Class of '80

Betsy Neustein Ross, husband Larry, and son Adam live in Watertown, Mass. Betsy is a psychotherapist in private practice in Cambridge, while Larry produces documentaries for television and promotional videos for major corporations. Adam, who is two, spends his days playing and having fun. Linda Merrill Morrison and family welcomed their newest member, Sophia Ayer Morrison, on December 2, 1997. Sophia joins her siblings, Teddy, Christina, and Heidi, in the family’s Exeter, N.H., home. Linda wrote that they have “a full and rockin’ household.” Terry Troegner Simonds attended Elizabeth Bostock’s graduation from Case Western Medical School. Elizabeth is now doing her residency in Rochester, N.Y. Dr. Kyra Bannister and her husband, Dr. William Pochal, are enjoying their two wonderful children, Brina and Will. The family sails on Cayuga Lake and was hoping to ski in Vermont last winter. Kirsten Wright and husband Dan D’Amore welcomed their new son, Joseph Wright D’Amore into the world on September 28, 1998. Joseph’s two brothers, Justin and D.J., are “already showing him the ropes.”

Class of '81

Robert Sanford has a new daughter, Abigail Elizabeth, who was born on May 10, 1998. She joins her brother, Bobby, in the family’s home in Avon, Conn. Robert is still active in the family’s lumber business, Sanford and Hawley, which is in the process of opening a new branch in West Springfield, Mass. Elaine Varelas of Wellesley, Mass., was recently named managing partner of Keystone Associates, a leading career management consulting firm with offices in Boston and Burlington, Mass. Denise Lombardo Myers and her husband have two daughters, Ellie and Emma. They live in Providence, R.I. Shereen Lee Margolis received her master’s degree in public administration from New York University in 1997. She is now the network assistant vice president for grants and development for St. Barnabas Hospital in New York. Lori Vaudreuil Patten is serving as registrar at Green Mountain College in Poultney, Vt. Dr. Peter Muller and wife Carol have settled in Charlotte, N.C., where Peter has an ob/gyn practice. They have a son, Adam, who is two. Steven Rose is president of Passaic County Community College in Patterson, N.J.

Class of '82

As I write this column, there is snow in Vermont, and the meteorologists are predicting wind chill factors below zero. I hope we have warmed up by the time you get this issue. I would like to thank everyone who sent news to us and encourage those we haven’t heard from to bring us up to date. On a personal note, I am proud to write that in October 1998, my mom, Mary Arnold Peabody ’59, ’82 was honored at the Vermont Outstanding Teacher’s Recog-nition Ceremony as the Addison Northeast Supervisory Union Elementary Schools’ Teacher of the Year. She has worked as a special educator at the Bristol Elementary School for the past 14 years. Mark Carlson and his wife, Heather, have completed construction of a 16-stall barn and indoor riding ring for her horse training and his veterinary business. They live in Milford, Conn. Janet Crawshaw and her partner, Jerry Novesky, launched a magazine in 1998, entitled, The Valley Table: The Magazine of Farms, Food, and Cuisine of the Hudson Valley. Janet wrote that the magazine promotes sustainable agriculture and efforts to strengthen links between producers, marketers, restauranteurs, and consumers. Last July, Shelby Marston-Ainley attended the wedding of Cindy Coppage in Seattle, Wash. Other UVMers in attendance were Deb Brown Rogan, Lise Paradise, Leslie Neall, Kathie Baker Dzuricky, Kim Fialkoff (’83) Vorilhorn, and Steve Boucher. Everyone had fun reliving college life at UVM. John O’Brien sent word that he continues to practice law and live in Denver. Corie Rybak sent a letter to bring us up to date on her life since graduation. She currently lives in Jackson Hole, Wyo., raising her daughter, Tamara. In 1994, Corie received her master’s degree in public administration from the University of Wyoming, and she currently works as a manager of the Jackson/Teton County Animal Shelter. During last summer’s vacation, she and her daughter were joined by fellow UVMer Calla Kinne and her son. They had a great time on the Olympic Coast. Roberta “Robin” Russell has a home school for her fifth-grade daughter, Jenny. Her son, Chris, attends Sharon Academy and is in the seventh grade. Robin is currently teaching Lindy hop swing dance classes in the Upper Valley area of Vermont/New Hampshire. Also, she coaches the girls’ basketball team at the Academy. Their farm in Tunbridge, Vt., hosts a summer camp. Susan Sourdiff-Green played trumpet in her first performance at Tanglewood in Lenox, Mass., under the direction of Robert Blafield, with internationally renowned soprano, Maureen O’Flynn. Anne Sullivan Soydan makes her home in Acton, Mass. She received her doctorate in psychiatric rehabilitation from Sargent College at Boston University. Ilyse Wolfe Tretter has two daughters and stays in touch with Audrey Mello Hammer and Nancy Ferostein Selig. She also met Debbie Medescar, an AXO sorority sister at the local pool. She is currently renovating her home in Scarsdale, N.Y. Larry Whitman, his wife, Melinda, and their two children, Jennifer and Michael, live in Natick, Mass. Michael Wolf recently began a new job with Fidelity Investments, which he enjoys very much. He recently spoke to Eric Mayor and David Drummond ’81, who are enjoying success in the San Diego area. Sally Rich Harwood was promoted to vice president for planning and allocation at T.J. Maxx.

