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1970s 1980s

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Andrew Parent represented UVM at the inauguration of J. Charles Lee as Mississippi State University’s new president in September 2003. Andrew lives in Ridgeland, Miss.
Class secretary - dgsouthard@juno.com

I received a call from Milo Shelley from Modesto, Calif., before the holidays. Milo wanted to hear more about Annie Viets’ business classes at UVM. She’ll have to fill us in in the next Vermont Quarterly. It’s been great to catch up with Annie on campus. We meet often, especially when there’s a visiting lecture in the Business School. Walt Blasberg had a fun 55th birthday party at the North Hero House Inn over Thanksgiving weekend. Got to catch up with Susan Collins Bergeron, Gretchen Whitney Billow, Mary Beth Siska and Bill Rust, and Mags Caney Conant and her husband, Steve ’78, plus lots of Walt’s North Hero friends. There’s a picture of us in the photo gallery on the UVM alumni website. I hadn’t seen Susie or Gretchen in years. They were up for a Collins family Thanksgiving. Gretchen is living in Washington, D.C., teaching reading (a real career switch), and Susie looks great. The 16-year-old DJ was clueless about ’60s music, so we pilfered his collection and came up with some great dance music. Frank Arkinson keeps sending me juicy articles about former UVM women’s basketball coach, Keith Cieplicki, who is now with Syracuse. Thanks for keeping in touch, Frank. I met Joanne Czachor Magliozzi for lunch in Boston in early December. When Dick Peisch found out, he joined us. Joanne looks great and keeps busy with some graduate studies, and Dick does volunteer work for UVM and Howard Dean. He had lots to report about UVM classmates and his activities. I also heard Rickard Cate on Vermont Public Radio this fall. As mentioned in an earlier VQ, Richard is the newly-appointed Commissioner of Education for the State of Vermont. He was reporting on the status of K-12 education in Vermont. Bruce Ferguson sent an email with news about a golf gig in Florida and a holiday sojourn in South Carolina with family. He’s been on the move but promises that he’s back at work at his company in Maine as of the new year. I also read recently that King Arthur, starring Clive Owen and Keira Knightley, is scheduled for release in July 2004. David Franzoni is the film’s screenwriter. Following his other big hit, Gladiator, it will be exciting to see this new production. At Burlington’s First Night ’04, I heard a former Pine Island Band member, David Gusakov (who graduated from Yale) play fiddle in the Will Patton Ensemble. He was fantastic. It reminded me of the Pine Island reunion at the Flynn Theatre in September 2003, which was featured on Vermont Public Radio and organized by Jim McGinnis ’71. So I called Jim and found out that I listened to his gig at First Night as well. Jim plays fiddle with his trio. Their repertoire included several original bluegrass, swing, and jazz tunes. They were great, and I understand they are regulars at a Montreal club. Mary Jane Leach reported that she bought a 10,000 square foot church north of New York City, which she uses as living/studio space as well as for recording/concerts/etc. It has great acoustics, and came with a working organ, as well as a Steinway upright piano. She’s been busy fixing up the place, and she wrote that she has been shoveling snow, dealing with melting snow, taking care of falling telephone wires, as well as and learning about owning a car for the first time and just getting her bearings. She hopes to join the world again soon. Please write with news; it’s fun connecting with you!
Class secretary - sarah.sprayregen@uvm.edu

Brad Barnes of Atkinson, N.H., is a veterinarian with a small animal and equine practice. Interestingly, he recently trained in veterinarian acupuncture and chiropractic care. His daughter, Elizabeth, is a UVM junior, majoring in communication disorders and a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. His son, Jonathan, is a senior at Ithaca College, majoring in cinematography. While vacationing in London last January, Brad and his wife, Coralee, visited Ron Carlson and his wife, Mary. Brad and Ron had not seen one another in 32 years! Dr. Ronda Moore of Charlestown, Mass., represented UVM at the inauguration of Mahesh Sharma at Cambridge College last September. Mark and Anne Horvath Miller are living in Wallingford, Conn. Their son, Tim, lives in Houston., and their daughter, Laura, lives in Denver. Allen Zubatkin and his wife helped out at the annual UVM College of Engineering and Mathematics Design Technology and Science Connection (TASC) Competition last December. William ’68 and Jennifer Rounds Nelson of Ryegate, Vt., continue to own and operate Home Acres Farm with their sons. Jenny serves on the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences advisory board and is agricultural policy advisor to Vermont Congressman Bernie Sanders.
Class secretary - dstern@uvm.edu

