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1980s & 1990s

Class secretary ky3e@cstone.net

1981 Mary Creed Giacobbe lives in Medway, Mass., with her husband, John and their four children. Mary works part time and stays busy with children’s school and sports activities. Thomas Horan is executive director and associate professor at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, Calif. He gave a lecture at UVM last March, in part based on his book Digital Places (www.digitalplaces.uli.org), and in part based on collaboration with UVM’s Center for Rural Studies.
Class secretary alumni@uvm.edu

1982 David Shepard of Hardwick, Vt., wrote that he has five wonderful children and a beautiful wife, Johna. His oldest child, Michelle, graduated from UVM with honors in 2002 in molecular genetics. His oldest son, Joshua, hopes to attend UVM. David is working on his master’s degree in human services after 20 years out of school. He wrote, “I am proud that my fraternity, Phi Delta Theta, is alcohol and drug free.” Hariette Kaplan Tenaglia wrote in March to say that she was looking forward to reunion. She lives in Norwell, Mass., with her husband, Rob, and daughter, Sarah. Kathy Miller became marketing manager of the Milwaukee Public Museum last March. She makes her home in Cudahy, Wisc.
Class secretary peabodyea@aol.com

1983 Brian Hewitt lives in Kennebunk, Maine, where he manages two large weekly newspapers, soon to be more. He was recently elected president of the Maine Press Association. Gregory Kepler, P.E., head of the civil engineering and landscape architecture division of Dufresne-Henry’s North Springfield, Vt., area office, has been named an associate in the firm. Gregory has been with the 320-person consulting firm for nearly 20 years. As an associate, he joins the group of officers and associates, who are the company’s employee-owners. The associate designation recognizes an individual’s significant contributions to the success of the firm. Susan Post Munafo and husband Matt welcomed Pierce Matthew on June 3, 2002. He joins his brother Brett.
Class secretary jrice@tds.net

Class secretary angleresearch@worldnet.att.net

1985 Jonathan Cohen and wife Laurie welcomed a new daughter, Molly, into the family on May 6, 2002. Daughter Abby is a kindergartener. The Cohens live in Bennington, Vt.
Class secretary roth_barb@yahoo.com


Class secretary class86uvm@aol.com

1987 Hi, everyone. Hope that you all are enjoying your summer and having lots of fun with all the nice weather. This past spring, I unfortunately lost all of the files that I had stored in my email, including any notes that came from UVMers. So, if you have recently sent me something and you haven’t seen it in this column, please send it to me again. I promise to put it in as soon as I receive it. Amy Walker Martin was the sole contributor, and I’m glad she was. She has started her own jewelry business, where she designs and hand beads personalized bracelets. Her website www.charmedbyamy.com shows all of her beautiful work. Amy also mentioned that she keeps in touch with Laura Weiner Esterow, who just had her third daughter, Elizabeth, who joins sisters Sarah and Alison. Jerilyn Semon Prague also just had her third daughter, Alexa, who joins her sisters, Haley and Jessica. Amy gets together with Barbara Perlmutter Shapiro, who has a boy and a girl, Joshua and Samantha. Jenny Duncklee Berardi has moved back near her and has one son, Dominick. Jack McCarthy lives in San Francisco and has a son, Connor, and daughter, Anna. Lastly, Amy mentioned that she still keeps in touch with Alan Gold, who lives in Rye, N.Y., with his wife and twin daughters. Thanks for giving me the update on so many of our classmates. One more piece of news came in before deadline: Pamela Nemeth and husband Jonathan welcomed their third son, Nathaniel, in April. They live in Lebanon, N.J.
Class secretary ssrey@optonline.net

1988 David Warner, who everyone knew as “Fish,” was married to Chelsie Adams of Annapolis, Md., on November 9, 2002 in Upper Marlboro, Md. Both are attorneys, and they live in Odenton, Md. Kathleen Shea O’Connell relocated to the Chicago area with her husband, Tom, and children Ryan and Erin. They enjoy living in Wilmette on the North Shore. They miss the mountains, but try to come east once a year. They would welcome UVM visitors.
Class secretary alumni@uvm.edu

