Class of '80

Kristen Wright and husband Dan D’Amore welcomed their son, Joseph Wright D’Amore, into the world on September 20, 1998. Joseph’s brothers, Justin and D.J., are "already showing him the ropes." Terry Troegner Simonds attended Elizabeth Bostock’s graduation from Case Western Medical School. Elizabeth is now doing her residency in Rochester, N.Y. Linda Merrill Morrison and family welcomed their newest member, Sophia Ayer Morrison, born December 2, 1997. She joined her three older siblings, Teddy, Christina, and Heidi, "to make a full and rockin’ household." Kyra Bannister and her husband, William Pochal, M.D., D.D.S., enjoy their two children, Brina and Will. The family spends their time sailing on Cayuga Lake and plans to ski in Vermont this winter. Geri Ratti-Feeder was appointed to a five-year term on the New York State Board of Regents, only the eighth registered dental hygienist in this position. She has practiced dental hygiene with H. John Schutze, D.D.S., in Queensbury, N.Y., for the past sixteen years. Geri lives in Hudson Falls with her husband, Michael, and son Sam. Sheree Clark, principal at Sayles Graphic Design in Des Moines, Iowa, spoke to the Advertising Club of Delaware last September. Carol Strickler is the executive director of the Cambodian Coop-eration Committee. For the past sixteen years, she has helped refugees who have fled torture and persecution or who have lost their families or their homes. Her home base is Phnom Penh, where she lives with her family. Brian and Karen Galfetti (’84) Zecchinelli and their son, Nicholas, welcomed a new addition to their family, a baby boy, J.P., born on September 2, 1997.

Class of '81

Dr. Steven Rose is president of Passaic County community College in Paterson, N.J.

Class of '82

We want to thank all of you who sent updates to either the UVM Alumni Office or to us. It is so wonderful hearing from all of you. There are still a lot of you we have not heard from, so write us or have your friends write us, because we would love to know what’s going on. Ron Emler was promoted to director of human resources for the Woequassett Inn on Cape Cod, Mass. The Inn is New England’s only Mobil Four Star, AAA Four Diamond, Preferred Hotel. Ron currently lives in Harwich, Mass., with his wife. Peter Lareau was recently promoted to vice president of the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company. Peter is also a member, past president, and board member of the Glens Falls Lions Club as well as a past board member for the Glens Falls Association for the Hearing Impaired. He currently makes his home in Diamond Point, N.Y. Amy Nestler Fanning and her husband proudly announce the birth of their third daughter, Lydia Nestler Fanning, on May 18, 1998. They live in Ipswich, Mass. Ann Rosenthal Quinlan wrote that she and her husband, John Quinlan ’83, live in Fairfax, Va., with their three children, Jackie, Erin, and Patrick. The Quinlan family vacations in Vermont every summer with Karen Lamson (’83) McKinney. Ann said that she was sorry she missed the ’98 reunion and seeing Sheila Rafter, Sue Perkins Knapp, and Ellen Rosenkranz Price. She will definitely try to make the 20th Reunion.

Class of '83

One of my former roommates, Nancy Riddel Moore, and her husband, Neil, welcomed their second daughter, Paige Lorice, on March 24, 1998. Nancy reported that Neil recently started his own glass business. She stays in touch with Laurie Neville, who recently bought a home in Blacksburg, Va. Nancy would love to hear from Tracy Peterson. So, Tracy, if you are out there please get in touch with me, and I will be happy to pass Nancy’s address along to you. Colette Twigg and her husband, Rob Rowse, welcomed their third daughter, Marijke Claire, in November 1997. She joined sisters Olivia and Chloe. Colette works with her husband, doing the accounting for his CAD/CAM business, which has grown and now covers all of New England and some of New York. The family recently moved into a great house on a quiet dirt road on the ocean in Falmouth, Maine. She would love to hear from fellow UVMers at her email address: colette.twigg Lisa Green-wood Crozier sent an email message from her home in Tennessee that her husband and two daughters, Caryn and Colleen, had a busy summer. They took their yearly family vacation to the beach at Kiawah Island, S.C., and had a great time body surfing and bicycle riding. Shortly after their return home, Lisa and the girls flew to Sioux Falls, S.D., for a family reunion. Lisa got to visit with an uncle and cousins, whom she had not seen in fifteen years. Lisa is looking forward to a trip to Italy in February with a group of women from Johnson City; no husband or children allowed. Craig Chappelow and his wife, Sara, of Greensboro, N.C., are proud to announce the birth of twin sons Andrew and Benjamin. Jim Louderback is executive director of ZDTV, an all-computer cable channel based in San Francisco. He also writes a weekly column, "Mind the Gap" for PC Week. Jim’s father is Peter Louderback ’55.

