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1950s 1960s

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Charles Carlton sent a report of his activities, including editorial contributions to books by Romanian colleagues and papers published on Nicolae Ceausescu, the Szekler minority, Romanian the “5th Romance language,” as well as a review article on Rebecca Posner, a contemporary British Romance scholar. He went on a tour of Romania in September 2003 and found that “it always reminds one of Vermont.” We were sorry to learn of the death of Robert Abbiati on September 21, 2003. In 1989, he retired as Spaulding High School vocational guidance counselor. Prior to that, he worked as a counselor for the State of Vermont. He is survived by his wife and four daughters. Doris Jones Fafunwa wrote from Nigeria about the birth of her seventh grandchild in Atlanta. The baby and his mother flew to Lagos for a naming ceremony. Her daughter, Sheri, was promoted to full professor at Central Connecticut State University, where she is head of the fine arts department. After a long battle with the government, Doris successfully retrieved her family’s land, which she plans to develop to help alleviate poverty. Doris’s husband, Babs, who celebrated his 80th birthday, received the high honor of Commander of the Order of the Niger, and Doris continues her involvement with the Braille Center and Child Life-Line. Mario Barberi sang songs at a fundraising dinner at Barre’s Old Labor Hall last October. Your class secretary asked him afterwards to contribute news for our class column. He sent an interesting article about his life work as a missionary in Japan from 1952-1992, working on agricultural development and teaching about livestock for the Division of World Missions of the United Methodist Church. Since his return to Barre, he and his wife have been singing in a choir and community chorus, entertaining in nursing homes, and learning Italian to help with family history research. Bob and Thelma Perkins have added some new activities to those previously reported. Thelma is co-chair and Bob is on the steering committee of a Lifelong Learning Institute, established by a grant from UVM. Bob is also working with Rutland Area Physical Activity Coalition, and they both worked on the campaign of former Vermont Governor Howard Dean. Bob and Thelma enjoyed a trip to Russia, taking an inland cruise on the Volga and connecting lakes and canals to St. Petersburg. Harold and Marilyn Clark wrote that a recent article about the Wall Street student program reminded them that Harold believes that the original program was initiated by Professor Ricciardi in 1949-50. The trip actually took place the summer of 1959, and Harold was to have participated, but he was employed immediately after graduation. Sylvia Morrison Kadetsky lives in Delray Beach, Fla. Her husband, Bernard, passed away in February 2003. Sylvia’s sister, Phyllis Mix ’52 of Port Chester, N.Y., attended a recent class reunion with her husband, Dr. Harry Mix. Lillian “Bunny” Cotnoir Doyle wrote from Texas that she planned to ski in Canada over the Christmas holidays. Barbara Beal Green wrote from Longmont, Colo., that she enjoys spending time with her grandson and singing in her church choir. She hopes to make another trip to Vermont. I just received an email message from Joseph (aka “Joe D”) Matteo, who keeps in touch with many of his UVM pals who are now retired: Henry and Jayne Elespuru of Sacramento/ Truckee, Calif.; Bill and Phyllis Viets of Burlington, Vt. and Naples Fla.; Dr. Ken and Sally Williams of Los Angeles; Dave Hill of Albuquerque, N. Mexico; Lou Mailea of New Brunswick, N.J.; and Tom Parker of Fairfax, Va. Joe started at UVM in January 1947, just after he was discharged, and he roomed at first in the Van Ness Hotel in Burlington, where Charles Ballantyne was his roommate. He left UVM in 1948 and graduated from Purdue in 1960.
Class secretary - candh@sover.net

Dot Post Stevens keeps busy by participating in three book groups and playing in a recorder quintet. She and Tom have given up their boat, but they still enjoy going out on their sons’ boats. Jo Buck Hayslip and husband, Ellwyn ’50, were looking forward to skiing and après ski activities in New Hampshire and Colorado this winter. Jo said that they get away with mostly après ski. Sounds good to me!
Class secretary - jsabens@aol.com

We received the sad news that Joan Crane Braverman passed away earlier this year. Joan served as our class secretary until her recent illness, and she did the best possible job for many years. Everyone loved Joan because she was always full of life and fun, and we send our condolences to her family, especially her husband, Dick. My husband and I recently enjoyed a fabulous Alaskan cruise. When we returned, our three children threw us a surprise 50th anniversary party. In attendance were 75 friends and four grandchildren. UVMers at the party were the Pearls, the Sussmans, and the Lapidows, plus three UVM children. Please send me your news. Keep it coming!
Class secretary - twre@gmavt.net


