Class of'34

Another plea to my 1934 classmates: PLEASE send me news items for future issues of the Vermont Quarterly. You may not think they are important enough. I can assure that someone who gets the magazine will be happy to read them. I hear on good authority that even a number of alumni from other classes read our column every issue. Recently, I had a nice note from Daphne and Win Coburn telling me that they celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary at a party given by their two daughters, Marilynn Nuch and Joyce Robbins ’66. Congratula-tions from all of us. Win also wrote that he received a phone call from Jack Libby during which Jack mentioned that he hoped it would be possible to publish one more Echoes ’34. However, I have not heard anything further about that possibility. Thanks, Jack, for thinking about it. William and I were at our camp at Colchester Point all summer, but we are now back at our condominium in Burlington. On October 10, we had our sixty-third wedding anniversary. We also announce that we now have fifteen great-grandchildren, because our granddaughter, Karen Venner, adopted Maya Kimberley and Cole Alexander Venner. Karen lives in Kailua, Hawaii. She also has a son, Taylor William Venner. Our classmate, Phil Gould, who lives in Essex Junction, has been looking into plans for our 65th Reunion next june. So far, I have no definite plans to announce. He has been in touch with the university, and so, if any of you have definite ideas about what you might like to do, drop me a line, and I’ll pass them along. Let’s get some excitement going. William and I were sorry to hear from her daughter that William’s classmate, Winona Oatley ’35 Wurzbacher, had passed away. Winona was a long-time secretary for her class and wrote the alumni news for her class column. Her father and my father were classmates in UVM’s class of 1902.

Class of '36

It seems that the members of the class of 1936 are doing their own things but not letting the rest of us know what’s going on with them. So, not hearing from any of you, this is what keeps John and Inez happy. We do all the "local stuff," which is probably common to all. For out-of-town activity, we try to attend elderhostels. The Jekyll Island courses, sponsored by Georgia State College, and the Chautauqua classes in western New York are recommended. We have enjoyed these, made some new friends, learned a little, had some fun, and come back home feeling good about the U.S.A. More news is needed, so please send it along. We’d love to hear from you all.

Class of '37

Phelps Pond sent best regards to his friends in Boulder. He was unable to join them for the Boulder breakfast last June.