If anyone has tried to send news to me by email but had it bounce back, it was due to a misprint of my email address in the last issue of VQ. The correct address should appear in this issue. One who found his way around the electronic roadblock was Jan Goldstein, who has shifted careers from education to full-time writing. He’s written two books, Life Can Be This Good (Conari Press 2002) and Sacred Wounds: Succeeding Because of Life’s Pain (Harper/Collins 2003). His first novel, The Gifts, was bought by Hyperion five days after he finished it, and it is coming out this fall. “It’s quite an exciting new phase of my life,” he wrote. Film rights are being negotiated for the novel, which he says is about a young woman who attempts suicide and the feisty grandmother who rescues her and takes her on a life-affirming journey through New England. Jan lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Bonnie, and baby Shira.
Class secretary - d.mesce@verizon.net

Ann Perrigo-Morissette wrote from Montpelier, Vt., that she has two children enrolled in UVM’s School of Nursing: Laura will graduate in 2004, and Ryan, in 2006. Their older sister, Elizabeth ’00, also graduated from the School of Nursing. Ann wrote, “I find it intriguing that all three of our children have chosen this field and that all three have chosen to be the fourth generation in our family to graduate from UVM.”
Class secretary - swinner123@aol.com

Bruce Ellison has lived in Portland, Oreg., since 1989. He and his wife, Cindy, have two sons, Brent, who attends Reed College, and Kirk, who is at Swarthmore. Bruce is an engineer. He had the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of two businesses as a prime architect of unique camera systems. He and his family enjoy hiking, climbing, skiing, and river rafting. Bruce encourages all “techie” alums to support the engineering program. Susan Erlichman is the new executive director of the Maryland Legal Services Co. She has been with the organization since 1988. MLSC was established by the Maryland General Assembly to receive and distribute funds to non-profit organizations that provide legal assistance to low-income people. Tim Wentzell is a professor of mechanical engineering at Three Rivers College in Norwich, Conn. He has recently had a textbook on machine design published. Tim spends a lot of time at his vacation homes in Warren and East Burke, Vt. He can be reached at twentzel@ trcc.commnet.edu.
Class secretary - dinachild@aol.com

Susan Fowler-Finn has returned to Massachusetts after having lived in Fort Wayne, Ind. She is an early childhood special education teacher in Newton, while her husband, Tom, is the superintendent of schools in Cambridge. They have two children in college; one is a freshman at Washington University and plays soccer, and the other is a senior at Cornell. Sue’s oldest is living and working in Massachusetts, too. They are so pleased to be back East close to family, friends, beaches, and mountains. It was great to hear from Annalee Ash. Onie has been living in Washington, D.C., for 11 years. Her years as an RA in Harris-Millis are paying off as Onie is working at The Residences at the Ritz-Carlton, the smallest boutique Ritz-Carlton hotel in the world. She runs the daily operations for the 29 privately-owned condominiums, and Onie hasn’t been happier in years. If you are visiting the Capital, please give her a call. Mark Johnson wrote that, after spending 25 years in the corporate world, he started working at South/West Research Institute in San Antonio, Tex., a few days after the 9/11 tragedy. He designs computer chips that are used in spacecraft for research purposes. His latest project, designed to measure the atmosphere and surface of Pluto, will launch in 2006 and reach Pluto in 2016. This joint effort between Stanford University and the applied physics lab at Johns Hopkins University has given Mark the opportunity to work with “some amazing people who are dedicated to our quest for a better understanding of our universe.” He also wrote, “It’s great to be back in the ‘.edu’ world, and may my work email address never end with ‘.com’ again!”
Class secretary - pbeekman@clarkson.edu

Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a good winter. I have a little news to report. Our son, David, completed his course work at Gettysburg College in December, and we will attend his “formal” graduation in May. Our son, Michael, is a junior at Penn State, and he is on the lacrosse team. Son Eric is enjoying his first year of high school, and I am still tutoring high school students in general subjects and biology and volunteering for different charitable organizations. Reginald Lilly of Saratoga Springs, N.Y., translated the book Broken Hegemonies, written in German by author Reiner Schurmann. It was published in English by the Indiana University Press. The book questions how humanity today is to think and act in the absence of principles. Craig and Donna Marineau Lewis, both animal science majors, are still living in Middlebury, Vt. Craig has been a therapeutic specialist with Pfizer Animal Health for 18 years, and Donna works part-time at a bank. Their daughter, Jenna, has been accepted into UVM’s class of 2008. They spend their time following Jenna around the state as she plays basketball for the Middlebury Tigers. Summers are spent boating on Lake Champlain. They would love to hear from their old UVM friends. Their email address is cslewis@adelphia.net. Enjoy the spring! Please stay in touch. We would love to hear from you!
Class secretary - jacober3@cox.net

