thatcher ’89, Ernie Pierce, Loki, Otis, and I hiked part of the Long Trail, ending at Sterling Pond. The leaves hadn’t started to turn down here in Pennsylvania, and that made the views all the more spectacular. Robert Clark is the rehabilitation director for Servicemaster Rehabilitation, covering all Connecticut sites. He is living in Darien with his wife, Vicki Meilleur Clarke. Vicki is a rehab director in New York. They continue to practice in physical therapy. Bill Steinman and his wife, Melissa, are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Charles Ethan Fenning Steinman. Charlie was born on June 4, 1998. Bill, an attorney in the Washington, D.C. office of Winston & Strawn, practices international corporate law. Melissa, also an attorney, is taking several months away from work. She practices trade and anti-trust law at Venable, Baetjer, Howard, and Cilviletti. Bill regularly talks to Rob Cioffi, Matt Glass, and Glen Booma, as well as his old high school pal, Diane Coats ’92.

Class of '91

Micah Pollack celebrated his second wedding anniversary on May 26. He and Sara Wildberger were married in Jacksonville, Fla., and moved to Miami. They both work for the Miami Herald, Micah in the sports department, and Sara as business editor. Mary Tarrier Kleppinger and her husband, Eric, welcomed their first baby on July 10. They wrote, "David Bartlett Kleppinger is not only incredibly cute, but in his first week he was already giving his parents five hours of sleep at night." Mary, Eric, and David live in Springfield, Va. Mary works for the Vision Council of America; Eric works for the U.S. Department of Justice; and David sleeps and eats. Sandra Goldstein Pohlman is a patent attorney in a law firm in Munich, Germany. She misses all of her UVM friends and invites them to join her for a "real Oktoberfest." Maureen O’Brien wrote that Ellen Abrams married Steve Glassband on October 31, 1998, two years after their first meeting. In attendance at the wedding were Lisa Towne, maid of honor, Laurie Ahman Bompey, Risa Porosoff, Erick Lipsky ’91, and Maureen. Ellen and Steve live in Atlanta, where she is a middle school English teacher. Her Washington, D.C. friends sent her a message: "Ellen, please come back to D.C. We miss you." Daniel Schnapp joined the New York-based law firm of Pryor Cashman Sherman & Flynn LLP as an associate with the Electronic Commerce and Information Technology Practice Group. He received his JD cum laude from Syracuse University College of Law in 1994. Daniel makes home in Syosset, N.Y. William "Chip" Mason has become associated with Downs Rachlin & Martin PLLC in Burlington, Vt. Anthony Dodds was promoted to manager of field finance for Heinz USA. He is active in Junior Achievement and the Heinz Speakers Bureau and serves on the new leadership board of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Douglas Mace and his wife, Eadie, have three children, Alex, Robbie, and newborn Katie. They live near Flint, Mich., where Douglas is an assistant professor and system coordinator of mathematics at Baker College. He is president of the Michigan MATYC. He wrote that his professional interest is in the way technology will change the teaching of mathematics.