It is always a delight to hear from old friends, and I love sharing the news. Debbie Symmes Walsh reported from Southern California that, after 50 years, she saw her UVM roommate and sorority sister, Molly Sylvester Beresford, and her husband, Bill. She had a great time with them in Santa Barbara. Another voice from 51 years past was that of Bev Purinton (’54) Brown, a five-year nursing student who said, “I really identify with more people from the class of ’53.” Since she still lives in Vermont, she can keep track of building growth at UVM and can hardly believe all the houses that have gone up in what were meadows when we were there. Bev plans to stop in at UVM and look up our Milestones memory book. In another personal note, Jean Hawley Navarra, anticipating our annual get together in Palo Alto with Jane Wilson (’52) Durie and Bunny Fitzsimmons (’54) Smith, commented, “Let’s hope we have our usual reunion before we forget who each other is!” Truly, since many of us are slowing down a bit, do send your news soon to help jog everyone’s memory.
Class secretary - nanhiker@aol.com

Our class president Francine Strickler Sherman sent greetings to everyone. She wrote, “Our committee is putting together a wonderful 50th reunion celebration for June 3-6 in Burlington. Please mark your calendars and contact me at franes@cox.net to let me know of your interests and suggestions.” Last fall, I reported on a mini-reunion of Adsit House residents from 1951-52. As a result of that note, I recently heard from Natalie Little (’55) Urban, yet another member of the class of 1955. Over a 50-year period, changes in how we look should be expected. Seems elemental, but in the last few months I have recognized Robert Merchant. Bob served in the Vermont Transportation Department when I was on the Transportation Board in the 1970s, but we did not know that we were classmates until many years later. We met for the first time in 25 years, and I reintroduced myself and he introduced me to his wife, Mary. Now retired, he is living in Island Pond, Vt. It was closer to 50 years later when I saw and recognized Charlie Perkins at a funeral in Burlington, his native town. All this portends well for our forthcoming 50th reunion. Some will have changed a lot and some scarcely at all. I especially look forward to meeting Peter Rose, with whom I have shared many email messages of late. His latest communiqué was that he was in Copenhagen a short time ago, and he decided to track down our classmate Mitsuo Kawamoto, who was a friend of Peter’s. Peter wrote, “I had been thinking about this for five years, but, as we all do, I procrastinated too long. Mitz had died three years ago. So there you have it. Call someone you love before it’s too late.” There will be much more about Mitz and his career in our forthcoming Memory Book. Just in time for this issue came an email message assuring me that Harry Rutten, who once hailed from New York City, is now living in New Jersey. He plans to bike for five days from his home to UVM for our reunion as a form of contrition for his UVM days. Whatever could he mean! I look forward to seeing you at our 50th reunion if not before.
Class secretary - kwendling@aol.com

Hi, everyone! I’m writing this column as I am preparing for a New England “see the grandkids” trip. We’re up to nine of them now, including, of course, the quads in Boston and the rest in Maine. Might just have to hit Vermont en route back for old time’s sake. Hope your winter has been good to all of you, whether you are in a sunny, warm climate or the snow-capped mountains. Not too much news in this issue. Larry Sullivan of Poultney, Vt., represented UVM at the Green Mountain College inauguration of John F. Brennan recently. Marty Young of Mystic, Conn., was at a Morse family wedding recently. Hope Keeler Morse was there from California. Marty keeps in touch with Margaret McGowan Shirley, who is back teaching in New Hampshire. Dr. Peter Laibson, of Haverford, Pa., represented UVM at the Muhlenberg College inauguration of Peyton Randolph Helm last October. I chatted with Ben Aibel recently, and he enjoys his Vermont hideaway no end. I’ll get there yet, Ben! Neither of us is retired, so we just can’t do it yet. Do write to me. Be well, everyone!
Class secretary - janebattles@juno.com

We were sad to receive word of the death of Kathleen “Kay” Keresey Morse in November 2003, following a sudden illness. Kay had lived in Kingston, N.H., and had served as assistant librarian there for many years until her retirement in 1994. Since then, she did a lot of volunteer work for the library. She was a long-time employee of AT&T. Liz Semans Edelson wrote from Merion, Pa., where she lives with her husband, Philip. Through the years, Liz has spent a good deal of time working in her local library, has had her share of health issues, and is currently taking classes each semester at the University of Pennsylvania, pursuing her love of literature. She would like to know where Pat Kolk might be. Ruth Carroll Parmenter and her husband, Ed, visited recently in Burlington. The Parmenters live in Syracuse, N.Y. Ruthie was involved in a very debilitating auto accident in September 2001, but with lots of determination she is making a good recovery. Ruth and Ed have brought up 11 children, all but three of them adopted. They form quite a diverse group, a sort of United Nations in the Parmenter family. Somehow Ruthie found time to rise through the ranks of Toastmasters International and was, for a time, district governor. While maintaining the family has been foremost in Ruthie’s life, her role as district governor of Toastmasters has been a prized accomplishment. Ruthie would be happy to swap stories with classmates. Our class president Michael Rosco sent greetings from Thousand Oaks, Calif. He hopes we are all thinking about attending our 50th reunion in the not-too-distant future.
Class secretary - jkstick@aol.com