1989 Hello, 89ers. As I write this in early April, our country is at war and the world seems to be in a total state of chaos. So, it is oddly comforting to get news from classmates and see that life really does go on despite all the turmoil. My apologies for missing the deadline last issue. No excuses, only resolve to try and get this column in on time. Some of the news is obviously dated, so please bear with me. Maureen O’Donnell Whitney and her husband, Michael, had a third baby, a daughter, Emma Katherine, in February 2002. Her two older brothers, Jack and Aiden, are thrilled. Cammy Stone Van Ness and her husband moved from Chicago to Minneapolis nearly two years ago. They had twin girls, Abby and Ellie, in December 2001. Cammy quit her job as an underwriter at Chubb Insurance and became a full-time mom—and she thought underwriting was a lot of work! Doug Settlemeyer lives in Marblehead, Mass., with his wife, Kristin and their three children, Brad, and twins Kate and Abby. He keeps in touch with David Lippes and Tucker Jeffrey. Laurie Carwile Gilbert lives in Georgia with her husband, Hunter, who is currently deployed to Kuwait with the Army. She works as a freelance makeup artist, which she started doing in Boston 10 years ago. Laurie said, “It’s a blast, and I’ve had the opportunity to work with some famous and not-so-famous faces.” On a sad note, Cammy reported that our classmate, Eleanor Delisa Koontz, died on December 12, 2002, after a bout with lung cancer. She had been living in Windsor, Conn., with her husband, James, and their son and daughter. Our sympathy and respects go to her family. Ellen Stecklow Marcus and her husband, Eric, welcomed their third child, Ethan Scott, last May. Their other sons, Alex and Jonathan, are now eight and six respectively. They live in Rockaway, N.Y., and Ellen still practices law part-time. It was great to hear from Michael Friedman, who wrote to say hello. He lives in San Rafael, Calif., with his wife and two beautiful daughters. I think he summed it up for all of us when he wrote, “Boy, has life changed since Burlington!” Michael works as an account director at Abacus in San Francisco. Greg Minsky married Tracy Ellen Goldblatt on August 25, 2002, at the St. Regis Hotel in New York City. In attendance were fellow ’89ers Dave Long, Russ Bulkley (who was in the wedding party), and Laura Turney. They had a great weekend together in New York. Greg and Tracy live in Black Rock, Conn., and both work in Norwalk, Conn. Greg is sales and marketing director at Equilease Financial Services, Inc., and Tracy is a reporter/producer for News 12 Connecticut. They regularly see Russ and his wife, Kelly, who have two boys, Kyle and Ryan. About a month after their wedding, they attended Dave Long’s wedding to Sara Smith in Brattleboro, Vt. Matthew Cash lives in Chicago with his wife, Carla, and son Benjamin. He keeps in touch with Mike Weston ’88, Chris Calger ’88, and Tasek Razik ’87. Peace and best wishes to you all.
Class secretary kbswindell@yahoo.com

1990 I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. Thanks to all of you who have sent in news about yourselves and friends. It’s always great to hear from you. Karl Bach wrote that he was married in January 2003 to Catherine Hood, a wonderful Englishwoman/New Zealander, whom he met while living in London the last few years. After the wedding, they packed up their bags and are now stationed in Pristina, Kosovo, for the next year. Karl is a lawyer establishing a privatization regime for the UN mission there, which has run Kosovo since the 1999 war. Catherine, also a lawyer, is establishing the public utility regulatory regime. Sam Faivre and his wife, Jennifer, added to their family last year. Hayden Donald Faivre was born on August 1, 2002, in Frisco, Colo. Hayden joins his sister, Annabel, age two, in the family’s Silverthorne, Colo., home.
Class secretary tessa929@aol.com

Class secretary suzannecabot@yahoo.com

1992 Courtlandt Pennell wrote to say that he and Anne Lamb are enjoying the cold winter with their three daughters. They enjoyed seeing everyone at reunion and look forward to 2007. Van Eswara and his wife, Dawn, were thrilled to announce the arrival of their daughter, Carly Rose, who was born on December 5, 2002. Carly joined her big brother, Kevin, at the family’s home in Newton, Mass. Jim Miller wrote that he and his wife, Donella, are in the process of buying and having a house built. He is coaching his son Alex’s soccer team in the Arizona Youth Sports League. He also wrote, “A recent major accomplishment for me was on October 13. With a group from the Phoenix Sierra Club, I hiked the Grand Canyon. The hike was a one-day adventure. We started on the North rim at 6 a.m., descended into the Canyon, crossed the bottom, and came out the other side on the North rim. The hike was 24 miles long and took 11-and-a-half-hours.” On top of this, he trained to run a series of 5k and 10k races during the winter and a half-marathon in February.
Class secretary lisa.kanter@ed.gov

1993 Courtland Sholes wrote that as of March 1 he will be relocating to Hong Kong. He invites UVM alumni passing through Hong Kong to look him up. He can be reached via email at courtland.sholes @clsa.com.
Class secretary jgates@snowshore.com

1994 Hope everyone is having an enjoyable summer. Please send me any news you would like to appear in the class notes. It’s a great way to get back in touch with friends from college if you have lost track of each other, especially now, since our ten-year reunion is only a year away. Rebecca Dunne Waterfall and her husband, Richard, just had their second baby, Richard Jr., on December 15, 2002. Their first child, Victoria, will turn two in March. Rebecca and her family presently live in Southborough, Mass.
Class secretary denyce.wicht@alum.dartmouth.org