I’m back! I have resumed the position of class secretary, and I hope that each of you will start sending me some tidbits to share with our class. I’m happy to report that not a lot has changed in my life. I am director of bar services for the State Bar of Nevada in Las Vegas. My 10-year-old dogs have both become certified K9 therapists. My husband is still a chef at the five-star restaurant Picasso in the Bellagio Hotel, and we celebrated 13 years of marriage in March. I had major abdominal surgery last December due to an emergency obstruction, and, for the first time in my life, I spent a week confined to a hospital bed. I came home on Christmas Day and am recovering well. Please, please, please send me an email and let me know what is happening with YOU. I look forward to hearing from some long-lost friends.
Class secretary - audreyb2@aol.com

Byron Race has retired from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers after 24 years of active and reserve duty that included service in Afghanistan and Iraq. Evelyn Guillette wrote from Waltham, Mass., that she is a Reiki master and is planning a trip to China this spring. This is our year to come back to campus for our 25th Reunion. If you would like to join the reunion committee, please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 1-888-458-8691 or alumni@uvm.edu. Go to our class web page at http://alumni.uvm. edu/1979/ to save the date and to learn more information about the weekend activities.
Class secretary - banutter@adelphia.net

Dale Rocheleau of South Burlington, Vt., joined the Central Vermont Public Service as senior vice president, general counsel, and corporate secretary last November. He will be responsible for managing the CVPS legal and public affairs departments. Nils Sundquist and his wife, Kristen, welcomed their second child, William, last August. He joins sister Shelby in the Sundquists’ Poulsho, Wash., home. Nils’ business, Sundquist Nursery, Inc., is a leading source of creative and practical plants for the Pacific Northwest. The Sundquists purchased property bordering the Olympic National Park so that the children will grow up close to nature. Nils sent greetings to UVM friends; he can be reached at kris nils@earth link.net.
Class secretary - ky3e@virginia.edu

Gretchen Callahan found a lady’s UVM class of 1982 school ring inscribed with the initials “B.S.” To contact her about the ring, please send an email message to gretchencsv@yahoo.com.
Class secretary - peabodyea@aol.com

David Lane of South Hero, Vt., was appointed deputy secretary for the agriculture department at the Vermont Agency of Agriculture in Montpelier, Vt. He also serves as executive director of the Intervale Foundation in Burlington. He and his wife, Julie, run a bed and breakfast, raise cattle and llamas, and care for their two sons on the family’s dairy farm.
Class secretary - colette.twigg@rowseco.com, smorrissey@nc.rr.com

Richard Joseph ’95 wrote from Katonah, N.Y., that for years he has been inspired by the endeavors of Scott Cohen of Oakland, Calif. Richard let us know that in 2002, Scott started a non-profit organization, Global Pediatric Alliance (GPA), because he recognized the value of teaching basic Western medicine to lay health workers in the remote jungles of Guatemala. GPA trains health promoters and midwives in basic Western medical techniques, which helps save many lives and promote healthcare in the local villages.
More information may be found on their website: www.globalpediatric alliance. org.
Class secretary - angleresearch@worldnet.at.net

Christopher and Nancy Hoffman Stafford met at UVM and have been active reunion participants along with five other UVM couples in the class of ’85, all but one of whom also met at UVM. They all spend one weekend a year camping in New England, both before and after having children, and in August 2003, all 29 of them enjoyed getting together for their annual camping trip. Charles Greef sent me a quick note saying that he is doing well. He promised to write again with more information to share. I have an old postcard from Harriet Brown Dickerson of Hillsboro, Va., who told me that she and her husband, Michael, have two children, Lucy (a redhead!) and Hank. Harriet and her husband own a bike shop in Hillsboro, Va. She remains good friends with Liz Nixon. Liz and her husband, Rob, have two children, Thomas and Nicole, and live in New Hampshire. Great news from Stiles Bennet. He and his wife, Wendy, started a subscription-based wine-of -the-month club, called the Wine-Oceros Club. They run it out of their Cos Cob, Conn., home. Check out their website at www.wineoceros. com. Amy Sieger Daniels said that last August she had an unbelievable opportunity to spend a collective 40th birthday with friends Craig Mabie, Josh Powers, Ross Nayduch, and Roddy Lewis. They all left their partners and children and spent a weekend backpacking through the Tonquin Valley in Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies. Thanks to Josh, they held a birthday party each night complete with a slide show and UVM memorabilia. Amy lives in Valencia, Calif., with her husband, Rich, and their three sons. She runs three small businesses and enjoys the life of a busy PTA and soccer mom. Craig lives in Seattle with his partner and works for the U.S. Border Patrol overseeing high clearance. Josh is a professor of higher education leadership at Indiana State, living in Terre Haute with his wife, Susan, and their three children. Ross is a physician living in Chico, Calif., enjoying time with his daughter, Katya, who is “cute as a button.” Roddy lives in Boulder, Colo., with his wife, Tina, and their three children in a house that he built with his own hands that is now on the tour of homes in Boulder. Dave and Lisa Atkinson Grose have lived in Hanover, N.H., for the past six years. Dave is an engineer, and Lisa stays home with their children, Hayley and Sam. They keep busy playing soccer and hockey, and shuttling to various school and extracurricular activities. They love the area and enjoy visiting Burlington whenever they can.
Class secretary - roth_barb@yahoo.com