Many UVM classmates celebrated their Burlington High School 50th reunion at a beautifully organized and very enjoyable weekend of activities in Burlington. Suzanne Gurney Day, who lives in Montpelier, Vt.; John ’60 and Sally Davis (’57) Adams from Lexington, Mass.; Rhoda Rosenberg Beningson from Sarasota, Fla.; and Joan Bugbee Boardman from South Burlington were among the organizers. Joan and husband Bob held a gathering on the lawn of their lakeside home Friday night. Other UVM graduates in attendance were Martha Abell Rudd of North Pownal, Vt.; Max Ansbacher of New York City; Lewis Bodman of Kirkland, Wash.; Sally Cook Hood of Waterbury, Vt.; Lorna Dean Brown of Pocatella, Idaho; Jack Detore of Estero, Fla.; Ralph Deslauriers of Bolton Valley, Vt.; Ronald Hill of Stow, Mass.; Charles and Jean Johnson Lord of Williston, Vt.; Art Lambert of Burlington, Vt.; Peter Minott of Sarasota, Fla.; Max Rothman of Girdwood, Alaska; Miriam Samuelson of Salzburg, Austria; Roger Rivers ’58; John Richwagon of Benton, N.H.; Nelson Slack of Waterville, Vt.; Orazio Destin from Florida; Jean Mackenzie Noe of Bedminster, N.J.; Lyle Miller of Belvidere; and your class secretary. We were very happy to renew our friendships, and I apologize if I missed someone. Many submitted biographies for the reunion, and I will include some updates in this and future columns. Joan Bugbee Boardman lives on Lake Champlain for six months and in Florida for the rest of the year. She and her husband, Dave, have active outdoor lives. They have been married for 47 years and have two daughters and three sons. The sons are involved in the family business in Burlington. Joan and Dave are involved at the UVM Catholic Center. Rhoda Rosenberg Beningson and husband Herb look back on a very abundant life of sailing with their two sons and involvement with career, community, and arts support. They now enjoy attending art performances, volunteering with the Literacy Council, and taking courses. Roland and Rachel Thompson Burroughs of Underhill Center, Vt., had a great time at our UVM reunion. Roland enjoyed the Vermont Quarterly article about Professor Frank Bryan; both are graduates of Newbury High School in Vermont. Of the 11 who graduated with Roland and Frank, three others graduated from UVM: Charles Bailey, Margaret Urquehart Hutchins, Raymond Welch ’62. I was contacted by Miriam Sunderford (’54) Sargent about the Sigma Gamma reunion reported in our last column. Miriam and Gayle Rowell ’56 were two attendees from the ‘50s who did not make my report. Miriam’s aunt, Alice Sunderland, was one of the founders of Sigma Gamma in 1920. Miriam lives in Manchester, N.H., and when she wrote in January it was eight degrees below zero there. Aren’t you glad it’s spring?
Class secretary - suzanwc@aol.com

George Milo recently retired for the second time. He is now professor emeritus at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. He and his wife, Beverly, recently moved to a new home in Jacksonville, Fla. After 41 years of research in molecular human cancer, he decided to move on. They will spend summers in their home on Lake Champlain and winters in Florida with their children and their families. Their oldest grandson received an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. George hopes other classmates were as fortunate as he was to have had an outstanding professional career and an excellent retirement future. Evan Salmore of Greenwich, Conn., represented UVM at the inauguration of Purchase College’s new president, and Judith Gibson of Canton, N.Y., represented UVM at the Clarkson University inauguration last October.
Class secretary - vtdawson@aol.com

Anita Fregosi Ristau of Barre, Vt., has been awarded Nurse of the Year honors by the Vermont State Nurses’ Association. Currently, she is director of the State Board of Nursing.
Class secretary - hshaw@sc.rr.com

