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1940s & 1950s

1940 Happy news from the St. Petersburg (Florida, not Russia) Times, which reported the celebration of the 60th wedding anniversary of Heath and Harriet Riggs on February 6, 2003. Harriet was Chittenden County home demonstration agent for the Vermont Extension Service. Dr. Riggs retired as emeritus professor at UVM in 1984. He was director of admissions and introduced the first computer in Vermont at the University in February 1960. The Riggs have three children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Lucien Paquette sadly reported the death of his wife, Loretta, a few weeks before their 58th wedding anniversary. This column extends deepest sympathies to Lucien’s family and friends. It was very heartening to receive a letter from Connie Depalo Hourihan, whose father, Dr. Thomas Depalo, was a member of our class. His wife, Caroline, continued to keep in touch with the University as long as she was able. Connie wrote that she wants to continue the family tradition of maintaining the relationship with the class of 1940. Thanks, Connie, for your interest and loyal support. The South is attracting more classmates. Bill ’41 and Jean Butler Pye are preparing to move to North Carolina. Jean wrote that their family score is three sons, 11 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. I am pleased to report cheerful news in these very somber times. Contributions for this current year, as of February 27: Of the 132 living members, 39 classmates contributed $8,949 to the Green and Gold Gift Program (and our class of 1940). That’s 30% participation. This is an improvement over last year. Thanks so much to all who donated. How about 40% participation in 2005? Remember all gifts count no matter the size. Although we are anonymous to the students who receive the Class of 1940 Memorial Scholarship, the appreciative notes that I receive indicate that we are indeed cherished. I am once again repeating my request for news. The results of my last appeal were very disappointing. Perhaps, like the woodchucks, most of you were hibernating for the winter. Now, it is spring. Please wake up! By the time you read this, we all hope that this cruel, devastating war will have come to an end.
Class Secretary — marytanner@earthlink.net

1941 “Historic step for Vermont” was the Boston Globe sports headline, which excited UVM alumni when our basketball team defeated Boston University by one point to earn UVM’s first NCAA berth after 89 years of post-season futility. Dick Healy, a ’41 varsity team player, wrote, “I watched every minute of the game on TV and was excited and proud of UVM. It was a real plus for the basketball program.” Another Globe piece, “Nothing syrupy about it,” highlighted congratulations to Coach Tom Brennan received in his 17th year as men’s basketball coach when all of us enjoyed one of the brightest moments in UVM’s history. Ray Laramie, another ’41 varsity player, sent a very enthusiastic email from St. Louis, where he watched the TV coverage of the UVM win. “It was too bad,” he wrote, “that the Vermont team didn’t arrive earlier to participate in the practices and interviews, but, if the team hadn’t been stranded in Denver, it wouldn’t have received all the nationwide publicity from so many newspapers and TV. A lady told me she didn’t know Vermont had a basketball team. I told her I was on the squad one year but never left the bench.” Also on the squad was Don Maley, who reported that he and his friends were “thrilled and proud” of UVM’s record of 21 winning games this year that led to a first-time NCAA spot against Arizona in Salt Lake City. In late February, we lost a popular Boulder Society classmate, John Royer. While he was at UVM, he was a Kake Walk director, president of Kappa Sigma, and manager of the football team. After graduation, he served as an infantry leader in the U.S. Army. His professional career as a Gulf Oil Co. representative lasted 35 years. When he retired, John volunteered in Burlington and at the University. His longtime wife, Janet Hackwell Royer ’43, predeceased him, and he is survived by his wife, Betty, four children, 11 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. He will be missed by classmates and friends.
Class Secretary — maywoodak@aol.com

1942 Our sympathy to the families of Ethelyn Chaffee of Barrington, R.I., and to Miriam Fiske Hawkins of Springfield, Vt., on the death of her husband, Elliott. On a brighter note, Ruth Orr Burgess is recovering from surgery.
Class secretary alumni.uvm.edu

1943 When you read this, our 60th Reunion will be just a happy memory. I hope all who attended had a fun experience, renewing old friendships and reminiscing about the “good ol’ days.” We have heard from Wanda Bevins Dudley of Albuquerque, N.Mex., who just celebrated her 60th wedding anniversary. Congratulations to Wanda and her husband. They both enjoy bowling in two or three leagues a week. Amazing! Wanda also wrote that they have a granddaughter in medical college in August, Ga., who is getting married in April. They also have a grandson graduating in May from Washington University in St. Louis. Happy to note that Wanda and her husband will attend all these events. Unfortunately, I was too late to include the following news item in my last column: In late May 2002, Jean Blum Schpero and her husband, Arthur, celebrated their 80th birthdays. Dr. Jack Bloom and Ellie Berig Bloom, Dr. Arnold and Ruth Becker, and Margot Benoit Downes were guests. A small UVM reunion. Margot, in turn, was surprised on her 80th birthday in June by her family. Jean and Arthur joined that party. UVM ties remain strong. Have a great summer and don’t forget to send me news…do not consider anything too trivial.
Class secretary junevt@sover.net