Rich and Staci Engler Green were captains of their respective USA League Tennis teams last summer. Both won the Long Island matches and advanced to the Eastern sectionals in Syracuse, N.Y. While there, they bumped into Bob McCredie ’83, who also played tennis for UVM. Staci’s team came in first and advanced to the nationals in Tucson. Rich’s was a close second for the fourth time in six years. The Greens live in Woodbury, N.Y., with Lucky, the dog, and twins Josh and Samantha, who are in fourth grade.
Class secretary - alumni.uvm.edu

Eric Lipton is the co-author of a new book, City in the Sky, The Rise and Fall of the World Trade Center, published by Henry Holt and Company, Inc., in 2003.
Class secretary - ssrey@optonline.net

Gary Porter and his wife, Mary, welcomed their first child, Benjamin Emerson, on May 9, 2003. The Porters make their home in Rockport, Mass.
Class secretary - alumni.uvm.edu

Believe it or not, we are definitely in the countdown until our 15th reunion. Hope you are starting to make plans to be in Burlington in June. Congratulations to our class president, Tony Reilly! He married Danielle Maggio last summer with a good showing from the old gang in attendance: Kevin Hench, Mike Friedman, Jeff Schulman, Matt Swanson, Jack Stout, Newt Brainard, and Mark Desjardins. Barbara Doty Gurican sent an email with the good news that she and her husband, Michael, welcomed their new daughter, Claire, into the family last May. She joins brother Jacob in the family’s Milwaukee, Wisc., home. Barbara continues to practice corporate law. Rick Hyman reported that Mitch Salaman and his wife, Erinn, welcomed their second son, Ryan, last October. He joins older brother, A.J. John Spierling lives in Colorado, where he teaches seventh and eighth grade humanities. He also enjoys mountain biking, skiing, and exploring the West. Last February, Daniel Chesney Kanter was called as a minister to the First Unitarian Church of Dallas by unanimous vote. Susan Harvey Terry lives in Virginia, and she graduated from the University of Virginia with a BS in nursing last May. She is now a medic with a local rescue squad. Andrea Salgado teaches business and conversational English in mainland China for several international companies doing business in North America. Gail Rosenthal Arkin lives in New Jersey, where she is an attorney in the Office of the General Counsel. She recently got together with Katherine McCabe, Kerin Hildebrand, and Laura Martinelli at Melinda Kirsner Sherman’s home in Steamboat, Colo. After living in New Mexico, where she earned her MBA, Greta Schuler Reinhold and her husband, Geoff, moved back to Marlborough, Mass., in 2001. They bought a house and welcomed their new son, Aiden. Dana Patenaude Mauser is a rehab therapist, and she enjoys living in Southern California but misses the snow. She still plays ice hockey and has picked up roller hockey as well. Rick Bingham lives in New York City, and he attended the February 2003 wedding of Gina Lalli and Bradley Scott. Julie Delph Smith was also in attendance. Gloria Gemma Figueroa lives in Rhode Island, and she recently welcomed her third child, a daughter, Maria. Amy Leith Gamble had a civil union in January 2001. She has two children, Jes and Gabrielle, and she lives in Montpelier, Vt. Amy was named NEITE Engineer of the Year in 2002, and she served as the Vermont ITE chapter president from 2000-2003. Carolyn Clark Bird and her husband, Gregg Ritter, moved from Seattle, Wash., to Portland, Maine, with their children Erin and Cecilia. Carolyn is a structural engineer, and Gregg is a commercial lines producer. Scott Cooper, Dan Kaplansky, Chris Capano, and Tom Eaton recently enjoyed the 5th annual “Smashmouth Sunday” at the Bleeker Bar in New York City. They are desperately looking for Paul Mendoza and Craig Staff, who are thought to be in the New York area. They would appreciate any leads as to their whereabouts. Hope you are enjoying your winter. I look forward to seeing a great turnout at our reunion.
Class secretary - katebs@comcast.net