Class of '60

Evelyn Krueger Indek visited UVM last summer and thought everything looked great. She hopes that her granddaughter, daughter of Ben Indek ’84, will one day be a UVMer. O’Neill and Sandi Concannon (’61) Keeshan moved back to Burlington in 1997 after more than 20 years in Wellesley, Mass. Sandi still travels to maintain her Boston-based design business, while O’Neill works from Burlington as an independent broker. Daughter Kim ’85 and her husband, Chris Moran ’83 are nearby neighbors in Burlington, and the Keeshans enjoy spending time with their grandchildren. Helen Fellows retired from teaching French in Oakland, Calif. She still lives in the San Francisco area and enjoys annual trips to SanMiguel de Allende, Mexico. John Widman retired from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry in 1994. His wife, Nina, continues to teach third grade in Hagerstown, Md. They live 25 miles west of Gettysburg.

Class of '61

Margaret Connolly Leeper has been an elementary school teacher in Fairfax County, Va., for the past 26 years. She is a reading specialist and currently teaches a fourth/fifth grade combination class. Stanley Ather purchased a 63-acre farm with a 110-year-old house in Bristol, Vt., which he is in the process of remodeling to use as a summer home. He went back to work part-time as a tutor in an after-school program. Stanley enjoys spending time with his seven grandchildren. Susan Pearlberg Weinstein owns Advant-age: Buyer Realty, an exclusive buyer agency in New City, N.Y. She has been a realtor for the past 25 years. Her husband is semi-retired, but continues to work in menswear. Daughter Judith is a nurse in New York City; daughter Marilyn is an attorney in San Francisco. Martha Lawton Nielsen and husband Louis have moved to the east side of Providence, R.I. and love city life. They spend lots of time with their three newest grandchildren, twins Max and Brian and Rose, all born last October. Cynthia Beilig Bendelac is an importer and wholesaler of folk art as well as clothing and accessories from Morocco.

Class of '602

Linda Leffel Landow and husband Lloyd of Dix Hills, N.Y., announced the birth of their second grandson, Elia Jacob Levitin, on November 5, 1998. The parents are their daughter, Robin, and husband Sol of Manhattan. Nancy Streit Sheeler wrote that, after 25 years of living abroad, she returned to New Hampshire in 1993. Her daughter is marketing director of the Atlantic Theater, and her son is a financial analyst at DLJ; both live in Manhattan. Barbara Gioria Comtois retired from teaching home economics in June 1997 after 30 years. Her retirement has been enjoyable and very busy. Dr. Jeffrey Steckler wrote, “We are still alive and kicking. Next year may be better.”

Class of '64

Happy Spring to all of you. May you enjoy the unwrapping of mother nature’s beauty around you. Leonard Nemon let us know that he enjoyed our last reunion and looks forward to visiting UVM this summer. Please share more news with us.

Class of '605

Ellen Wachtel is the author of We Love Each Other, But…, which was scheduled to be published by Golden Books in February 1999. Fred Tripp became president of Starkweather & Shepley, Inc., a regional insurance brokerage firm in East Providence, R.I. His daughter graduated from Colgate University, and his son received a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Pennsylva-nia. Fred lives in Barrington, R.I., with his wife, Nancy. Marty Welt was named a Bell Laboratories Fellow last September. Joel Bessoff and wife Marion are doing well in Longmeadow, Mass. Along with sons Brian and Kovi, they are looking forward to visiting their son, Noah ’97, in Beijing, China, where he is studying Chinese language. Joel continues to practice gastroenterology in Springfield, Mass. Delores Rioux Frascoia and husband Ron have retired from their respective jobs and are enjoying their leisure in the company of their children and grandchildren. They enjoy spending time at their summer home on Lake Seymour in Morgan, Vt., and traveling. Barbara Isham Dobay continues to work as a staff nurse-midwife, specializing in menopausal health, at Yale University Health Plan. Daughter Amy teaches in San Francisco, and son David is finishing school at Colorado State. Barbara plans to remarry Bjorn Livingston from Sweden. Samuel Seward has purchased, but not yet moved into, a 100-year-old mansion in Milwaukee. He is looking forward to the project of restoring it over the next two years. Bill and Margie Edwards (’64) Douglass make their home in Jericho, Vt. Bill is a sales representative for Johnson Wax, while Margie is a nurse practitioner at a local health clinic. Margie was recently named Vermont Nurse Practitioner of the Year.