1944 Betty Hawkinson Doherty and her husband, Dr. Robert Doherty, still live in Bloomfield, Conn., and Betty still plays tennis. Bob and Betty have four children, the oldest in Texas, the next in Vermont, the third in California, and the youngest, Christine, “just around the corner.” We hope Betty and Bob can come to our 60th reunion next summer with pictures of their grandchildren. Richard Gilbert will be remembered by certain people from two campuses. He started at UVM with us, then joined the many who left for service in World War II. Dick clearly recalls happy times in Burlington, remembering Fred Bundy, George Little, and Jack Williams. After the war, Dick graduated from Syracuse University. He and his wife, Marnee, still live in Hancock, N.H. They, too, have four children. Dick was in marketing, and he is a trout fisherman. In 1940, Betty Lake Heald lived in Allen House, where she was fascinating to all of us because she had grown up in Hawaii and could dance in the Allen House living room with hands like falling rain. She later lived in Chester, Vt., for 30 years. That time brought two children and Betty’s enjoyment of a silk screen design business, Flamstead of Vermont. Home is now in Asheville, N.C., with her husband, Luke. A daughter lives in Maine, and a son is half an hour away. There are two grandsons. Betty is now a watercolorist, and her email address is E.Heald@highstream.net. Ione Lacey Keenan and her husband, Ed, took an interesting cruise through the Panama Canal last winter. They enjoyed it as well as attending Ed’s 60th class reunion last year. We are happy to say we now have news of Patricia Fowell Pratt’s whereabouts, though some of the news is not good. She and her husband, Judson, took up residence last July in a continuing care retirement community in Charlotte, N.C., to be nearer to their daughter. Sadly, Pat’s husband died in February with advanced Parkinson’s. Pat, whose past years have been characterized with many responsible volunteer activities and with the lives of the Pratts two daughters, now lives independently in her community. Have a good summer, all of you.
Class secretary alumni.uvm.edu

Class secretary alumni.uvm.edu

Class secretary histories@mymailstation.com

1947 Lucille Paterson of Barre, Vt., wrote to tell us that her husband, William Paterson, passed away on January 27, 2002. We extend our sympathy to her.
Class secretary rdharper@comm.umass.edu

1948 Larry Ahrens, M.D., retired from practicing medicine and settled in Ludlow, Vt., during the summer and in California during the winter. He now follows his interests, which are tennis, golf, skiing, sailing, and his passion, politics. A retirement highlight was a three-month bareboat cruise in the Caribbean. He has three children and six grandchildren. The Senior Softball Team of Modesto, Calif., is fortunate to have Roger Baker as a team member. His team travels to and plays other senior teams in Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Nevada. After retirement from employment with the State of California, Roger’s hobbies are golfing, bowling, fly fishing, “RVing,” and playing softball. Laura Byington Kreutzer, retired instructor from Lasell Junior College, finds great enjoyment in watching sports and birds, reading, collecting stamps, and working for the Friends of the Library. Her travels have included an eight-week camping experience in Europe and a recent trip to Oxford, England, to visit her sister, Joyce Byington ’45. Laura has two daughters. Serving on several boards, doing church work, and delivering Meals on Wheels keeps George Cunavelis occupied following retirement from the U.S. Department of Justice. He takes annual trips to Greece, participates actively as a fan of the Montreal Canadiens hockey team, and is a member of several UVM committees. Cheers to George from the class of 1948! Ernest Benway is happily woodworking, reading, fishing, golfing, and gardening during his retirement from Bryant Grinder in Chester, Vt. He has traveled to Europe, California, New Orleans, and Nova Scotia. He has four children, nine grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. Col. Francis Sugrue has retired from the U.S. Air Force and presently lives in La Grange, Ga. He was a pilot in the service. Your class secretary cruised the Mexican Riviera looking for Mexican water color paints and fire agate. She found neither in Mexico but did in the United States. What a wonderful country to have such a wealth of materials and the freedom to use them.
Class secretary normangjohnson@earthlink.net