Class of '84

Karen Galfetti Zecchinelli and husband Brian ’81 welcomed a new son, J.P., born on September 2, 1997. JP joins his brother, Nicholas, in the Zecchinelli household.

Class of '86

They are predicting a hard winter in Vermont, but at least that may mean great skiing. In case you were wondering, it is easy to get your information in this column. Just write me via the old paper and pen method, or send me an email to the above address. It’s fun to see your name in print. Georgina Marshall wrote to say that she is expecting her third child in late July. The new baby will join her sons, Charlie and James. She continues to consult for Daridoff of Geneva as franchise field coordinator. Liz D’Agostino Young and her husband, Bruce, welcomed a son, Ryan Alexander, on March 18, 1998. Ryan joins his sister, Madison, who is almost two. The Youngs are building a new home in Charlotte, N.C. Mike Patterson and his wife, Noelle, welcomed a new daughter, Caroline, on October 16, 1997. Tamsen VanderMeer was married to Clark Christensen in April 1996. At that time, she was preparing to cover the Atlanta Olympics as a writer for a Japanese newspaper. Clark was working for the Coca Cola Company and living in Moscow, Russia. In September 1996, she moved to Moscow to be with him. Next, they are headed to London in November 1998. She went on to say that they have been traveling a lot throughout Europe over the past two years and would enjoy hooking up with UVM alums in the London area. Brenda Hannaford Bryan and her husband, David ’87, enjoy running their business, Blackdog Builders, Inc., of Salem, N.H. It was featured in the "Profile" section of Remodeling Magazine. Blackdog, a full-service remodeling company specializing in kitchens, baths, and additions, will finish 1998 with a sales volume of approximately $3.2 million. George Payne, a four-year member of the UVM basketball team, was appointed vice president and director of public relations for the Dime Savings Bank of New York on May 15, 1998. He was formerly an account representative for Madison Square Garden, where he was responsible for advertising sales and sponsorship development for the New York Knicks, New York Rangers, and New York Yankees.

Class of '87

Hi, everyone. Hope all of you are surviving the winter months. Stuck inside? Then, drop me a note to publish in this column. Congrat-ulations to Wendy (Wendl) Lazarus on her marriage to David Glotzer on June 28, 1998. Ellen Berkowitz Kleih told me it was a great event, which was also attended by Lauren Sparks and her husband. Wendy is an attorney in Newark, N.J., and she and David live in New York City. Also, congratulations to Terri Healey, who was married to Jim Brogan on August 22, 1998. Terri and Jim were wed on a boat in Boston Harbor, and the ceremony was well attended by class of ’87 UVMers Carol Brinckerhoff Henderson, Keri Wolfson Craft, Jennifer Kohnen McNair, Ed and Michelle Pinter Howe, Phil Gorrivan and me. (I apologize if I’ve forgotten anyone.) Also congratulations to Mary Helen Neudecker on receiving her master’s degree in education from San Jose State University in August 1997. Master’s graduate Deborah Patterson was named campus minister and director of pastoral education at St. Michael’s College last July. Deborah most recently served as director of children and family services in the Department of Developmental and Mental Health Services for the state of Vermont.