1995 Will Lowry wrote to update everyone on his wedding. He was married to Alana Hennessey on September 14 on Martha’s Vineyard. UVM grads in attendance included Spencer Pickard, Alex Sumberg, Phil Bellizia, Bridget Barr, Damien Whelan, Brad Kieves, Tim Casey, Abe Conant, Sara Dolan ’96, Tyler Hand, Seth Parker, Andrew Dudgeon, and Jon Grieschuk. Alana and Will and their black Lab Uma live in Charlestown, Mass., where they have lived for the past five years. Will is enrolled in the graphic design program at the Massachusetts College of Art. Mary Machak and Jason Hannah ’94 were engaged in August 2002, and they plan to marry on September 20, 2003, in Westfield, Mass. The best man will be Greg Huse ’94. Andi Lemmon and John Garman recently moved to Winchester, Mass., and they plan to marry in June. They spent New Year’s Eve with Matt Brennan and Kate Clark in Newport, R.I., where Matt lives. Kate lives in Cambridge Mass. Rob and Bridgett O’Connell Dangel ’96 welcomed Zachary O’Connell Dangel into the world on January 19, 2003. They live in Ashland, Mass. Adam and Lee Hannauer Gross also live in the Boston area, Ryan Wildes is working for Harvard Medical School and looking for an apartment in Cambridge. Dave Sird and his fiancé, Liba Kolinova, are planning a September wedding in Prague. They are moving to a new apartment in Burlington. Codie Lawton and her husband, Al Cancellieri, are living in Chandler, Ariz. They just welcomed Emilia Grace Cancellieri into the world last December. Mom, Dad, and big sister Gabriella are all doing fine. Sara Dolan ’96, Tyler Hand, and Sarah Ehrlich ’96 had a mini-reunion in Colorado in February. Sara finally got to meet Tyler’s dog Rudy, a big part of Tyler’s life. Sara also traveled to Captiva Island, Fla., for Kelli Shonter’s bachelorette party in March, where Sara, Randi Tinkelman, Lisa Kiniry, and Ann-Marie Vannucci were able to appear in an episode of a new reality television show based on spring break vacations. Holly Riggle plans to marry Jeremy Woodlee on June 28, 2003, in Nashville, Tenn. Jenna Potash, Meryl Black, and Liz Pike will be bridesmaids. Jeremy and Holly are living in Chicago, where she is a teacher and he is graduating from the University of Chicago’s business school. The couple plans to move back to San Francisco over the summer. Meryl is in New York doing urban planning, Liz is in Boston running her mother’s new bookstore, and Jenna is working in Burlington at Champlain College’s admissions office. Three years after meeting at the 2nd Annual Sugarbush Chili Challenge, Marcus Johnson ’96 and Mitzi Fowler have announced their engagement. The wedding will be held next May in the 406 Club at Fenway Park. Kimberly Larson has been the associate political director for the National Association of State Public Interest Research Groups since 2001. Prior to that she was the assistant field director for the Washington office. She lives in the District with her husband, Scott Edwards.
Class secretary vspappas@mindspring.com