Class secretary ejoc@webtv.net

1950 Robert and Ruth Sitting Gervais ’52 wrote that Robert has been in the practice of psychiatry for the past 26 years in Roswell, N.Mex. Ruth keeps busy with two mares, an Arabian and a thoroughbred, and a small herd of Nubian dairy goats. They said that four children and nine grandchildren make life bright. They live on the former 1878 John Chisum ranch, which was 100 miles long along the Pecos River. For recreation, they visit their land in the Taos mountains. Gene York wrote that in the Senior Olympic Games of New Jersey, which were held on the campus of Monmouth County Community College in the fall of 2002, he was fortunate enough to win gold medals for foul shooting (free throw shooting to be exact), and in spot shooting (five spots) in age group 80-84. He wrote that the interesting part is that he was a reserve on the very, very good Vermont varsity basketball team, which compiled a record of 19 wins, three losses and was being considered for an NCAA tournament spot until one of the losses was to Clarkson. He said some of the following names will revive memories of the members of the classes of ’50, ’49, ’48, ’47, and maybe even the classes of ’51 and ’52. The names of the starting five for this club are Larry Killick “All East,” Bob Jakes, Al Niemann, Hi-Eddie Kotlarczyk, and John Durkin. Neil Meurlin celebrated his 80th birthday at his son’s home in Oak Hill, Va. His sons, Keith ’72 and Craig ’74, and Keith’s wife, Beth ’72, planned a surprise birthday party. There were more than 25 of Neil’s friends in attendance. Neil wrote that he wasn’t surprised; he was shocked. Parker Ladd of New York City wrote that he recently produced a show called, “Open Book” in which he interviewed authors. The show is part of “Breakfast with the Arts” on Arts and Entertainment. He is also vice chairman of the board of Literacy Partners, an organization that teaches adults over the age of 18, who are not on a fifth-grade level, to read, write, and add. Please send me your news for a future issue. Class notes are eagerly read by recipients of the Vermont Quarterly.
Class secretary candh@sover.net

1951 Ruth Warrell MacKay wrote to tell us that she and Al (Alister MacKay ’52) celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last July 5 in Yosemite National Park. They had all of their immediate family of four children and four grandchildren in attendance as well as their wedding party. This included Alma Warrell Briggs, Marion Warrell Daines ’53 and Phil Widing ’53. Congratulations! Valerie Meyers Chamberlain is the author of a new book entitled Creative Instruction Methods for Family and Consumer Services, Nutrition and Wellness, published by McGraw-Hill. This is just one of several books she has written about innovative approaches to education. Please note that your secretary and husband Marshall have moved. After 36 years in Montpelier, Vt., we are now living in Barre, Vt. One floor living and all the new things they put in a home these days, like windows you can wash from the inside. It doesn’t take much to make me happy. Our new address is below. Have a happy summer.
Class secretary jsabens@aol.com

Class secretary twresbush@aol.com

1953 After urging members of the class of ’53 to attend our special reunion, I found that I couldn’t be there myself. Of course, you all had a marvelous time. Do write and tell us about it and about the classmates you saw. If there are others who didn’t attend, now is the time to share news for an upcoming issue of the Quarterly. Editorial apologies to Robert C. Woodworth ’53 and Marilyn Pratt Woodworth ’52. Their recent activities were incorrectly attributed in the Winter 2003 issue. Setting the record straight, the Woodworths are ardent Elderhostel participants. Their other activities include program committee for elder educational enrichment, advisory board of the local branch of the Salvation Army, and the horticulture committee for the Vermont Community Botanical Garden. In addition, Robert sings tenor with the Burlington Choral Society and the Berkshire Choral Festival, and Marilyn continues to drive for Meals-on-Wheels in Shelburne, Vt.
Class secretary nanhiker@aol.com

Class secretary kwendling@aol.com

1955 Hello, everyone. Spring has sprung here in the Philadelphia area as I write these notes for the summer issue. I received a nice message from Larry Sullivan. He and wife Betty have settled in a new home in Poultney, Vt. They’re enjoying life there and forever meeting UVMers in town. They see Gerry Quinn Dankowski and her husband often. Larry is active in community endeavors, and they have just returned from a month “Down Under,” visiting Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. He describes all of it as awesome and beautiful, and they gained an understanding of the Aboriginal and Maori cultures. Sounds pretty wonderful to me. Richard Mandell wrote that his wife, Ruth, passed away in Naples, Fla., back in November ’97 after having been diagnosed with lung cancer in 1992. Gerry Feyrer Baker ’57 wrote to say she enjoys our column very much. She was recently chatting with Bev Cameron Hicks, who has moved to Poultney from Denver. Bev was in a dental hygiene class getting re-certified, and sitting next to her was Ellen Pirie, Joe Wark’s daughter. Small world. Gerry asked if the Tri Delts still have an annual reunion in New York. Yes, Gerry, we do. It has been about 43 years consecutively now. It’s so very special. Gerry lives in Bennington, Vt., with her husband, Dudley, a retired orthopedic surgeon, and they have five kids. They spend four winter months in Florida, playing lots of golf. She wrote that she has so many fond memories of being a Tri Delt, and she realizes that it was a very significant part of her college experience. Have a happy, fun-filled summer, everyone. More anon.
Class secretary jane.battles@juno.com