Class of '88

Wow! It’s hard to believe that it is already fall and that the holidays are just around the corner. It’s at these times that I get homesick for Vermont. I remember apple picking in October wearing a heavy sweater, wool scarf, and mittens. You certainly don’t have that in LA. Wherever you may be this winter, I hope you have a healthy holiday season filled with joy. Please take a moment to drop a postcard in the mail or dash off an email message ( to be included in our column; it’s always great fun to read about what you are all up to. So here’s the class of 1988 news: Got a letter over the summer from Wendi Winburn, who ran into Jeannie Carty in Los Angeles at a yummy sushi restaurant called Matsuhisha. Wendi thought it was great to recognize a fellow Alpha Chi eleven years later. Wendi could not make it to our ten-year reunion because her brother’s wedding was on the same weekend. Wendi also wrote that she has seen Melissa Donovan, her little sister, who is an actress and works at Disney. Deirdre Everts Raleigh wrote that on Christmas Eve 1994, she married Jeff Raleigh ’90. Deirdre and Jeff now live in Raleigh, N.C., with their two children, Dakota and Jack. Jeff works in insurance for Mutual of Omaha, and Deirdre is home with the kids (even though she completed her MA at UVM in 1997). A "welcome back" to Susan Audet and her family, Sophia and Carl, who have moved back to Rhode Island. Bill Peterson sent an email message that he’s living in Massachusetts, working for a couple of UVMers from ’87 creating custom sportswear (graphic design, screen printing, embroidery) for events and corporate clients. Since the company, Select Design, Ltd., is based in Burlington, Bill was on his way back to Vermont after he hit the send key. Greer Green Westerink sent an email that she and her husband, Bart, are still living in Sausalito, Calif., and can hardly believe that they are about to celebrate their third wedding anniversary in March. Barry Gogel joined the law firm of Ober Kaler in their litigation department. Prior to this, Barry was a judicial clerk to The Honorable Alan M. Wilner in the Maryland Court of Appeals. Lorena Ann Krajcik was married on September 13, 1997 to Frank Anthony Mantefusco. After serving three years in the U.S. Peace Corps in Togo, West Africa, eradicating the Guinea worm, she returned to the University of North Carolina graduate school. Lorena earned her master’s degree in public health and nutrition, and she passed her exam to practice in October 1997. Lorena and her husband live in Apex, N.C., and are expecting their first child in May. Kelley Horr ’89 Harvey visited Chris Logue ’87, his wife, Bernadine, and daughter Olivia in Johnsonville, N.Y., in July. Kelley also attended the christening party for Chris and Cathy Carlson Spaulding’s son, Jacob. Mark Boyden, his wife, Lori, and daughter Emily were also in attendance. Kelley also visited Dr. Jonathan Apfelbaum M.D. ’89 in Charlotte, N.C., last summer. Jon is an emergency medical services fellow and assistant medical director for the Mecklenberg County EMS Agency. Brad and Robin Lipsett Berggren wrote that they are living in Westport, Conn., with their new baby daughter, Hannah Jane. They enjoy getting together with Jeff and Didi Welte Tuloch and their boys, Andrew and Jason. Brad and Robin also keep in touch with Dan and Lisa Yarlis Lehan and Suzi Ziegler. Christa Fawcett Hagearty wrote that she is expecting her third child in early February. Christa completed her first year as president of Dependable Cleaners in December. She says that "so far it’s been very challenging, but also exciting." Just one other note before I sign off for this quarter. Phil Gorrivan ’87 was in Santa Monica, Calif., on business in September. What a great time we had visiting and reminiscing about UVM over a few pitchers of margaritas. Until our next issue.

Class of '89

Hi, everyone. Hope this finds you well and that you are enjoying the winter wherever you are. Judging from the size of our last column, people are really gearing up for our 10th reunion. Don’t forget to send in your information to the Alumni Office. Once again, we had a ton of news from you all. Thanks for sending it along. Henry Alan Cutler graduated in December 1997 from San Jose University with a master’s in human factors/ergonomics. Patricia Glick lives in Buffalo with her husband, Arthur, and her two daughters, Emily and Alexandria. Tracy Fay Ovitt was recently promoted to sales manager at WIZN, where she has been since 1995. Her husband, Brian, just started a new job as a sales rep for John Deere. Tracy also wrote with the news that Terri Horton McHugh is engaged to her high school sweetheart, and Dee Barbic Glynn, a Vermont state trooper, recently completed an assignment on Governor Dean’s detail. Christine Catterton graduated from Vermont Law School in 1997 and passed the Vermont Bar. She hopes to find work in the Burlington area. Kelley Horr Harvey visited Chris Logue ’87, his wife, Bernardine, and their daughter, Olivia, last July. They live in Johnsonville, N.Y. Kelley attended the christening party of Chris ’88 and Cathy Earlson (’88) Spaulding’s son, Jacob, along with Mark Boyden ’88, his wife, Lori, and daughter Emily. Kelley also visited Jonathan Apfelbaum, M.D., in Charlotte, N.C. last summer. Jon is an emergency medical services fellow and assistant medical director for the Mecklenberg County EMS Agency. Brad and Robin Lipsett Berggren live in Westport, Conn., with their daughter, Hannah. They see Jeff and Didi Welte Tulloch and their two sons, Andrew and Jason. They also keep in touch with Dan and Lisa Yarlis Lehan, Suzi Ziegler, and Kate Curry Filaski. Christina Broe married Brian Fraser last August in York Beach, Maine. Jennifer Shriver Lang and her husband, Tim, had a baby girl in April 1997 and were expecting another baby in August. Jennifer continues to work part-time and hopes to be at our 10th. Betsy Green Dempsey wrote that Luisa Zauli Agina and Jill Bernstein Shinnick are both new parents. Sally Keefer Ober served as UVM Staff Council president in 1997-98. She and her husband, Dan, were expecting their first child in May 1998. Michael and Mary Clouser Pomeroy wrote that they are busy having children and playing farmer with their two horses, a mule, some pigs, and six goats in Delaware. Elizabeth Bradley married Greg Badger in August 1997 in Southport, Conn. They bought a house in Winchester, Mass. Michael Buccellato covers the Vermont sales territory for Schurman Fine Papers and enjoys his season passes at Smuggler’s Notch. Paul Tulikangas moved to Cleveland, Ohio, in July 1998, where he is doing a fellowship in reconstructive pelvic surgery. Tracy Aberman met her husband, Robert Zelinski, while working as a chef on an 85-foot sailing yacht. They married in September 1998. Her husband is opening an ice arena in Pennsylvania, and Tracy is working as a private chef for a family in New York. She traveled on the Orient Express last summer from Beijing to Moscow. Liza Wenacur is living in Burlington while pursuing her PT degree at UVM. When not in school, she lives in Aspen but spent part of last summer in LA for her clinical education. She is due to graduate in May 1999. Lane Priscoe quit her job in Boston after eight years and moved briefly to Killington, Vt., before landing another job in Bedminster, N.J. She ran the 1997 Marine Corps Marathon and keeps in touch with Jill Severance Sykes, Michelle Pinto, Amy Aydelotti, Kelly Aherne, Jim Graige, and David Strine. Mary Abele-Austin and her husband, John, had a baby in February 1998. Mary won the 1996 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching for the state of Vermont. She spent a great week in D.C. last June receiving the award. Pamela Eldridge Lucci wrote with news that Stacey Kepnes married Tom West in October 1997 with Kimberly Howe and Pamela in attendance at the wedding. Gloria Gemma Figueroa recently visited with Sharon White Carney. Sharon and her husband, Dan, have a son, Christopher, and were expecting twins in July 1998. Joel Iken lives in Boulder, Colo., and enjoys fly fishing and diving in Belize. Lori Cooper Ahdieh recently moved to Allentown, Pa., with her husband and daughter. They were expecting their second child in February 1998. Richard Seabury just started working at Continential Airlines, flying on the DC-10 out of New York City. He is looking forward to Reunion. Robert Rhoad and his wife, Stephanie, recently moved from Honolulu to Washington, D.C., where he is a civil litigation attorney and special assistant U.S. attorney in the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps. He also is pursuing an LLM degree at George Washington University School of Law in the evening. Liz Collier Bettencourt lives in the Boston area, and she recently gave birth to another son, Sam. She is working as a tax attorney and regularly sees Christie Biedermann and Samara Kaufman. She sees Kathy Raftery and Nancy Seward, who both live in Boston, and she keeps in touch with Gloria Gemma Figueroa. Joseph Sweeney is busy with family and work. Patricia Borgos lives in Clifton Park, N.Y., and works as an assistant principal in a large elementary building in an inner-city environment. Judith Elford recently returned to graduate school to obtain her master’s degree in education. She and her family have been living a homesteading lifestyle "off the grid," which involved home birth, home school, and an increased sense of self-sufficiency. Steve and Julie Gilmore Nadeau were expecting their first child in June 1998. They keep in touch with Ron Tyszkowski, who was married in May 1998. Steve Boisneau and his wife, Christine, welcomed a daughter, Julia, in the fall of 1996. Jessica Jansen returned from a backpacking trip in the Grand Canyon and visited Vermont and Maine last June. She is planning a 1999 hiking trip to Greece with Marlen Morony Janne. Ursula Owre lives in London and was recently engaged to Neil Masterson, who works as a financial operations manager in a British company. Ursula works for NBC News and covers stories in London and "hot spots" worldwide. Marie Messier Friedman and her husband recently welcomed a second son, Evan, in September 1997. Elizabeth Ramsey Halpern and her husband, Alex, recently purchased a 170-year-old home in Burlington, Vt., which they are renovating entirely on their own. Stephen Mount and his wife, Karen, have twin sons, Jacob and Ryan, who were born in December 1997. Stephen is also responsible for instituting a class of 1989 home page. Check it out through; click on to the alumni section, and the class of ’89 home page can be accessed there. Kimberly Hubbard Cushman completed a master’s degree in technology for educators at Johns Hopkins. She and her husband, Bob, moved to San Francisco two years ago and love it. Kimberly works in Berkeley and was expecting her first child in March 1998. Susan Kennedy began hiking the Appalacian Mountain Trail in March 1998, starting in Georgia and ending in Maine 2,160 miles later. She planned to visit with Diane Prescott Slafsky in Washington, D.C., along the way. After completing her trek, Susan will be heading to Andover Newton Divinity School for her doctorate. Silvana Nicolosi-Stoll and her husband, Matt, recently celebrated their fifth anniversary. After completing her second master’s degree, she is employed as a school counselor and is in private practice. During her free time, she enjoys playing with her dogs, Olga and Winooski. Trudy Larson and her husband, Jordan, both travel a lot for work. They have a son, Jake. Trudy recently got together with Jonathan Aube ’91 in LA and with Nick Marchese ’91 in New York City. Scott Green spent the past three years teaching Japanese language and culture at The Baylor School in Chattanooga, Tenn. He also worked as a Japanese language interpreter at the 1996 summer Olympics. Scott is currently pursuing his master’s degree in Japanese language at UMass-Amherst. Nikolaus Wirth and his wife, Lisa, make their home in Newport News, Va. He received a master’s degree in civil engineering from Cornell in May 1996. Lisa teaches at the Pouoson Middle School, and Nikolaus is working with Malcolm Pirnie as an environmental engineer. David McCree relocated to Virginia last February and welcomed a second son in September 1997. Elissa Perez Vancura saw Lon Finkelstein ’88 last summer and caught up on the news of Jim "Wally" Walsh’s wedding in Cape Cod. Among the UVM crew in attendance were Danny Lambert, Duke Stump, Tony Reilly, Lance Maerov, Jerry Tarrant, Jeff Schulman, and Ron. Wally and his wife now live in the Minneapolis area. Kim Slomin recently went back to graduate school for her master’s in early childhood development. Maureen Kelly had a great time in Boulder, Colo., last summer with Joel Iken and Jenny Aust. She also visited Dan ’87 and Kate Fallon Croteau in Sydney, Australia, last October. Congrat-ulations to Christine Striano, who was recently engaged and plans to marry in June 1999. Congratula-tions as well to Rick and Mary Stumpf Della Russo, who have a new daughter, Julia, born in the fall. John Loughney wrote that he is "working, working, working." Writing from Finland, he noted that he keeps his sanity throughout the long winter ("Helsinki is darker and colder than Burlington") by taking care of his son who was born in April 1997. George Gage wrote, "Quebriandome el coco con el ajendrez!" Kenneth Diesenhof became a member of the firm now known as Bannoura, Harvan & Diesenhof P.A. Hope all is well and keep the news coming.