Class of '92

Kristen Lovering ’92 and Tom Zoller ’93 were married in Castine, Maine, on September 13, 1997. Fifty guests were in attendance including Scott Lovering’ ’96, Linda Searway (’93) Gervais, Dan Forcier ’93, Chistopher Hood ’92, Sara Teachout ’ 92, and Kim Seiler ’96. They currently live in Columbus Ohio. After graduating, Anna Wied (now Tanner), went to the University of Missouri in Columbia. During the summers, she researched alpine plant ecology in the Rocky Mountains, which led to a PhD in 1996. Also in 1996, Anna married Karl Tanner ’94, and they now live in a old house in Brooklyn, Ind. Karl works as an environmental engineer, and Anna does some free-lance grant writing/administrating. However, she is concentrating on raising their little boy, Adam, who was born May 4, 1998. The Tanners also have three dogs and two cats. They are extremely happy and would love to hear from. Since returning from Peace Corps service as a fisheries volunteer in Thailand, Jeff Hunt has received a masters degree in environmental economics and policy. He now lives in Seattle, Wash., and works for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Shannon Dudgeon Piper and her husband, Jeff, had a baby boy, Owen, on August 12, 1998. Shannon wrote, "Labor took 18 long, hard hours, but in the end a cute little muchkin came out." She acknowledges that parenthood is both fun and tiring. Sandi Everard Goss and her daughter, Alexandra Nicole, wish to congratulate Dr. Nicole Posner on graduating from medical school. Nicole is living in Denver, Colo., and would love to hear from any UVM grads in the area. In June 1998, Jamie Kaiser married Dr. Gerry Smith in Norfolk, Va. Kelly Luchini was maid of honor. Other guests included Heather Foster, Lisa and Corrie Sweet, Jen Child, Coleby Mantz, Maria Pizzagalli, Deanna Leonard (`93) Sivret, and Sue Gilmore. Kathleen Walker received her Juris Doctor degree from the New England School of Law on May 29, 1998. She is married to Kevin. During law school, Kathleen worked as a paralegal for the Massachusetts Department of Social Services. She plans to take the Massachusetts Bar examination.

Class of '93

David Flynn is married and living in Beverly, Mass. Allan Urgent relocated to Brookline, Mass. He is now an associate in the Boston law firm of Testa, Horwitz & Thibeault, LLP. Allan sent greetings to the "OMA crowd." Scott Sullivan was named the National 1997 Outstanding Law Student of the Year by the editors of Who’s Who: American Law Students. He is a senior at the University of Connecticut School of Law. On campus, Scott is president of the Latino Law Students Association, symposium editor of the Connecticut Journal of International Law, a member of the Connecticut Moot Court Board, and a student member of the Connecticut Hispanic Bar Association, the World Affairs Council, and the American Society of International Law. He was a Thomas F. Gallivan Research Fellow. Off campus, Scott volunteered in the Street Law Program and has been a mentor, tutor, and recruiter for the Hartford Career Beginnings program. Ted Lillys wrote, "I have a new son (Peter Baird Lillys, born January 20, 1998), new home (in Ashburn, Va.), and new debt." Steven Brown manages the family power equipment and trailer sales company in southern Vermont. Marlo Klein was excited to celebrate the marriage of Melissa Kimmel and Jason Goldblatt last September, and she is happy that Julie Champlin will marry Andrew Daniels in May 1999. She plans to celebrate with Mindy Menkowitz, Dina Canell, and Allison Ross, who are all doing well in New York City. Marlo recently started a new job with MTV News; Mindy is working at Federated Department Stores Corporation; Dina works at Bloomberg Financial; and Allison works in a marketing company, Contemporary Group. Marlo also wrote that her sister, Jodi Nussbaum (’89) Solomon, "is a terrific mother of the two greatest kids in the world. She’s doing a great job."