Judith White Pockriss of Freeport, N.Y., sent lots of exciting news about her family. Judith is the coordinator of volunteers for Nassau County Museums on Long Island, recruiting and supervising more than 600 volunteers who assist at eight museum and preservation sites. She also serves on the board of the Association of Professional Volunteer Administrators. Judith recently became a grandparent for the first time when grandson Cole was born to her son Peter, who is director of development at Historic Hudson Valley. Her younger son, Adam, works for ABC television news, and he plans to marry this spring. Bob Mashia was selected to receive the 2003 AARP Andrus Award for Community Service in the state of Massachusetts. He received the award for achievement and commitment to volunteer service. He has served AARP as well as WestMass ElderCare, and the Boy Scouts, and has had leadership roles in his church and in Rotary.
Class secretary - pheald1@cs.com

Thanks to Steve Berry of Lexington, Mass., who sent out a few email messages and received news back from classmates. Here’s what he received for this issue: Margaret Connolly Leeper, “Montana Maggie,” wrote that she and her husband are remodeling their home on Hylite Creek in Bozeman, Mont. They also have a condominium nearby in Big Sky, where they ski, hike, bike, golf, and snowshoe. They found this to be quite a change from the 42 years they spent in McLean, Va., where Margaret taught school for 28 years. She said, “Life in the fast lane of the Beltway gave way to a slow trip through the Gallatin River Canyon.” She is now involved in a docent program at the Museum of the Rockies, and she is studying life forms and landforms, dinosaurs, Native Americans, astronomy, and Montana history. She also is a ski guide at Moonlight Basin Ski Area. Husband John continues as a maritime consultant. Her son, John, and his wife, Jamie, live nearby, while their son, Matt, lives in Atlanta and works for a tire company. Sarah Lyddon Morrison reported that she is semi-retired but thinking of going back to work. She lives in Washington, D.C., where she is a volunteer foreign policy briefer on the John Kerry Campaign. She belongs to clubs and organizations and has worked for the American Legion for ten years. Sarah is the author of six books, which are still sold through Barnes & Noble’s website. Mary Prespare Maloney works at Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc., in the finance department. She lives in New York City and states that she is now a "flatlander." Mary has also volunteered at the Bronx Zoo for several years, and she belonged to the Westside Tennis Club in Forest Hills for many years until she took up golf last summer. She enjoys playing golf in Vermont. Her husband has retired from his law practice, and she hopes to retire soon, too. Roy Kelly retired in 1992 after 31 years as a music specialist. He spent six years in Vermont and 25 years with the Brookline, Mass., school system. He is now artistic director of the Charles River Chorale, director of the Snug Harbor Community Chorus, organist and choirmaster at the St. John The Evangelist Church in Duxbury, Mass., and choral director of the Ip Piano School in Boston’s Chinatown. He and his wife, Jeanine ’62, moved to Brockton, Mass., after having lived in their house in Stoughton for 35 years. They celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary last August. The Kellys have a son, Sean; a daughter, Melissa; and three grandsons. Catherine Tyler Nordquist and husband Don have lived in Charleston, S.C., since Don retired three years ago. He plays clarinet locally, but Caroline’s hip replacement surgery has curtailed her activities. She wrote, “I am now a bionic woman.” By last October, she was back tutoring at Memminger Elementary School and handling the publicity for the Metropolitan Orchestra. Betsy Samuelson Greer started out with our class but graduated from Oberlin College. She returned to Vermont in 1968 as a UPI statehouse reporter. She stayed in Washington when her husband retired because of her tennis friends, and she still keeps up with her UVM friends. She keeps busy as an advocate for those with serious mental illness, an avocation that she shared with her late husband. She continues to play tennis and golf, and she enjoys cross-country skiing. Fred Lippert, MD ’65, of Kensington, Md., hopes to retire from the Navy this year.
Class secretary - cpadams02@snet.net