Class of '83

My husband, Dr. Jonathan Rice, teaches 8th grade math and physical science at Woodstock Union Middle School. In October, he attended a NASA Conference for educators in Florida, where he attended the liftoff of the space shuttle with John Glenn aboard and was lucky enough to watch from one of the VIP viewing areas. While shopping over the holidays, I ran into Joanne Blais ’81 and her daughter, Chelsea. We had not seen each other in several years. Joanne recently changed jobs and is presently the librarian at Crossroads Academy. Dr. Tony Rathburn ’81, G’84, came down for a visit over the holidays. He was in Vermont visiting his parents for a few weeks. Tony is still living in La Jolla, Calif., where he does post-doctoral research at Scripps Institute of Oceanography. I had a phone call from Dave Shaper recently; this is getting to be an annual occurrence. He feels guilty for not sending me a holiday card, tries to disguise it as a birthday call, and I let him get away with it. He is still living in Cleveland and is the same as ever; friends of his know that is not necessarily a good thing. Harry Eastman and his wife, Janet, live in Biglerville, Pa., with their son, Braeden, and daughter Brooke. Harry practices law with the firm of Puhl & Eastman, which he helped found in November 1997. Amy Ellis Coffey and her husband, Gregory, welcomed a son, Jonathon Davis, on June 7, 1998. The family lives in Summit, N.J. Margaret Gibson-McCoy had a son, Jackson Randall McCoy, on July 8, 1998. Margaret reported that “he is a joy.” Beth Gilpin and her husband, Mark Powell, welcomed their second child, Riley Jack, in October. Jean Hill Rademacher is currently working for PaineWebber, Inc., in the Washington, D.C. area. Kirsten Holmsen Snell was promoted to supply systems analyst last June. She enjoyed a great cruise to the Bahamas late last fall. Cai Hurt wrote that “we are both quite busy raising two boys, who are now seven and nine years old.” John Kiremidjian and his wife, Gail, are pleased to announce the birth of daughter Kelly Anne on November 12,1998. She joins big brother Jake at the family’s home in Fairfield, Conn. John is a director at Warburg Dillon Read, the investment banking subsidiary of the Swiss Bank UBS AG in Stamford, Conn. Elyse Kaufman Kirschblum and family recently built a house in Salem, Conn., and moved in on December 12. Her two daughters love it. Dr. Peter and Peggy Kohl (’84) Sorensen were pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Peter Anders, on April 3, 1998. He joins big sisters Kate and Elizabeth. Pete is head of the department of otolaryngology at the Naval Hospital in Yokusuka, Japan, where he enjoys performing surgery and taking care of the U.S. Seventh Fleet. Joan McGarry Sanborn and her husband, Thom, welcomed their second child, Clayton Thomas, on September 16, 1998. The family lives in San Jose, Calif. Joan is an account manager with Bristol-Myers Squibb. Deb Markowitz was elected Vermont Secretary of State on November 3,1998, after defeating the two-term incumbent. Deb lives in Montpelier, Vt., with her husband, Paul, and their three children. James Phillips and his wife, Lesley, are the proud parents of Emmy Louise, born on November 19, 1997, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Christine Smith Cotter is a systems consultant for BankBoston. She lives in Marshfield, Mass. Her daughter, Madeline, is in kindergarten, and son Kevin is three. Rosemary Welch Distel is director of admissions at Vermont Technical College. She has two children, Marshall and Madison. JoEllen Tarallo-Folk is director of curriculum and assessment for Windham Southeast Supervisory Union in Brattleboro, Vt. She earned her doctorate degree from Harvard University in 1986. She and her husband, Jay, make a home for their daughter, Jessica Rose, in Williamsville, Vt.

Class of '84

If you didn’t notice in the last VQ, a changing of the guard took place. At last spring’s reunion with a mere four votes (never say your vote does not count), I was elected as our new class secretary. My term runs until our next reunion. In other words, we’re together for the next five or six years, and I’m actually very excited about it. So, what does this mean…basically, write, call, or email me with updates on your life. I am looking forward to catching up with everyone, and as an additional incentive, if I don’t hear from you, I may make things up…Only kidding. As for myself, my husband, Nicholas, and I are expecting our first child at the end of April. Stay tuned for the details in the next edition. Until then, be well, be happy, have fun, and contact me soon. Bob Brown is director of college counseling at the Packer Collegiate Institute in Brooklyn. He spends summers at his home in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. William McMurray and his wife have moved back to California, due to her job with Nortel Networks. William has rejoined the staff of Wheaton Colege in Norton, Mass., and is directing all admission activities for the college in the Western states. Michael Efumio is a urologist in the Pocono region of Pennsylvania, where he is living with his wife, Kassie, and their year-old son, Conor. Jeff Alpert sent holiday greetings to everyone and hopes to see fellow UVMers at Squaw Valley in the winter. Amy Nissen Bigelow and husband Brian welcomed their second child, Ellen Fairbanks Bigelow, on July 2, 1998. She joins her sister, Sarah, at the family’s home in Essex Junction, Vt. Heidi Wilson Saunders and husband James welcomed their second child, Steven Norris, on July 5, 1998. Constance Hildebrandt Baldwin is discovering the joys of motherhood with daughter Sklyer Victoria Baldwin, born May 8, 1998. Constance is working with husband Steve in home development, doing the marketing/design work. Judith Johnson Venenga and husband John welcomed their son, Eric Gene, into the world on June 8, 1997. Liz Axelson is living in the New Paltz, N.Y., area with her son, Ben, and husband Steve. They enjoy cross-country skiing and hiking in the Shawangunk Mountains. Liz is working as an environmental planning consultant in Beacon, N.Y.. Suzy Fuchs Lavieri and husband Todd are enjoying their three sons. The most recent addition to the family is Peter Oliver, born on June 11, 1998. Major Terry Lambert was in Macedonia as a member of the Joint Contact Team Program, which promotes stability in newly-emerging democracies of Central and Eastern Europe. Lyn Vinnick Kaller married Seth Todd Kaller on November 8, 1998, at the Carlyle Hotel in New York City. One of the best parts of the wedding was the “mini-reunion” with UVM friends and husbands, including Nea Webb Hoyt, Tory Dietel Hopps, Sarah Faye Watkins, Karyn Kennedy Kurland, Michelle Hauser Nickerson, and Freda Hoyt McGuire. Maggie Railsback and son Adam are enjoying their new home in Bend, Oregon.

Class of '85

Yes…it’s spring! I hope all of you had a great winter. We got dumped on in Chicago this year, but the snow was actually pretty incredible. I hope everyone is not having too much fun to write and tell me what is going on; we would love to hear what is new in your life. Albert LaFarge recently married the lovely Jeanne Tift. Albert works as a freelance book editor; he received his master’s degree in classics from Columbia University. Chris and Jennifer Garson (’86) Beck tell me that they are still living on Hilton Head Island in South Carolina. Chris is director of conference sales for Sea Pines Resort, and Jennifer stays busy raising their three children, Taylor, Curtis, and Emily. The Becks often run into Carolyn Baltz ’84 on the island and see Greg Parkingson ’84, his wife, Loree, and their three children, Sam, Jake, and Marybeth, from time to time. Sherri Steinfeld Maxman wrote that she is a freelance book publicist living in New York City with her husband, Joel Brown ’78, and daughters Lizzy and Sophie. Richard Tetreault spends his days among various UVM civil engineering graduates at the Agency of Transportation. He spends his free time with his wife, Sue, and children Haley and Patrick. Richard sees Martin and Martha Quatt ’84 and their toddler Jake. Dara Diamant just bought her first house; she says it is great to have something that is really hers. Deborah Higgins was promoted to area coordinator at Westfield State College, where she has been working in residential life for seven years. Beth Walker Maecke and her husband, Steve, had a great time at Jamie Wechsler Fenster’s wedding last July. Also in attendance were Linda Brown Donovan, Jill Soltys Schildkamp and Patty DeLuca Burke. Penni Bennet Pomeroy gave birth to her second daughter in May 1997. She is at home raising Amanda and Abigail. Christine Saunders Connolly has a new son, Daniel Vincent, born in February 1998. He joins his sister, Katie. Jeanne Trinko Mechler is happy to have returned to full-time work as an ASIC applications engineer at IBM. Jeanne has three children, Anna, Jack, and Scott. Linda Crockett Baldor and husband Peter ’86 have a second son, Alexander, who was born in June 1998. Alexander joins his big brother, Sam, in the family’s home. Linda works at the UVM Medical School doing research, and Peter works at Green Mountain Florist Supply in Burlington. Our last note came from Valerie Artzt, who wrote that she is living in New York City with her husband, Alan, and their two children, Tristan and Remy. Val works as group counsel at American Express. Val sees Nancy Jo Miner Marsiniack and says her children are beautiful.

Class of '86

As usual, the Vermont winter was unpredictable (like the Cata-mounts’ hockey and basketball seasons). Luckily, it didn’t stop me from getting my mail. Keep those notes and emails coming. Donna Toman Salvidio married T.J. in September 1990. They now live in Worcester, Mass., with their two children, Katherine Paige, born on February 2, 1998, and Michael Austin, who is three. Donna is practicing law at Erskine & Erskine, where she concentrated on estate administration and planning. Alison Rude Naftal and her husband, Bob, welcomed their son, Benjamin, into the world on October 28, 1997. Alison is working part-time as a financial analyst and loves being a mom. Paul “T” Foley and his wife, Barbara, have a new addition to their family, Ian Michael, born October 5, 1998. Karl Douhan and his wife, Christine, were at Ian’s christening. Ian was welcomed home by his brother, Brendan, and sister Megan. Kristen Seaburg is keeping extremely busy with work and a new house. She also enjoys hiking with her black Lab, Dodger, and still finds time for sports, family, and friends. She has also made many visits to Vermont to see her parents and grandmother, who live on Lake Champlain. Robert Gardner is living and working near Charlottesville, Va. He owns a small bed and breakfast and vineyard and is also a wine wholesaler. He said that his most exciting news was bottling the first vintage of his wine, a 1997 Cabernet. Timothy and Lauren Sparks (’87) Wright threw a party last summer with a number of other alumni in attendance, including Chris Long, Dave Maeklin, Brian Murphy, and John Schwab. Timothy reported that a good time was had by all. Christopher Decker wrote that all is going well for him in Denver, Colo. He is working as a trial attorney at the Colorado State Public Defenders Office and has enjoyed success moving up through the system over the past few years. He also remodeled a turn-of-the-century Victorian home. Maryse LaForce recently celebrated her 10th anniversary with IDX. She is currently working with the clinical management system, an electronic medical record package. She trains and supports medical staff in several different specialties across the United States. Maryse asked, “David Percy, where are you?” Shannon Smith Nolan checked in to say that she is living in Fort Worth, Tex., with her husband, Stephen, and her two children, Stephen, Jr., and Patrick, and their Irish wolfhound. Annette Tolman Jones is living in Craftsbury, Vt., with her husband, Jim, and their children, Nicole, Logan, and Emily. In addition to assisting with their dairy farm, she is the town health officer and a first responder for Hardwick Rescue. Annette still works per diem at Copley Hospital in several departments and is also a school nurse in Craftsbury and Hardwick, Vt. Elizabeth Hinckley Carroll wrote that she closed her store in Fort Collins, Colo. She is now traveling as she puts on conferences and helps with native American teachings. Peter Christensen gets the award for the longest distance traveled by an email for this month. He is living in Moscow, Russia, and works for the Sea-Land Service Inc. transportation company, where he is the director of CIS logistics. He is married to Oxana Koliada. Terry Blanchet was granted tenure and promoted to associate professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the department of mechanical engineering, aeronautical engineering and mechanics. Nancy Apgar Olson wrote in to say that she has completed her 20th year of teaching English at Brattleboro Union High School. Chris Kuklinski recently relocated to San Francisco from Boston to open a commercial real estate office. Michael Bursell and his wife, Linda Meyer (’89) Bursell, welcomed their second child, Jordan Michael Bursell, on May 21, 1998. Jordan enjoys playing with his older sister, Samantha. Mike is the financial controller for Green Mountain Energy, a company that sells electricity in competitive markets and offers consumers choices of renewable energy.

Class of '87

Thanks to all of you who have written in with news lately. There seems to be quite a “babyfest” going on. Congratulations to Dan and Sally Keefer (’89) Ober on the birth of their daughter, Emma, in May 1998. Sally has become a full-time mom, while Dan manages the wood shop for Birdseye Building Co. in Huntington, Vt. Wendy Lillibridge Carbone and her husband welcomed their second daughter, Corrine Elizabeth, on August 17, 1998. Heather Drewes Feldman and her husband welcomed their son, Zeke Henry, on August 19, 1998. They continue to live in New York. Pamela Berg Nemeth wrote that she wasn’t able to make our reunion last year because she was awaiting the birth of her first child, Jacob Ben. She plans to bring him with her to UVM in 1999. Pamela and her family are moving back to Clinton,N.J., after having lived in Boca Raton for six years. Emily Weisberg Cohen, who is working as an attorney for the juvenile rights division of the Legal Aid Society and as a law guardian for children, and her husband, Judd, welcomed their son, Henry Lyle, on August 10, 1998. Kevin and Allison Korn Grohs are currently living in South Windsor, Conn., with their three children, John, Matthew, and Emily. Kevin is working at Hamilton Standard, a division of United Technologies Corp. Allison has taken a break from her nursing career to be a stay-at-home mom for the next few years. Laurie Oelbaum Sommer wrote that she and her husband, Scott, enjoy living in Scottsdale, Ariz. They have a son, Bryce, and were expecting a second child in early January. They just saw a big UVM crew at the wedding of Carolyn Williams in Stowe. James Flicker wrote that he and his wife, Marijayne Bebon (’86) Flicker are living in Fairfield, Conn., with their sons, Samuel and Nathaniel. The two, having met at UVM, will be celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary soon. Peter Eldridge is still with Bloomberg in Hong Kong, where he has been for more than six years. Matthew Kenna wrote from Colorado that he keeps busy staying ready with the local militia in between surgery rotations at the hospital.

Class of '88

Hi, everyone. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday, a happy new year, and that 1999 will be a great year for each and every one of you. Tim and I had a great holiday filled with travel, friends, family, and fun. A week before Christmas, we flew to New York and visited the Big Apple for a few days. Tim was on business, which gave me lots of time to catch up with old friends and a few UVMers. Aaron Parekh ’91, Lisa Lewis ’87, and Phil Gorrivan ’87, it was so great seeing you all after far too long. You are all so busy and doing so many exciting things; thanks for making the time to visit with me. As some of you may know, I am working for a computer hardware manufacturer called Silicon Graphics, and, since I joined the SGI team more than three years ago the internet and email have become some of my favorite hobbies. I can hardly believe that it has taken me so long to commit to learning html, but that is one of my goals for 1999. How in the world did I exist before email? I just love it. Thank you to Charles Spofford, Kathi Rawnsley, Sandra McLaughlin Schall, Stephanie Robert and Dawn Damiano (’90) Kurth, who emailed me with news and greetings. Cutting and pasting on the screen is much more fun than retyping. Please don’t get me wrong; I really want to hear from you all, so if you don’t have email, keep those letters coming or even pick up the phone and let me know what you’d like me to include in this column. Well, here we go…Here’s your news: Mitch Katz is a public affairs specialist in the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service’s Office of Public Affairs in Washington, D.C. He received the 1998 Commissioner’s Award for Broadcasting Communications, given in recognition of his work over past years as editor of the INS Communique. Recently engaged to Christine Neville, Mitch lives in Arlington, Va. In D.C., he keeps in touch regularly with Andy Abrams, who has resisted the temptation to return to New Jersey and still lives in Chrystal City, Va. Hey, Mitch, sorry I was so brief when you called. Tim and I were running late to an engagement; my apologies and thanks for writing in. Shari Dale sent a card letting us know that Mike Fox and his wife, Diane, had a baby boy, Andrew Jacob Fox, on November 5. Todd Parent is engaged, and a 1999 wedding is planned in California. Shari continues to ride and compete with her show jumping horse, Curioso. Her summer travels took her to Vermont, where she saw Jen Taylor Hubbel and family, Shawn Standen ’87, Kim Nolan (’90) Gilliam, and Courtney Walthour. Christopher and Deborah Gehardt Kirchner wrote us that all is well in Philadelphia. They are working on their old, new house and keeping in touch with Andrew Garcia, Pat Bombrake, Terry Rooney Heis, Bill Peterson, and KC Peters. The Kirchners would love to hear from you all; their email address is Allison Becker Pollock is living in Newton, Mass., with her husband, Jeff, and son Jason. Allison sent best wishes to UVM friends past and present. John and Danielle Boggio recently celebrated their 5th anniversary and the birth of their second child, Nicole Alexandra. John, Danielle, Taylor Rachel, and Nicole Alexandra currently live in Millersville, Md. Jennifer Quinn Powell, Jennifer Beaune Roe, Marianne Aiello McGovern, Lauren Springstead McGovern, and Andy Abrams all had a super time at Nancy Charland Zabatian’s wedding in Williamstown, Mass., last September. Eric and Maggie Friedfeld make their home in Arlington, Va., where they are keeping very busy with their daughter, Hallie Jane, a toddler. Craig and Heather Kinley Sherman are still living in northern California, and they wrote that “El Nino brought us the snow before Vermont this year.” Michael McGreevey had a very exciting year: he married Karen Temple on June 13 and was promoted to director of special programs in institutional advancement at Ithaca College. Bill Howard and Carolyn Chaffee ’90 are living in Salt Lake City, Utah, with their new baby, George, and two dogs. Bill and Carolyn are “hoping for major snow this season to make up for three winters in the South.” Megan Axthelm Brown is a stay-at-home mom in Darien, Conn. Megan has a three-year-old, Matthew, and a one-year-old, Mary. She would love to hear from other UVMers in the area. Claire Daley received her doctorate in education from Columbia University Teachers College. Tammy Barkyoumb Retalic is working as a cardiovascular clinical nurse specialist at UMass Medical Center. Tammy and her husband, David, are the proud parents of a new baby boy, Brendan, who has a big brother, Tyler. Sandra McLaughlin Schall has been living in Livermore, Calif., for more than ten years and has been married to her husband, Jeff, for nearly nine years. Sandra has two wonderful boys, Justin and Tyler. She has been the lead therapist at private practice clinics for the past three years. Stephanie Robert wrote that she recently started as a professor in the school of social work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Charles Spofford wrote, “Sherin and I are doing well. Heather, our latest addition, is great, and Knowles just turned three in January. Time flies. I am working for a large softward company called SSA (System Software Associates) and heading up the communications group. SSA was a client of mine when I was in PR, and they hired me in August.” Another cyber-UVMer, Dawn Damiano (’90) Kurth sent me an email to tell me that she is still at AIG Financial Products Corp., and she completed NYU’s executive MBA program in 1997. Dawn is now co-heading a credit derivatives group for her company. She and Rich have been living in New Canaan, Conn., for more than five years. Kathi Rawnsley sent email that she and her husband, Tom Glenwright, were married in April 1997 at the Holly Farm in Carmel, Calif., with Paula Meiselman, Christie Althen Burke, and Deb Persson in attendance. Kathi also wrote that her son, Charles Thomas Glenwright, was born on August 29, 1997. She wrote, “He’s our first, and we’re really enjoying parenting…sleep deprivation isn’t so bad.” The family lives in Palo Alto, Calif., where Kathi practices law, specializing incorporate securities work in the Silicon Valley office of a large firm. Kathleen Shea O’Connell married Tom O’Connell, a 1987 graduate of Villanova, in 1994. They have two children, Ryan, who will be three, and Erin, who was born last June. Kathleen and family live in Norwell, Mass., and she works part-time as a realtor for Hingham Real Estate. Kathleen gets together with Lisa Fraher Williams often. Lisa and her husband live in Andover, Mass., with their daughter, Casey. Lisa works part-time as a cash management consultant. Sue enjoyed visiting Jen Liu Ward in Australia. Jen, husband Brian, and children Alec and Katie are now back in the U.S., living in Wilton, Conn. Well, all my fellow UVMers of 1988, that’s all I received for this Quarterly. I hope you enjoyed it. Please keep those letters and emails coming. Happy winter/spring to you all.

Class of '89

News continues to pour in, thereby making our column the envy of Class Notes. Keep it coming—our column really is a great way to keep connected with classmates. Hope you all received your Reunion newsletters and are busy making plans for accommodations and childcare. Meg McGovern and our events committee have a wonderful weekend planned. You won’t want to miss a minute of the fun. Don’t hesitate to call the Alumni Office at (802) 656-2010 with any questions. Now on to the news…Congratulations to Dan and Kate Fallon Croteau, who had a baby girl, Elizabeth, in December 1998 in Sydney, Australia, and to Tony and Elena Kraus Shulman, who had another baby girl, Samantha Frances, in Reno, Nev. More good news is that Kim Slomin was recently engaged and plans to marry in September. Bob Saada keeps in touch with Moe Kelly, and his antics are apparently being passed down to the kids. Ted “Shredr” Hanley lives in Warren, R.I., with his wife, Lisa Wilson from Melbourne, Australia. He recently graduated from URI engineering school with a BA in mechanical engineering. He now works at Teknor Apex in Pawtucket as a project engineer. Sharon White Carney is married to Daniel Carney, and they live in the Boston area with their son Christopher and twin daughters Meghan and Caitlin. Sharon works part-time at Sun Gard Brokerage Systems as a business analyst, and she keeps in touch with Kathleen Raftery, Nancy Seward, and Gloria Gemma. Daniel Kanter received his MDiv degree in 1998 from Starr King School of Ministry in Berkeley, Calif., and completed an intern ministry year at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of St. Louis, Mo. He was ordained and installed by the Society of Kings Chapel in November 1998 and is the assistant minister for King’s Chapel in Boston. He and his wife, Marianne Gargour, live in Cambridge, Mass. Susan Nicosia Brennan and her husband, Robert, live in Austin, Tex., with their new daughter, Natalie, born last September. Coincidentally, fellow classmate Peggy Dunn is a labor and delivery nurse at Seton Medical Center in Austin and successfully assisted Susan through labor. They were able to talk about days at UVM between contractions, and Susan thanks Peggy for all her help and support. Jodi Nussbaum Solomon lives in Larchmont, N.Y., with her husband, Mike, and her two sons, Alex and Harry. Richard Seabury is a flight engineer for Continental Airlines on its European and South American routes and is training for the MD-80. Any friends flying Continental should listen up while aboard. Thomas and Po Nu Murray live in Norwalk, Conn., with their three daughters. Po is currently doing per diem PT work at Norwalk Hospital, and Thomas is working at Nine West Group, Inc., in White Plains, N.Y., as vice president of operations for their international division. Gretchen Kirby lives in Irvine, Calif., and is a teacher in the Newport district. Donald Fox married Rachel Hammel in September 1998 in Cumberland, R.I. In attendance were David Paolella ’90, Sarah Rodier ’90, Debb Ireland ’90, and Dr. Sue Kennedy ’90. Donald and Rachel live in Pascoag, R.I., and David works as a general manager of Forte Cashmere Co. Sue Henry lives in Lewisburg, Pa., and is a teacher and an administrator at Bucknell University. Michelle Dunn Dolgner received her CPA certification in July 1997 and now works as a controller for Wick Buildings in Mazonmarie, Wisc. Her son, Nikolas, was born in June 1998. Sean Lally is a partner at Lally & Lally in Kinderhook, N.Y. Lori Cooper Ahdieh lives in Allentown, Pa., and has two daughters. Jared and Gail Masciantonio (’86) Welsh live in Hopkinton, Mass., with their new daughter,