Class of '66

Dr. Joyce Smith was recognized by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences as a leader in the profession at their annual meeting in Atlanta. She is currently in her twenty-first year on the faculty at The Ohio State University in Columbus. Alan Rosenstein, MD, is vice president and medical director for VHA West. He and his wife, Bonnie, and their two children, Andy and Mexa, are living in San Francisco. Laurence Miller, MD, is the medical director at the Arkansas State Hospital. He recently was appointed medical director of the Division of Mental Health Services for the state of Arkansas. Laurence is also a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. He and his wife, Anne, have made their home in Little Rock for the past four years. Your class secretary and husband, Ken McGuckin, attended the wedding fiesta of Kathy’s daughter, Jennifer, who was married in Puerto Penasco, Mexico, on the Sea of Cortez on December 19, 1998. Carol Jenne Pound is living in Goodyear, Ariz., and is working as an agent for a local Arizona artist who teaches painting all over the world. Please write to your class secretary with some news.

Class of '67

Greetings to the Class of 1967. Our news section has been noticeably empty for the last few issues, so consider this a plea to send me information about yourselves. You can email me if that is easier. I am living in Providence, R.I. If you look closely, you can see the corner of my street in the opening segments of the new television show by that name. I am still involved in the plastics industry (having been unduly influenced by The Graduate upon leaving UVM) and am currently working on launching a new product line of insoles geared to the medical and industrial markets. One child is married, one is at Skidmore, one graduates from high school this year, and one is at home. Soon it will be just me and the dog. Donald DeVries has been appointed vice president for development and acquisitions at Millennium Healthcare Centers. He wrote that his son, Peter, attends the University of Colorado Medical School. Diane Glidden is divorced and living in Pepperell, Mass. She is a floral designer and has owned Trillium, a gift shop in Groton, for more than ten years. Daughter Lee, an honors graduate from UNH in 1995, was married in June of 1998. Son Clark is living in Vermont and working for a landscaping company.

Class of '68

The classes of 1969 and 1970 will join us as we reminisce and rejoice about our UVM days. The beautiful Quarry Hill Club will host our special Saturday evening gathering, which promises to be entertaining and enjoyable. As a special bonus, we have the option to sign up for a special Sunday breakfast cruise on Lake Champlain. Be sure to send in your registration forms early. See you in Burlington. Jean-Guy and Connie Moore (’69) Beliveau spent six months in Cote d’Ivoire on a Fulbright. They visited Mali, where daughter Denise served in the Peace Corps. Daughter Michelle is a nurse in Middlebury; Chantal is a civil engineer in Manchester, N.H.; Denise works for the Burlington Chamber of Commerce; and Lia is at UVM. Andrew Kilpatrick published Of Permanent Value: The Story of Warren Buffet, 1998 edition. Andrew is a financial advisor
with Prudential Securities in Birmingham, Ala. Joyce Herlihy Monroe has continued to teach French and Spanish as well as coordinating the French exchange program for the past 10 years. Last December, she gave a conference at the French Institute at the request of the French Embassy Cultural Services. Joyce has two children, Marc and Melinda, who love skiing. Kim Bent is artistic director of Lost Nation Theater, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in the city of Montpelier, Vt. in 1998.

Class of '69

The classes of 1969 and 1970 will be joining us as we gather at UVM to celebrate our 30th reunion. See you in June. Edward and Rosemary Manning Payne wrote that 1998 was the graduation year for their twin sons, Arthur, from Allegheny College, and Charles, from Maine Maritime Academy. Charles received his degree in mechanical engineering and is currently employed by the American Bureau of Shipping. Robert Moeller wrote sadly from Palisades Park, N.J., of the death of his wife, Sue, in 1997. Daughter Jennifer graduated from Dartmouth College in 1998, and son Erich attends a restaurant school in New York.