1956 Annie Lachs wrote that her husband, Arnold Lachs, died last year. He is survived by Annie, who lives in East Brunswick, N.J., two sons, and three grandsons. At the time of his death, he was president of AA Kitchens. While a student at UVM, he was president of his fraternity. Our condolences to Annie and her family. Gloria Radin Krimmer wrote that she attended UVM until she was married, then finished her last two years at Russell Sage College. Her daughter, Sharon Kimmer Mitchel, graduated from UVM, then went on to get her master’s at Columbia. Now, her grandson, Joshua Taylor, hopes to attend UVM. That’s three generations. Gene Levin’s new book, The Best Jokes and Stories and How to Tell Them, should be available from the publisher, Luniverse, or through any bookstore. He wrote it for the benefit of everyone who would like to improve his/her ability to tell a joke effectively. Some of the stories are “salty,” but only one is X-rated. Gil Dedrick wrote that he has been working hard and traveling the world in poultry for a long time, nearly 45 years, and it’s time to gear down. He will likely continue to do marketing and promotion for Warehouse Shell Sales. Judy Silon Hershberg accompanied her daughter, Abbe, to China on Thanksgiving Day 2001 to adopt a baby. “It was — and continues to be — the experience of a lifetime,” wrote Judy. Sydney Shiye, born in Guangxi, China, has adapted beautifully to her hew home and family in Boston and Vermont. She is David ’55 and Judy’s sixth grandchild.
Class secretary jkstick@aol.com

1957 Our class reunion has come and gone, and I’m sure a good time was had by all. I am writing the copy for this summer issue on April 1, the deadline for class news for the issue. News of the reunion and news of classmates received after April 1 will be passed on to you in the fall and winter issues to come. I was recently pleased to be honored by the Great Falls Historical Society for sustained contribution as president, preservation chairman, and Great Falls Day chairman. I have received a note from Peter Kinney of Holyoke, Mass. He has been inducted into the Massachusetts Forensic League Hall of Fame for his instrumental role in the creation and administration of the forensics league and his long service to his debate team. Peter was an educator at Holyoke High School for many years, where he coached competitive speech and debate. You may remember Peter as a valuable member of the UVM Lawrence Debate Team in his Univesity years. I also received news from Bill Keeshan, who has fully retired from a 43-year advertising and marketing career on Madison Avenue in New York. Bill makes his home in Darien, Conn. Besides focusing on a growing extended family that includes six grandchildren, Bill has the leisure to pursue competitive one-design and offshore sailing in season and ski weekends in winter at Stratton/Okemo from the Keeshan place in Weston, Vt. It’s great to hear from you! I expect to have lots to report for our next issue as you pass on news around reunion time.
Class secretary suzanwc@aol.com

1958 Dr. Stephen Rosen of Wallingford, Conn., is still in an active oral and maxillofacial surgery practice. He lives on a golf course but still doesn’t play because it interferes with fishing and skiing. Stephen has six grandchildren, two in Connecticut, two in New Hampshire, and one in London, England. If you attended our 45th reunion, you know we had a wonderful time. If you didn’t, we missed you. Looking forward to our 50th!
Class secretary vtdawson@aol.com

1959 Ben Snaider of Woodbridge, Conn., continues to practice law in New Haven, specializing in condemnation law. He has been designated state representative of Owners Counsel of America, a national organization of lawyers specializing in representing property owners whose real property has been seized by government action. Nancie Anderson Weber of Canyon Lake, Calif., Judy Baker Bigelow of Essex Junction, Vt., and Lee Williams Perry collaborated to gather names of their Kappa Alpha Theta friends and then contacted them to attend our 45th reunion and make a special gift to UVM. Some of those they talked with are Anne Blackman Kiehl of Virginia Beach, Va., who plans to retire from teaching this year; Norma Canales Bermingham of Cabot, Vt., who has phased out of the Indian Summer Horse Farm; and Fay Pendergast Weaver, who has retired from medical practice and has resumed work as a counselor for new mothers. Judy, who retired as counselor for the Winooski City School System, and husband Ed Bigelow visited Nancie in California last December while traveling in their RV from Yuma, Ariz., where they spend their winters. In February, Nancie took a Caribbean “boondoggle” on Celebrity Cruises, sailing to the Yucatan Peninsula for a tour through the Mayan ruins. Nancie plans to publish an annual newsletter for Theta friends to help them get reacquainted, catch up on news of each other, and push for getting together at our 50th reunion.
Class secretary hshaw@sc.rr.com