Class of '40

In July, Laura Dustan went to Spokane, Wash., to revisit the Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education at Washington State University. Laura was dean of the Center from 1975 through 1982. She continued her excursion to northern Idaho, toured the shores of Lake Coeur d’Alene, and visited friends north of Sand Point. Betsy Komline’s granddaughter, Jean, a member of a local children’s chorus, was invited to sing in an International Children’s Choral Festival in London and York, England. Betsy and Jean’s family rented a flat in London, attended the concerts, and visited Inverness and Edinburgh. Then followed two weeks with son Chris ’75 and family spent in an old stone barn, converted into an apartment across the road from Blenheim Palace in Woodstock. They explored the 2,500-acre estate; hiked in the Cotswolds; visited Oxford, Cambridge, Stratford-on-Avon, Marlow-on-Thames; and drove through the countryside where wheat was being harvested. A boat ride on Loch Ness did not reveal "Nessie," the legendary monster.

Class of '41

Edith Reich lost her beloved husband, Larry, in 1994. They had been married for fifty-one years. Larry was an outstanding figure in city planning and director of urban planning in Chicago and Baltimore. She wrote, "His loss, both to me and to our daughters, is immeasurable." F. Willson Dailey, M.D., is retired from active practice but maintains his interest in medicine. He volunteers in the pharmacy at the local Air Force base hospital. He wrote, "I miss Vermont and all it stands for."

Class of '42

Sadly, I report the death of another classmate’s husband. Barbara Brewster Howard’s husband, Allen, died on August 15, 1998. Our sympathy goes out to the Howard family for their loss.

Class of '44

Robert Sinclair and his wife traveled to the U.K. in May 1998. It was part genealogical exploration to northern Scotland, the Orkney Islands, and Northern Ireland.

Class of '49

Lyndol Palin is happily retired in his hometown of Derby, Vt., after having lived and worked in Burlington for thirty-five years. He keeps busy golfing, bowling, and serving on the Derby Town Planning Commission. Marie Powers Condon had a great reunion last year with fellow UVMers from Charleston: Bob and Thelma Perkins, Harry and Bev Barker Wiggins, and David Claypoole. She also enjoyed elderhostel in Greece with Gardner and Bev Hopwood. Marie makes her home in sunny Florida.