Class of '50

Harry Nelson represented UVM at the inauguration of James Wright as president of Dartmouth College last September. Helen Post showed her paintings at the Atheneum gallery at RIT’s learning center. Mark Stoddard wrote, “There is not much change in my family constellation from a year ago, except that we are all a year older.” Donald Farrington of Noank, Conn., is looking forward to the class’s 50th reunion in June 2000. He noted that it will have been a half century since he has been back. Jack Himnan of Malone, N.Y. became the grandfather of triplets last October. Rita Karp Coleman is still working as an art therapist at Rye Hospital Center. Philip Sweetser retired from DuPont Co., in Wilmington, Del., then returned to Vermont. He enjoys skiing, making maple syrup, and travelling.

Class of '51

Lee Ramsey wrote that he is at Starr Farm Beach in Burlington from July 1 to October 1 every year. He said, “We’re happy to see old friends.” Ed Streeter sent a Christmas card with a picture of his lovely home nestled in a beautiful wooded area of Shenandoah Junction, W. Va. Ed moved there in 1968 and retired in 1988. He keeps in touch with Lindley Hartwell’s mother and Betty Bandel. Ed mentioned the positive influence Ms. Bandel had on him and other students while at UVM. Jeanne Farr Semonite wrote that she and her husband, Bill ’50, had a UVM get together at their home in Bellows Falls, Vt., last August. Anita and Bob Vachon, Marcia Burch, George Cunavelis, Steve Palmer and his wife, Nancy, and Dick Brockway and his wife Lois were there. Steve and Dick performed at Winter Carnival in 1951, representing Chi Sigma Zeta, a local fraternity which later became part of Theta Chi. It was such a pleasure to meet Kathy Wendling from South Pomfret, Vt., who is the secretary for the class of 1954. We both attended the Woodstock Historical Society Christmas party. Kathy is also secretary for the historical society. Dick Fink and his wife, Claire, have had another busy year traveling. They wrote, “In August, we flew to Helsinki, Finland, and boarded a small family-owned Finnish ship for a Baltic Sea cruise. We toured St. Petersburg, Russia, which was the highlight of this trip.” Dick and Claire enjoy living year round in Florida and having only one house to look after. Dick plays tennis daily and golf weekly. Way to go, Dick!

Class of '52

My husband and I recently returned from a wonderful week in beautiful, colorful Jamaica. “No problem.” Please let me know where you’ve been, where you’re going, and what you’re doing. I’d love to hear from all of you.

Class of '53

Jean Hakanson Hawes and husband John of Raleigh, N.C., are still enjoying their retirement. They travel a lot and volunteer in their community.

Class of '55

Nancy Collins Schmidt moved to New Bern, N.C., in August 1998, and she hopes it will be her final move. She enjoys being closer to her six children and nine grandchildren, all located in the Northeast. Nancy would love to hear from other UVMers in New Bern.

Class of '56

Happy New Year to all. Another year has arrived, and new adventures for us all are ahead. Please take a few moments from your day to let us know what you are doing. Gordon Howath has been retired for the past 10 years and is enjoying every moment. He and his wife, Judy, enjoy travelling, boating, playing tennis and golf, and, of course, their four grandchildren. Gordon keeps in touch with Bill Meyer, Dick Spaulding, and Gil “Red Man” Deitrick. All are well.

Class of '57

As I write this note to my classmates, it is February 1. We just had a blue moon in January; in February, there will be no full moon, and in March, another blue moon. What are the chances of that occurring again in our lifetime? Which brings us to our mortality and the urgency of your sending us news so we can share the procession of our lives. To those who have not written us in a blue moon, please make it your goal to write before the eclipse of the sun, coming on August 11. Maybe you’ve met a classmate in your travels. I ran into Max Ansbacher and his wife, Christine, at a reenactment of the Battle of Antietam in late 1997. He noticed my UVM baseball hat first. He was wearing a UVM hat also. Max and Christine live in New York City, and both are Civil War buffs. I received an interesting letter from Jessica Schildhaus Fischer, a classmate of ours with whom I attended school from seventh grade through graduation from UVM. Jessica wrote from her home in Israel, “A little over a year ago, I had a wonderful reunion with my childhood friend and classmate, Miriam “Mimi” Samuelson, who came to Israel for a visit. Since then, we’ve been corresponding via email (and sometimes snail mail). Jessica teaches English privately and to her grandchildren as well as volunteering in a nearby elementary school. Richard Greene wrote from Hollywood, Calif., that he has opened a management firm called Superstar Enterprises. Don’t forget, we will be having our next reunion in 2003 with the classes of 1958 and 1959—a cluster reunion.

Class of '58

We seem to have a lack of news. Could it be that we are having too much fun? If you don’t have time to write, I’m back online. On September 25, 1998, Andrew Skroback represented UVM at the inauguration of Frederick W. Woodward as president of West-field State College in Westfield, Mass. Hope to hear from more of you next time.

Class of '59

The reunion committees have been hard at work and have planned some wonderful reunion activities. Our Saturday evening dinner at the Burlington Country Club promises to be memorable, and the lake cruise on Friday should provide some spectacular views. Good events with great company. What more could we ask for? See you in June. Mary Arnold Peabody was honored at the Vermont Outstanding Teachers’ Recogni-tion Day on October 21, 1998, as the Addison Northeast Supervisory Union’s Elementary School Teacher of the Year. She has been a special educator in the Bristol Elementary School for the past 14 years. She and her husband, Jim ’60, make their home in Bristol. Caryanne Whitmore Ericson has moved to Connecticut and bought a smaller house. She is now a widow and would love to see UVM friends who live on the East Coast. Caryanne plans to attend the class’s 40th reunion. Paul Bristol continues his career as a musician under his native and professional name, Pablo Lonesome Wolf. He has appeared at Foxwood’s Casino.