Class secretary - traileka@aol.com

Spring is right around the corner if I am preparing the news for the spring issue of VQ, yet it is currently two degrees where I live, and that’s not as cold as the temperatures in Vermont. I hope we will be reading the news in friendly weather. Judith French has been a patient alumna. She has communicated with me since last spring, and, finally, I am sharing the news with all of you. Judi retired in March 2002 from her position as vice president of compensation programs for Northrop Grumman Information Technology/PRC in Herndon, Va. She moved to Lake Winnipesaukee, N.H., where she is busy with an arts and crafts business and with writing. She can be reached via email at judithfrench@verizon. net. Last summer, Judi visited with friends Hedy Ries and Judy Quigley (’64) Halpin as well as cousins David ’65 and Frances Fortier (’66) Thomas and Susan Thomas Englander. Judy also visited Colleen Denny (’65) Hertel and husband Ron ’65. Even a longtime friend such as Joan Smith Harper has a UVM connection, her husband Norman ’58. Shirley Mumford Ferguson also retired in 2002 after a 22-year career in sales with Xerox. She moved from Hopewell Junction, where she lived for 32 years in a 170-year-old house in Franklin, N.Y., in the heart of the Catskills. She does not miss her career one bit. In fact, she is busier than ever renovating, painting, and wallpapering. When she takes a break, it’s for a long walk with her two labs. She would welcome hearing from classmates, and if anyone is in the area, please contact her. Franklin is a small town, so it won’t be difficult finding Shirley. Ira Adelman of St. Paul, Minn., was installed as president of the American Fisheries Society in August 2003. The American Fisheries Society is the oldest and largest society of fisheries professionals with 9,000 members worldwide. Please keep in touch and share your news with us.
Class secretary - tonimullins@comcast.net

This is my last chance to encourage all of you to join us June 3-6 for our 40th (can you believe it?) class reunion. The celebration won’t be the same without you. So come one, come all! Linda Blow O’Conner of Cicero, N.Y., has retired from teaching preschool after 21 years. In June 2003, she traveled across country by car to visit her son and friends in California. Over the past year, she visited her daughter in Virginia and friends Gary and Marion Gladding Winch. Linda is enjoying her retirement. Peter Bigelow let us know that his son, Todd, has just celebrated his fifth anniversary working with his father in the Foresight Group, the business Peter established. His business focuses on sales and service of life and health insurance for employers and individuals. Peter will have been married to his wife, Sue, a 1963 Vermont College graduate, for 39 years on July 31, 2004. Son Todd was married in November 2003, and he and his wife live in Farmington, Conn. Peter’s daughter, Lisa, works for ConnectiCare, Inc. Norman Bohn of Charlotte, Vt., my husband and I had a wonderful trip to Italy in October 2003. We visited Susan Weatherby Engbrecht and her husband, Ron. A wonderful, fully packed four days were enjoyed by all. From Italy, we moved on to Germany for Oktoberfest, and the men traveled to France for a military history tour. Jim Rosenberg of Chestnut Hill, Mass., represented UVM at the inauguration of Boston University’s new president recently. Finally, Duane ’63 and I are proud first-time grandparents to Caroline Warner Taggert, born August 31, 2003.
Class secretary - dsbarber@earthlink.net

Jane Greenberg Patterson of Parker, Colo., recently represented the University at inauguration ceremonies at Naropa University.
Class secretary - dennycolleen@hotmail.com

Class secretary - kkmcguckin@adelphia.net

Class secretary - jane.carroll@cox.net35th

Arthur Abelson, wife Lynne, and daughter Samantha ’02 are on the move again. They recently relocated to Potomac Falls in northern Virginia. Arthur is manager of pension compliance at NRECA in Arlington. He would love to hear from anyone who is in the area. William and Jennifer Rounds (’72) Nelson of Ryegate, Vt., continue to own and operate Home Acres Farm with their sons. Jenny serves on the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences advisory board and is agricultural policy advisor to Vermont Congressman Bernie Sanders. That’s all the news we have from classmates, but reunion is coming and here are a few thoughts to help you start planning to come back to UVM this June: “Those were the days, my friend. We thought they’d never end. We’d sing and dance forever and a day.” Remember…SAGA Food Service, curfews, housemothers and their weapon of choice, the broom, the Blackout of ’69, winter days so cold your breath froze, crisp fall days and spectacular foliage, exams in Patrick Gym, studying all night for exams, keg parties and witches brew, fraternity and sorority rush, Janis Joplin and The Chambers Brothers, Julie at The Mill, 20 loaves for a dollar and 19 cent hamburgers at The Lure, coffee in The Den, football games and the UVM marching band, snow sculptures two stories tall, sharing one phone with 30 people AND it was attached to the wall. Come back, my friend. The memories never end. We’ll sing and dance for a weekend and a day. Be there again for our reunion, friends.
Class secretary - dglew@vermontlaw.edu

Make plans now to join us for Reunion 2004 — June 3-6, 2004. It's three times the fun for 35th reunion attendees! The classes of ’68, ’69, and ’70 will celebrate reunion together this year, so call all your friends and plan to be there. Here’s what we have planned: Friday, June 4, cocktails with your classmates at Waterman Manor, Saturday, June 5, celebration at the Quarry Hill Club, and Sunday, June 6, farewell brunch cruise on Lake Champlain. Be sure you save the date online
(alumni.uvm.edu) so your friends will know you’re coming.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu