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At 96 years old, Lillian Marsh looks back on a full life and many happy memories of the time she spent at UVM. She did well academically and played intramural sports long before there were any official “Lady Cats” teams. After graduation, she taught high school in her hometown of Rochester, Vt., where she still lives today. Lillian continues to keep her mind active with daily Scrabble games, and she hasn’t lost her sharp sense of humor. Always proud of being an alumna of UVM, Lillian was pleased to be able to attend UVM’s graduation celebration when her great-niece, Rebecca Jo Slater ’99, earned her bachelor’s degree in plant and soil science. She is looking forward to the graduation of another great- niece, Jennifer Anne Slater, in 2006.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

Through the kindness of a friend at UVM, I was able to attend the men’s hockey game when they played against their rival, Dartmouth, in January. Since Dartmouth had just beaten the Catamounts in a game in Hanover, they fully expected to win in Burlington. Both teams fought hard, but in the third period, Vermont tied the game, then won 4-2. Anyone rooting for the Catamounts will share my excitement over this victory. Finally, I want to remind you all again that we will have our 70th UVM reunion this June. Please try to attend the Green and Gold Luncheon, where we will be recognized for our very special reunion. Phil Gould and Herb Selib will definitely be joining me. We hope that more classmates will join us. It’s really fun.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

Mary Peet Green recently published a history of the first Congregational Church in Cornwall, Vt. The Valley Voice book reviewer described the book as “definitely worth a careful read by anyone who loves history, drama, and humor.”
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

Lorraine Spaulding Dwyer wrote that a broken hip in July changed her life around. She sold her Underhill, Vt., farmhouse and moved into the Converse Home in Burlington. Caroline Hill also lives there, and that pleases both of them. Sadly, we must also report that Harriet Gray passed away on August 11, 2003. We are still 70 to 80 strong in number, even though four score is common in age.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

The Green and Gold luncheon in June is a great opportunity for us to renew old friendships. Sadly, only four of us attended last year’s luncheon, but it was a fun event, and everyone left happy. Hope to see you in June after this brutal Vermont winter has finally come to an end. It reminds me of the winter of 1933-34 when the ROTC formation was held at 7 a.m. in the Cage, and the thermometer read minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

Like a homing pigeon, Dot Akers Cole has returned to Burlington, Vt., where she spent four happy years some time ago as a UVM student. Dot, a long-time resident of Bradford, Vt., is now comfortably settled in Allenwood, happy to be near her daughter, Debbie Cole (’66) Worthley, who is a member of the University family, as well as Debbie’s extended family and a number of Dot’s college friends living in the area. Another happy development in Dot’s life is the birth of a new great-grandson. Dot Holmes Griffith spent a welcome winter interlude in a warmer climate. Her daughter, Jane Griffith (’77) Buskirk, and Jane’s husband were in Burlington for the Christmas holidays, and when they returned to their winter home in California, Dot went with them for a visit and a respite from the Vermont winter. Don’t be a stranger. Let us know where you are and what you’re up to.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

Ruth Seaver Paige died on November 17, 2003, and we extend sympathy to her family and friends. Kenneth Estey ’41 provided insight into the early career of Reid Leonard. As a college senior, Reid worked in the old agronomy building near Morrill Hall, and both were graduate students at West Virginia University. They agree that “seniors need something to keep their interests going.” Betsy Marlowe Komline and Betty Myers Woodward recently toured Sicily, “crossroads of Mediterranean civilizations,” and an open-air museum. Here Greeks, Phoenicians, imperial Romans, Arabs, Byzantines, and Normans built their temples, theaters, cathedrals, mosaics, and villages. Betty and Betsy were accompanied by a woman who had participated in archaeological digs and had a thorough knowledge of the country. “We saw about two-thirds of the country,” wrote Betsy, “climbed more steps and stairs in that time than in a year here, saw many ruins of temples, amphitheaters, towns built on the sides and tops of many mountains, huge groves of olive, citrus trees, and vineyards. Three of us walked across the tops of the last two craters left by Mount Etna and picked up small stones still hot in small steaming areas.” Welcome news and greetings arrived from Jean Morse Blakemore in Washington state. She enjoyed reading about the Plumb family in the last VQ, a reminder that she has no offspring or siblings who attended UVM. Her mother, Mabel Gillis, graduated in 1911. Her 56th wedding anniversary was celebrated for three days across the international border in Victoria, British Columbia. She closed her letter with inquiries about Laura Dustan and Norma Woodruff.
Class secretary - marytanner@earthlink.net

“If I had it to do over, I can’t think of anything I’d rather have done,” are the words of Harold Nelson, who was featured with his family in a fascinating article with photos in the October issue of The North Star Monthly, a Danville, Vt., publication. He and his son, Bruce Nelson ’69, represent the sixth and seventh generation on their family farm, Wayside Meadow Farm, near Ryegate Corner, Vt. It has been in continuous operation by one family in Vermont since 1774, before Vermont was Vermont. An Aggie classmate, Ken Estey, sent copies of this unusual family story and added that Ed Gifford and George Bailey joined Harold and him to make up the “Big Four” close friends for many years. Raymond Betts sent best wishes to his classmates and wrote that, after living in a 1767 era home for 58 years, he and his wife have moved to a senior housing community. Hester Carver reported that she’s still enjoying the Florida sunshine, and Ed Creed wrote that he is almost a Florida native there, since he and his wife retired there 25 years ago. James Cunavelis noted that he looks daily in the Worcester, Mass., newspaper for UVM basketball and hockey scores. Before he transferred to the University of Missouri School of Journalism, Jim wrote sports news in the Cynic. Bob Davis sent greetings from his new home, which he and his wife, Barb, had built in Morrisville, Vt. Dr. Edward Eaton wrote that, although his wife, Lois, with whom he spent 61 years, died, he plans to remain in Franklin, Vt. Another Floridian, Irving Glass, reported that he is enjoying a quiet home life. Dawn Hazelett wrote that she and her husband, Bill, are still active, and they enjoy downhill skiing, sailing, flying little float planes, and spending summers on a small Lake Champlain island. Dick Healy wrote that he enjoyed reading about Joe Corbett’s book, How My Generation Met the Call of World War II, in the Fall 2003 issue of Vermont Quarterly. The photo of the Kappa Sigma brothers brought back many happy memories. He remembered Joe as a “smooth-fielding, but weak-hitting second baseman.” Dick still keeps in close contact with his old roommate, Don Maley, “The Greyhound.” A chemistry major in our class, Bill Lyman, reported that after he attended grad school at Columbia and MIT, he worked for two years at Oak Ridge and 38 years in research at Rohm & Haas. He now lives in a retirement community. Ruth Lawrence wrote that she now lives alone on her farm in Albany, Vt., and has a granddaughter, who will graduate from UVM this year. Curtis Moore reported that he is now living a quiet life in Milton, Vt. Bea MacFarland sent greetings from Newfane, Vt., where she is an active village trustee working to have paved sidewalks there. Harry Noyes wrote that he and his wife, Norma, now spend six months each year in North Bennington, Vt., and the other months in Florida. Gerald Palmer reported that, after retiring in 1985, he traveled a lot and now enjoys golf, bowling, and bridge. He and his wife, Rita Shea (’44) Palmer, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in 2004. Ora Pike wrote that she and her husband, Merton Pike ’42, still live in Stowe, Vt., where he continues to work. Paul Poulin sent greetings from California, where he has just completed his book, The Boys of Beach Hill Road, about his youth on a farm in New Haven, Vt., which is topical and humorous. He would love to hear from classmates. Dr. Elizabeth Doton Proctor detailed many events in her life with her lawyer husband, Clifford, with whom she celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in January. Before retiring in 1978, she led a busy life as a physician and had three children who graduated from Middlebury College. The Proctors now live in Harvest Hill, a retirement community in Lebanon, N.H. John Tulley’s wife, Janet, wrote that their grandson, Matthew Tobin, a UVM junior, is now in an international studies program in Spain.
Class secretary - maywoodak@comcast.net

At a recent basketball tournament in Rutland, we were constantly reminded of UVM ties. The referee, Jim Shortle, is the son of Charlie and Sis Lynch Shortle. Among the onlookers was Bill Bloomer, son of Mary Beth and Bob Bloomer. Bill has two boys playing. We also met for the first time John Hanson, a UVMer who married the daughter of Phyllis Savage Johnson, my senior-year roommate at Grasse Mount. John has a grandson playing as well. It’s a small UVM world. For more impressive news, Bob Bickford represented UVM at the Cornell University inauguration of Jeffrey S. Lehman on October 16, 2003.
Class secretary - junevt@sover.net