Class of '94

Did you all receive an invitation to the class of 1994’s 5th Reunion? Hard to imagine that it’s been that long since we left UVM. I hope everyone will be back in June. In the meantime, fill us in on what you’ve been doing all that time. You can send messages to me or sign the guest book on our class Web site. You can find the site through; click on to the alumni section, and the class of ’94 home page can be accessed there. Many of our classmates have signed the guest book and left messages, so be sure to check it out. Big thanks to Laura Cook for maintaining the site. Kelly Koenig was selected to The Order of the Coif for academic excellence from the top 10 percent of the graduating class at Washington University in St. Louis School of Law. She also received the Dean’s Book Award in recognition of outstanding leadership and service to the school of law and the Association of Women Faculty Graduate Student Award for scholarly excellence and leadership potential among women students in graduate school. She received her J.D. degree from the school in May 1998. James Donohue, Amy Updegraf, John Mozeutner, and Marie Schlely recently held an informal reunion in Los Angeles. They reminisced about friends, professors, and good times. (There’s more of that to come in June 1999.) Adam Turteltaub graduated from NYU Law School. He is a corporate associate at Willric, Farr & Gallagher. Deborah Greenberg was married on March 14, 1998, in New Orleans. She is currently practicing optometry in Ithaca, N.Y., while her husband is earning his MBA at Cornell. Alex Wilcox is living in Connecticut, working on some terrific new aviation projects. He would like to hear from Pat Brown. Lora Phillips is working at Elle magazine as a fashion editor. She is living with Lindsay Rand and is engaged to be married on June 5, 1999. Meredith Kaufman is a sales planner at CNBC. Last summer, she got together with Karen Fried, Laurie Spiro, Hileary Hunt Cleary, and Christine Irwin in San Francisco. She sent congratulations to Karen Fried who was married on August 15, 1998. Jennifer Smith is at Tufts, working towards a master’s degree in occupational therapy. She will continue to work in the field of geriatrics. Paul Kerber was married in August 1997 and recently had a daughter. He is taking steps toward owning the family business. UVMers in attendance at his wedding included Gevry Becker, Heather Harris, Matt Goldstein, and Greg Allen, who was in the wedding party. Paul has also kept in touch with Neil Gibson, who is working for Village Camps in Switzerland, and Derek Beard, who lives in Northfield, Mass. Tasha Kasmer is living in New York City. She is a self-employed computer graphic specialist. Tasha had previously worked at Ralph Lauren in men’s design for the past three years. She sent greetings to Amy Glynn, Joanna Brick, Kristina Kornaris, and Lisa Troost. Alison Croke is completing her MHA degree. For her administrative residency, she will be working at the Center for Health Care Strategies, a national policy group in Princeton, N.J. She will graduate in May 1999. Melissa Evans is in law school, expecting to graduate in 2000. She sent word of several UVM friends: Jean Jagielski and Mark Dysinger were recently engaged; Kristen Martelle ’95 married Greg Huysman in 1996 and had daughter Payton in 1997; Amy Barrett and Michael Paquette ’95 are living in Hinesburg, Vt., and working at Burton Snowboards; Morgan Roberts is earning his MBA; Liz Satterfield is working for IDX in Boston and is still involved in rugby; Brenda Mason has recently been promoted at her job with Meditech. (Melissa also claims that Brenda was recently abducted by aliens.) Michael Ficociello organized the tree planting at Fletcher Free Library in Burlington, Vt., and the outdoor installation at the Fleming Museum on campus. He is currently organizing a city-wide tree planting in Burlington involving UVM student volunteers. Michael has also organized and promoted several local music events, including the Sonic Bionic CD release at Club Toast. Finally, he has been contracted to remove tree damage at all UVM fraternities. It would seem that Burlington’s trees are in good hands. Brian Rod is finishing a master’s degree at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, pursuing work in land conservation and conservation biology. He hopes to work in New England, particularly Vermont, if possible. Scott Chepow is living in Winter Park, Colo. Carey Reilley earned her master’s degree in social work from Norfolk State University in May 1998. She was married on September 20, 1998. Carey sent word of classmate Kathryn Masse, who is working towards a master’s degree in speech and language pathology at the University of Virginia. Kathryn was married in May 1998. Bonnie Kittredge is a graduate student in physical therapy at Boston University’s Sargent College. James MacIntyre and brother Jeff are busy expanding their Internet commerce and community software company, OneSoft Corporation in northern Virginia. Melanie Roberts is living in New York City. Lee Jae Morse and Steve Pacholek visited her over New Year’s weekend in 1998. They drank margaritas at Tio Pepe’s in Greenwich Village. Heather St. Germain was married in September 1996. UVM grads in attendance were Rob Fraser, Tanya Rixford ’95, Greg Hive, Michelle Demers ’95, Anne Lombard, John Cummings, Aneda Carpenter, Jason Hannah, Mary Mochat ’95, Gretchen Adams ’93, Sylvie Carnier, Patricia Houston, and Paula Gallo. She is also in touch with Jason Dee. Shanin Phillips