1996 Sybil Summers Mitchell wrote with news: she had a baby girl, Elizabeth Ann, in March 2002. Sybil is still working at Green Mountain Florist Supply, Inc., in South Burlington, Vt. She also wrote that Antonia Ziegler Fiksdalstrand, her husband, Tom, and her son, Dillon, moved back to Oslo, Norway, in June 2001. In February 2002, Antonia had a baby girl, Grace Marion. They visited Sybil while stateside in October 2002. In December 2002, Stephanie Pettis Sumner had a baby girl, Sadie Tricia. Thanks for the updates, Sybil. Jennifer Matthews and Peter Tsahalis were married on May 26, 2002, at Ira Allen Chapel with a reception at Shelburne Farms in Shelburne, Vt. She wrote, “We had a beautiful day and had the chance to reunite with many of our UVM friends, including David Cammeyer (best man), Jody Mathews (maid of honor), Kati and Chris Walters, Jim Young, Eddie Soliman, Dale and Melissa ’97 Patterson, Tara Dugan Banks, Jennifer Cote, Annette Couture, Scott and Jennifer ’97 Shore, Peter Barbalias ’95, John Fanning, Brad Mongeon, and his wife, Maura Fay, and Ken Noel. We honeymooned in St. Lucia and had a wonderful time. I’m a director of project management at Fidelity Investments in Merrimack, N.H., and Pete is a senior technical consultant at Edgewater Technologies in Wakefield, Mass. We can be reached at jennandpete@alibi.com.” Jennifer Varricchione was married to Jon Pizzagalli ’94 on June 8, 2002, in Vermont. She wrote, “The event was well-attended by UVMers. Alumni represented many different classes over several generations. Those folks graduating between ’94 and ’00 included Jessica Jonas, Lori Franks Finn, Laura Plummer Busick and Tim Busick, Erin Donavan, Katie Ducham, Casey Luke Carmolli and Matt Carmolli, Brock Lyman, Katie MacDonald, Tracy Homewood Horne, Matt Horne, Maggie Fitzgerald, Marie Pizzagalli Bradley, Michele Aloi, and Dr. Monica Fiorenza. Jon and Jenn built a house and are living in Shelburne, Vt. Laura and Tim Busick recently bought a house in Wakefield, Mass. Lori Finn and her husband, Joe, have bought a house in South Yarmouth on Cape Cod. Jess Jonas recently graduated from Brandeis University with a degree in genetic counseling. Jess is working and living in the Boston area. Katie Ducham was married in the fall of 2002 to a fellow chiropractor student. Thanks for the information, Jenn. Steven Gauck married LaLa Sarkees on May 26, 2002. Their wedding website is at www.may-26-2002.org. Steven is an officer with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. Amy Robinson Raymond and her husband, Kevin ’95, welcomed their second child, Logan David Raymond, on June 29, 2002. His big sister, Summer, is nearly four. Amy works at Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital in Lebanon, N.H., in the PACU/same day surgery department, and Kevin works at Timken Aerospace in human resources. They just spent their fourth spring making maple syrup at their home in North Hartland, Vt. They would love to hear from other nursing students and can be reached at vermontmaple@yahoo.com. Amy Heron Ziegler and her husband, Mark, are enjoying parenthood. Their son, Harrison Mark, was born in August 2002. Amy was able to finish her family nurse practitioner schooling just prior to having Harrison, but she is not using her degree just yet because she’s a stay-at-home mom and “loving every minute of it.” Jenny Cox Olson continued at UVM and received her master’s in education in 1999. She worked in the disability services department from 1996-1999. Jenny married Eric Olson ’99, a graduate of UVM Medical School. They now live in Durham, N.C., where Eric is a pulmonary critical care fellow at the University of North Carolina Hospitals. Jenny was a special ed teacher for three years at Chapel Hill High School and is now a learning specialist for the UNC football team and loves it. They have a cat and two dogs. They wrote, “We named our golden retriever Maple after Vermont maple products, and she is as sweet as maple sugar candy.” Jenny also wrote that Michelle and Joe Cassara ’01, graduates of UVM Medical School, live right down the street from them and are internal medicine residents at UNC. Jenny can be reached a jolson@uncaa.unc.edu. Derek and Fabienne ’92 Fredrickson welcomed a baby girl on March 15, 2003, at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Manhattan. They wrote that she has a full head of red hair. Check out photos at www.fredricksonfamily .com.
Class secretary mrichards@virtuoso.com

Class secretary lee@dunhamroad.com

1998 Alexandra Bovey is completing her last semester of the nurse-midwifery program at Yale University. She and Mark Isselhardt hope to move back to Vermont and find jobs.
Class secretary hlynch@hs-pr.com

1999 Hello, 99ers! I hope you are doing well and enjoying yourselves. I do have some updates for you, many engagements. As always, please keep the news coming. So many of you are doing great and exciting things. Please share. Deb Pollard got engaged to Noah Wepman in February. They are planning the wedding for next April in D.C. Debbie, congratulations to you! Sarah Kinnamon ’00 and Oliver Fritsch also got engaged in February. Justin Enggasser and Jodi Marino were married in September 2000 in Massachusetts. They have been living in Chicago since graduation. UVMers Sara Kinnamon ’00, Gabrielle Hazard Giangrasso, Jane Schlueter Resch, Josh Haliley, and Mike Shave were in the wedding party. Jodi is currently employed as a PeopleSoft programmer and business analyst. She ran the Chicago Marathon in 2001 and is currently training for the June 2003 Rock ’n Roll Marathon in San Diego. Justin received his master’s in psychology from the University of Chicago in 2001, and he is now in his third year at the Illinois Institute of Technology, working toward a PhD in clinical psychology. Justin and Jodi spend time in the Windy City with fellow UVM alumni Tim and Ashley Flatland Conover, Julie Courcelle ’00, Amy Grossman, and Leslie Weinstein. Rebecca Morocco is living in Connecticut. She has her CPA and works for ESPN. Lissa Ullman also was engaged in February.
Class secretary spitlak@hotmail.com