Sylvia Runnels and Bob and I are settled in our respective states (Massachusetts and New York) in group residences called independent living. Though our activities are shadowed by a few aches, Sylvia does Tai Chi and yoga, and Bob and I enjoy cross-country skiing, starting at our side door often in 30 inches of lake-effect snow. Kaye Ferrick Bonin of Pittsfield, Vt., retired 19 years ago as director of occupational therapy at the Vermont Achievement Center in Rutland. Kaye has two daughters, four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. She keeps in touch with Diantha Geer Reaster, whom she knew at the Tri Delt House. We would love to see them both in June. Nancy Fawcett Pearl and Houghton ’47 also moved recently. Both enjoy part-time jobs: Houghton at the Burlington, Vt., airport, and Nancy with the Visiting Nurses Association. Nancy’s comment in their Christmas note made our 60th Reunion in June come alive for me: “Please be in touch around Reunion time!”
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

Good news outdoes the bad news. Nancy McNamara Harris and husband Cliff will be heading for Sarasota, Fla., this winter as usual. The good news is that all is going well after Nancy suffered a stroke while vacationing in Vermont last summer. More good news was received from Eleanor Anderson Reed. She is back on track after losing some of her sight last summer. We all have a struggle of some kind, and it is good to hear of the winners. Virginia Coffman Allen’s son is serving with the National Guard in Afghanistan for two years. Ginny is still involved with flower show judging. She has served on the National Garden Club board, and she is the past president of Vermont Garden Clubs. Virginia Campbell Downs is still very much involved as an author. She is working on profiles and anecdotes of Vermont lawyers and judges for the Vermont Quarterly. She is also writing about Vermonters in the Civil War for the Historical Society.
Class secretary - hastories@mymailstation.com

Class secretary - rdharper@comm.umass.edu

After working at hospice, Deborah Lundblad Brunswick retired and has enjoyed traveling to Norway, Israel, and Egypt as well as singing in a church choir, swimming, and meeting with book groups. She currently lives in Siesta Key, Fla. The stars at night are big and bright deep in the heart of Jasper, Tex., as seen by Frances Kernstock Lawrence. In her retirement, she has traveled the world over with the exception of China. Frances salutes her UVM friends and wishes them well on their life journeys in the new year. Illoene Flower Brennan is the author of J. Howard: A Prophet of Our Times. The book is about her father — his biography and his past and present impact on art, culture, and social reform. He will be remembered as a true hero and icon in our nation’s history, a man who loved freedom and abhorred conventionality. He was also the author of many poetry books. Illoene’s book is available at www.1stbooks.com. Torrey Carpenter, our class president, spent part of the winter in Florida before traveling to Maine, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick in September, and to New York City in November. He wishes all classmates a happy and healthy new year. After employment with General Electric following graduation, June Felix Mona became homemaker for David, Joel, Mary, and husband George in South Burlington, Vt. She has traveled to Arizona, California, and, recently, to St. Simons Island and Savannah, Ga. The highlight of 2003 was her 50th anniversary party, hosted by her children. June attends many UVM activities, which are interspersed with bridge games, participation in a book club, piano playing, and gardening. All add up to a happy retirement.
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu

Bob Holme wrote that when he and his wife, Jackie, were in San Antonio, Tex., for their granddaughter’s wedding, they struck up a conversation with a couple who introduced themselves as Janet and Rod Whitman. It turned out that Rod was a classmate, and they have kept in touch via email ever since. Bob and Jackie have maintained a lifelong friendship with Roger ’51 and Nancy Niel (’52) Topliffe, who now live in Florida. The Holmes relocated from New Jersey to Richmond, Va., and the Holmes and the Topliffes enjoy visiting each other. Bob can be reached via email at rbholme14@comcast.net. Malcolm and Gladys Clark Severance, co-chairs for our 55th reunion, are hard at work planning a wonderful celebration dinner in Waterman Manor on Saturday, June 5. Hope you all can join in the fun!
Class secretary - alumni@uvm.edu