married Christopher White in October 1998. She is enjoying her new job at the Association of Periodontics. She sent greetings to Theresa Hand, Melissa Kane, Steph Wills, Michele Anderson, and Becky Thayer. Emilie Faulstich Cademartori is working as a coastal environmental analyst for the town of Brookhaven, after receiving her master’s degree in marine environmental science at SUNY Stony Brook. Her husband, Gregg, is currently working toward the same master’s degree at Stony Brook. The couple got together with other 1994 grads for a mini-reunion last fall. Other attendees included Kelly McCoy, Sarah Menkes, Jamie Restler, and Deb Conan. Shawn Taylor graduated from the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine near Washington, D.C. He is a captain in the Army. Shawn will specialize in orthopedic surgery at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in Texas, where he recently moved with his wife, Lisa, and son Alec. Gregory Ehle is a student in the physician’s assistant program at the Yale School of Medicine. He reported that, throughout the application process and interviews with schools, everyone had positive comments about the quality of a UVM undergraduate education. Adam Lamb is a chiropractic student at Life College of Chiropractic West in San Lorenzo, Calif. He plans to graduate early in the year 2000. Cynthia Lapp has been working as a technical recruiter in San Francisco for the past three years. She is also working toward a master’s degree in industrial and organizational psychology. Robert Pellegrini graduated from law school and passed the New Hampshire Bar exam. He hopes to carve a niche in environmental law. Mark Dion is a med student at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine. Evan Thackaberry is enrolled in the environmental toxicology program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dave Gilkes is a law student at American University. Dan Towle ’93 and Kristie Wildes were married in August 1997 in Morrisville, Vt. They are both employed by Vermont National Bank in Burlington. Jeff Davis ’92 is an elementary school teacher in Avon County. Christa Alberry and Kurt Mayr were married at Ira Allen Chapel in August 1997. Kurt graduated from Villanova University School of Law in May 1998. Christa worked at the University of Pennsylvania in a genetics study while taking classes in Penn’s school of education. Last summer, they and their German shepherd, Duke, moved to New York, where Kurt will work at the firm of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, and Christa will return to school. Charlotte Finley and Todd Maynard ’93 were married in York Harbor, Maine, in June 1998. The couple currently live in Boston, where Todd is a wood sculptor and Charlotte is a real estate developer. Members of the wedding party from UVM were Josephine Faure ’95, Rebecca Hunter, Serena Black ’95, Amanda Black ’93, Heather Hamilton ’95, and Josh Roach ’93. Other UVM grads attending the wedding included Mark Russell ’93, Marion Pantazelos ’95, Todd Savage ’95, C. Dana Scoville ’95, Erich Kaiter ’95, Alix Miller ’95, Jake and Justin Roach ’95, John Pembleton, Tim Waite ’93, Charlie Devens ’93, and Alison Shanley ’93. For the past two years, Jason Boyd has been working as a counselor and teacher at a wilderness camp for troubled teenage boys in the Appalachian Mountains of north Georgia. Jason wrote, "Have you ever seen the movie Deliverance? Scary, very scary." Reg Wilcox and Kristin Aloi were married on July 11, 1998, in Melrose, Mass. Fellow UVMers Judy Aber, Scott Ryan, and Stephen Gregory were in the wedding party. Joseph Scharfenberger married Pamela Wolpert on May 24, 1998. UVM alums in the wedding party included Chris Thornburg, Nate Beams ’95, Scott Carter, Steve Corwen ’92, and Anton Iamele. Other UVM grads in attendance were Justin Moses ’95, Carrie Braverman, Liz Patsalos, Jill Rosenblum, Tania Gilde, Nick Palihnich, Peter Neikrie, Craig Stewart, Andrea Cutbush, Rob Jamison ’93, Tom Egan ’93, Chris Pollock ’93, Frank Shipman ’93, Sandy and Sarah Bernhardt ’93, and Tim Shannehan ’91. The couple live in Manhattan, where Joseph is an analyst with Chase Securities’ mergers and acquisitions department. Muffy Lake wanted to add that Tara Cordino was also in attendance at the wedding of Deborah Huhn and Eric Morris in Guilford, Conn. Muffy also would like to know, "Where is Ron Katz?" Ron, if you’re reading, call Muffy in Telluride, Colo. Keep your eyes and ears open for Strangefolk. Phil Grant wrote to say that the band is on a national tour after releasing their second CD, "Weightless in Water." The band features John Trafton ’95 on lead guitar, Reid Genaur on rhythm guitar, and Luke Smith on drums. Andre Gardener ’95 is the band’s manager. The band loves to see UVM faces in the crowd, so make sure to see them when they hit your area. Rose Renaud and husband John Evans ’87 spent a month mountaineering in the Peruvian Andes last summer. They bought a house in Charlotte, Vt., in August 1997, and they spend their free time rock and ice climbing in and around Vermont. Rose works at UVM with the young alumni program and 5th and 10th reunion giving programs. Melanie Hayes was engaged to be married in September 1998. She is a physical therapist in Boston. Denise Bilodeau Paquette was married in August 1996 and completed her master’s degree in occupational therapy in May 1998. She now lives and works in Concord, N.H. Kelly McCann started a new job in New York City at an investment company. She is living in Stamford, Conn.

