Class of '40

ATTENTION, CLASSMATES: Volunteers are needed to plan our 60th reunion, June 2-5, 2000. The following members are planning to be on campus for the reunion next year — Florence Wade Eaton, Eleanor Brody Diamond, Alice Hudson Morrow, Betsy Marlow Komline, Jean Butler Pye, Dr. Ed Irwin, Veleida Fleming Reed, and your class secretary. We’d love to add your name to the list. Seven undergraduates received financial aid from the Class of 1940 Scholarship Fund for the academic year 1997-1998. The total amount given was $16,670. Letters from the recipients expressed their appreciation. Easing the financial burden enabled one student to spend more time on her studies. Another was grateful for the opportunity to pursue his goals in the natural sciences. For the daughter of a veteran, the scholarship was an especially meaningful award. Congratulations to Ethyle Wolfe, who was a guest at the White House ceremony on November 5th for the presentation of the Presidential Medals for the Arts and Humanities. Dr. Wolfe, who received the 1990 award, presented five distinguished Americans for their national contributions to the humanities. Florence Wade Eaton reported that she enjoyed a wonderful trip to New Zealand and Australia last October and November. Your class secretary attended a Twelfth Night celebration in Monroe, N.H., featuring the resplendent court of Queen Elizabeth I. Reid Leonard continues his appearances at craft and furniture shows. Between December 1998 and May 1999, he will have demonstrated his decorative furniture in several major cities. Robert Dunning sent his best wishes. He has retired from his second career as a metal sculptor and has moved to Concord, N.H. Hugh Ripper reported a “happy and healthy” retirement in Maine. I was sorry to learn of the death of Charles Sheldon in March 1998, at home in the farmhouse in Fair Haven, Vt., where he spent his entire life. It is gratifying to know that his son continues to operate the family dairy farm.

Class of '42

Hester Rice received a pin for 2,000 hours of volunteer service at the North Country Hospital in Newport, Vt.

Class of '43

As I write, it is the beginning of a new year…the last year of the millennium. This is especially exciting for us septuagenarians, since we will have a foot in two centuries, so to speak. We have probably all learned not to start a sentence with, “Now, when I was a boy/girl,” when speaking to our children. Our grandchildren seem to tolerate it better, even welcome it at times. We do have many things of interest to relate, and perhaps this is the time to put our recollections in writing (or on the computer or a cassette) for posterity. While you are in that “writing mode,” please drop me a line to include in my next column. You have a lot of friends out there in the class of 1943 who would love to hear from you or about you. Nothing would be considered too trivial. I don’t want any of you to think I am shirking my responsibilities…you might impeach me. I did have a surprise phone call from Joe Corbett on December 31. He sounded “chipper” and told me that he and Mary were going to welcome in the New Year with the George Littles, the Torrey Carpenters, and the Howie Vreelands. Howie and Lynn Vreeland have purchased a condominium just a few doors down from the Corbetts in Burlington. They plan to live there for part of the year. How nice for all you Burlington alums. I also had a surprise holiday call from Mary Butler Bliss, who has finally retired and is enjoying life and her family in Taunton, Mass. On a personal note, I am happy to report that my husband, Red, is doing well after a “down year” healthwise. We wish you all the best in 1999 as we look forward to that magic year 2000.

Class of '44

Before we know it, we’ll be back on campus celebrating our 55th UVM Reunion on June 3-6, to be exact. A terrific weekend is in store for us, highlighted by dinner Saturday evening on the top floor of Waterman overlooking beautiful Lake Champlain. Of course, the Green and Gold Luncheon is another event you shouldn’t miss. Hope to see you all in June. Dorothy Wimmett Costello is enjoying cardiac rehab at the Patrick Gym twice a week. Of her eight children, seven live in Vermont. Son Edward died in 1993. Her grandchildren are in college in New York, North Carolina, and at Harvard.

Class of '47

James and Lois Stevens Shapland wrote that they were retired from the public school system and living in Niskayuna, N.Y. Mary Brisbin Jones wrote from Donaldsville, Ga., with the sad news that her husband, Cecil, passed away in July 1998. Mary would love to hear from classmates and to see more news in VQ, especially from Sigma Gammas.

Class of '48

Merle Houghton has been retired since 1989. Elizabeth Cayey Shultis was elected to the New Hampshire House of Represent-atives last November. She is joining classmate Marion Lamson Copenhaver, who is also in the House. Elizabeth noted that UVM is well-represented in New Hampshire state government. Audrey Gutterson Batchelder wrote, “The 50th reunion of the class of ’48 was a very special event. Meeting old friends and classmates was a fantastic experience.”

Class of '49

Have you started packing yet? Selected the dress you’ll wear. Brushed up on the words to “Champlain” So much to do and so little time to do it. The dates for our BIG 50th Reunion celebration are quickly approaching. A special weekend is planned, and we’ll be the honored guests. If you haven’t already registered, do it now. You’ll not want to miss a moment of the fun. See you on campus. Oh, and don’t forget to turn in your memory book article. If you need another copy, contact the Alumni Office at (802) 656-2010. Nancy Tobey Shisler wrote from Zephyrhills, Fla., that a Telephone Pioneers Family Campers International Rally took her to Minnesota in August 1997. She fell in love with Lake Superior and the upper peninsula of Michigan. Another rally took her to the Chesapeake region of Virginia in 1998. She plans to attend the international rally in Dallas, Tex., in October 1999. Rita Gilman Kuperberg wrote that she and her husband, Sid, spent a wonderful day with Teresa Guzowski Johnson and her husband, Norman, when they were visiting Albuquerque, N.M. They enjoyed reminiscing about UVM. William Matthews and his wife are “still breathing in and breathing out.” William serves on the library board in St. Ansgar, Iowa, volunteers with Housing for the Elderly and the care committee for the county care facility, and he is active in the local Lions Club and the American Legion.