Class of '95

Susan Binns and Stephen Mann were married in Normandy Beach, N.J., on June 6, 1998. Sue and Steve will be moving to Los Angeles, where Steve is in the process of completing a graduate program in computer animation at USC. Also in attendance were Justin Lehrer, Sara Clerkin, Melinda Bruhn, Carl Martin, Gregory Rua, Erin Holdin, Seth Gravin, Tom Bergin, Kimberly Greenhut, and Monika Isaacs. Justin, Seth, and Tom live together in San Diego. Sara is a teacher in Vermont. Susan was a bridesmaid in her wedding in August. Melinda is engaged and living in North Carolina. Kim is living in San Francisco. Monika is in a physical therapy program in Chicago. Heather Vadenais married Dana Guilbert in July 1998. The bridesmaids included roommates from 52 Hickok: Loretta Casey, Caryn Daum, Shannon Mercer, Melissa Schwartz, and Stephanie Valent. Loretta currently lives in LA, where she teaches elementary school. Caryn, Melissa, and Shannon all share an apartment in Boston, where Melissa is a technical recruiter, Shannon is a registered dietician, and Caryn is in law school. Stephanie also lives in Boston with Bill Kimes ’94. She is a physical therapist. Melissa Corlett wrote that Whitney Cooley-Bellingham gave birth to a daughter, Olivia Chase Bellingham, on February 4, 1998. She, her husband, and daughter live in Walnut Creek, Calif. Kathleen Clark has been living in Burlington, Vt., since the fall of 1997. She works in Montpelier at the Family Center as a parent educator. Her roommate is Josh Mac ’97. Honor Spire is working for a magazine publishing company n Washington, D.C., and misses Burlington terribly. She has been keeping up with Erin Fox, Lisa Pascal, and Cathy Rogers through email. John Lagrow received his juris doctor degree magna cum laude from the New England School of Law. He also received a West Publishing Company Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement. While in law school, he was editor-in-chief of the New England Law Review.

Class of '96

Hi, everyone. Hope you’re all enjoying the winter. (It’s raining as usual in Seattle.) The first news I want to share with you comes from none other than our class president, Steve Rosen. I received an email message from him recently with the exciting announcement that he’s engaged. By the time you read this, he and his girlfriend of over four years, Lauren Czuczka ’94, will be married. The wedding took place on November 28, 1998. Currently, Steve is working in the strategy finance and economics group at Arthur Andersen. Congratulations. Rebecca Zampieri wrote that she just returned from a semester in Trento, Italy, where she studied comparative law. Before returning to Vermont as a third-year student at Vermont Law School, Rebecca was lucky enough to tour Italy, France, and Austria with her parents, sister, and brother-in-law. She wrote that Kathy McKeon, R.N., and Anthony Stevens were married in Lynnfield, Mass., on July 26, 1998, and returned to Burlington, Vt., after a fabulous Hawaii honeymoon. Rebecca, Andrea Austin ’97, and Ryan Dudley ’99 were all part of the bridal party. Caren Fisher was also married last summer. She and her new husband, Craig Sande from Edmonton, Alberta, were married on August 22, 1998, in Worcester, Mass. They currently live in Boston. Michelle Murphy was one of Caren’s bridesmaids before she began her second year of law school. Also in attendance at the wedding were Amy Connell, Tania Hodge, Deb Raftus, and Allyson Radler. They all live in Boston as well, except for Allyson who lives in New York City. Lee Freeman has certainly been busy since graduation. She wrote that since that sunny May day, she has delivered car parts, written a draft of her first novel, and accepted a Sutherland Fellowship from Illinois State University to study and teach English. She will matriculate in May 1999 to pursue an MA degree in English with a concen

Class of '97

We apologize to Staci Federman for incorrect information about her published in the last issue of VQ. Thank you to all of you who have sent in information about what you are up to. It was great to see so many of you at Homecoming Weekend. For those of you who didn’t make it up to Vermont, think about coming next year. It was a great time. So, what’s everyone up to? Well, Samantha Grout has started two businesses in Vermont. She is a full-service wedding coordinator and event planner for destination Vermont weddings, and she runs Secret Gardens, where she builds, designs, and maintains water, herb, perennial, and country gardens. Give her a call at Enchanted Weddings or Secret Gardens if you need help. Ashley Kidder has started a new job as a preschool and kindergarten teacher in Washington, D.C. She also is working on her master’s degree. Diana Petroff and Kate Townsend are living together in New York City. Brendan Burke, Josh Thermansen, and Greg Sturcke are living together in Boston. Brendan has joined the Big Brother Program and is working with a 13-year-old boy from Haiti. Colin Moffet is working for an organization called The Advocacy Institute in Washington, D.C. He also is very active in the UVM Alumni Association in Washington, D.C. Will Webb is an economics and public speaking teacher as well as a football coach and dorm supervisor at The Gunnery School. Mindy Brooker and Ben Nye were married at UVM’s Ira Allen Chapel. Other classmates in attendance were Nathan Andrews, Jessica Snyder, and Esther Sandoval. Mindy is a graduate student at Dartmouth, and Ben is a medical technologist. They are living in West Lebanon, N.H. Congratulations, Ben and Mindy. Stacy Spector and David Cimino were married in May. They bought a house in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. David is working for his family’s business as a general contractor, and Stacy is an international exporter for a pharmaceutical company. Congratulations, Stacy and David. Paul Schmidt is living in New York City and working as an institutional sales associate at Scudder Kemper Investments. Christie Millard lives in New York City. She is in sales at the investment bank, Goldman, Sachs & Co. Christie runs into other New Yorkers, Kim French, Torq Perry, Mike Pace, Fred Losen, and Tommy Hess. Israel Maynard is living in New York City as well and working for Madison Square Garden.

Class of '98

Anne Conaway Peters was named assistant director of admissions at Saint Michael’s College. She will participate in student recruitment and evaluation of student applications as well as assisting in the development of an integrated marketing plan. Bridget Dunn is a new volunteer serving in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps: Southwest. She is the Vista Colina Child Care facilitator at the Central Arizona Shelter Services in Phoenix, Ariz.